How is everyone doing? :]

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Nov 12, 2010
I haven't been on in a very long time. I've just been trying to get my life back together after that roller coaster of 6 months...but I'm eating normally! Eating everything in the dang house :] still won't gain weight though, I seem to stay at 90 no matter what! But no complaining there.

So, how is everyone?
So I havent had the pleasure of meeting you, so welcome. Btw you wanna gain wait come to my house, even the cat is overweight ;) Do you have a lot of D? You may need more protein and carbs but good carbs. :hang:
Hi Kate - Glad to hear your appetite is good! Are you on any meds? Sounds like you're feeling good - that's great!

- Amy
Hi, Kate. Glad you are doing well. Me, good days/ bad days. The seem pretty even right now. Hey, I'll take it! Glad your back!
Nice to meet you, Pen! No, I don't have any symptoms besides abdominal pain, ever. But I had a resection December 7th so am not really having any trouble at all. I think I'm not gaining weight because all I ever eat is organic food. Well, minus some stuff like Chex.

I had to start getting Remicade transfusions fairly immediate, so now am on that every 8 weeks. And on Pentasa but don't think that really does much.

Glad you guys are doing alright. I can easily relate to the bad days though. We are frantically searching for a house cause we need to be out of ours by next week! So, needless to say it's been a bit crazy around here.

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