How IBD gave my life direction

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Aug 16, 2009
Hey, everyone.

Just wanted to blubber a bit, and share a little positivity. I have been through a lot with this disease, but through it, I have found my passion- what I feel I was meant to do in life. I'm spiritual, I believe in the universe, so to speak. So maybe the universe wanted me to have a battle with Crohn's so I could find the right path. What path is that, you ask? I have now found a passion for health and fitness. If someone had told me I'd be pursuing that field professional 10 years ago, I would have peed my pants laughing. It was no where on my radar. Until I met with my disease.

After having CD, I've gained a lot of experience. It's difficult to put into words. I know what it's like to be a prisoner in your own body. And not just from the IBD, but from other states of poor health before I had my first flare of IBD. I used to be overweight. I was a prisoner then, too, because I couldn't physically do everything I wanted to do. Then I had my first bout with CD, and I was extremely underweight. Again, I was a prisoner, physically trapped. I believe it is through both of these experiences that I have gained enough knowledge that I hope to help others free themselves from such shackles, whether it be losing weight, gaining weight, quitting smoking, improving overall health. I don't want anyone feeling like a prisoner, the way I did. And I will do what it takes to help others.

I have quite a twitter following, and I've just started a YouTube channel that talks about all kinds of health/fitness/IBD things. I'm still working on getting it more organized and better quality, but if you're interested in learning about different vitamins, minerals, body functions, etc, then perhaps check it out. I'm a personal trainer, still furthering my education, and studying nutrition.

Thank you, Crohn's, for giving me a passion. After all you tried to take from me, I've over thrown, and taken from you.

I hope others are having experiencing health and remission, as I am now. To those that aren't, hang in there. It's not how many times you get knocked down that counts, it's how many times you get back up.

Hugs to everyone!

Overall, Crohn's has been terrible for me and my son is the one who actually has the disease. All of the work and worry has no doubt shortened my life and of course I have a sadder life. Crohn's has made me a stronger person, though and it's apparent in a few areas of my life. One, having the confidence to earn an income after 20+ years of earning nothing, which allows our family to travel more and not worry so much about the medical bills. Still, I hate you, Crohn's and I would happily go back to being my former, weaker self, if you would just go away.
Everyone's experience is different. I'm not saying I love having crohns, or like having it. I'm just showing how a negative became a positive for me. I try to take something positive from every experience I have, crohn's related or not. I kind of feel like you are trying to take away from the positivity of my post. Having a negative attitude won't get anyone anywhere. I struggle with maintaining positivity, so I don't appreciate when people seem to be trying to rain on my parade, so to speak. I'm sorry that you have suffered- but so have I, and everyone else here. You can make the best of it, or you can dwell on it. No one here would choose to have IBD if given the choice. But we don't have that choice. I can only choose how I respond to it. And I choose to fight for positive things, the things worth fighting for, instead of feeling sorry for myself.
perhaps to try and rephrase the point you are trying to make here: to try and find something good about something that seems to be nothing but bad and to re-interpret what it means to have been afflicted with a disease. You are trying to be resourceful, rather then come to the general conclusion that there is no value whatsoever in this experience.

At one time I had that mindset and in a way i still do, but it has manifested itself into a different experience for me, I don't say im finding the good in the bad or anything like that, i actually saw it as a way to understand this disease and find the causes and learned how it all worked, since i have it, and its a mystery to most of society, maybe i could use my powers of observation take notes and understand its true nature, this lead me to shape my own opinions about what the causes of IBD and crohn's is, but i also read every study i could find I wasnt just concerned about my own original thoughts, and that lead me to finding out that antibiotics could have caused my disease, and fecal transplants would likely be the cure.

So anyways, i think i know what you are getting at, and i too am health nut to the max i'm always telling people about vitamin d's link to all diseases and its link to IBD, and fresh fruit and fiber etc. among a million other scientifically know links to human health and disease, in hopes i would prevent them from a similar fate.
Everyone's experience is different. I'm not saying I love having crohns, or like having it. I'm just showing how a negative became a positive for me. I try to take something positive from every experience I have, crohn's related or not. I kind of feel like you are trying to take away from the positivity of my post. Having a negative attitude won't get anyone anywhere. I struggle with maintaining positivity, so I don't appreciate when people seem to be trying to rain on my parade, so to speak. I'm sorry that you have suffered- but so have I, and everyone else here. You can make the best of it, or you can dwell on it. No one here would choose to have IBD if given the choice. But we don't have that choice. I can only choose how I respond to it. And I choose to fight for positive things, the things worth fighting for, instead of feeling sorry for myself.

Everyone's experience is different and I only spoke about how it is for my family. Mostly terrible, but I did mention one positive. That's all I can manage right now, as I watch my son suffer.
I love your attitude! Good for you and you finding a positive amongst a negative.

My child also suffers but I try to teach her that .......
she may have these diseases but they don't have to have her.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.:ghug: