How long do your flares last and how often do you have them?

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Dec 30, 2020
I'm new to this and am currently on my second flare up. How often do you experience flare ups and how long do they generally last? Can you eat fairly normally in between flares? Have your symptoms got worse over time? I know some people will say not to worry about it til it happens, but I'd rather know what may happen, even though I appreciate everyone's different. I'm currently not on any meds and am awaiting 2nd gastro app in Feb to find out next steps. Symptoms are fairly mild compared to a lot of what I've read on here. Tia!
Consider yourself extremely lucky at the moment. I've been in the middle of a flare that has been going on since March of 2020, no exaggeration, and hospitalized four-times. Every single person is completely different, including their diet restrictions and what they can eat without setting off their alarms. Sadly, we individually have to make up what works for each of us on our own as we go along. And luckily we have this amazing community where we can pose all our questions - so keep close.
Consider yourself extremely lucky at the moment. I've been in the middle of a flare that has been going on since March of 2020, no exaggeration, and hospitalized four-times. Every single person is completely different, including their diet restrictions and what they can eat without setting off their alarms. Sadly, we individually have to make up what works for each of us on our own as we go along. And luckily we have this amazing community where we can pose all our questions - so keep close.
Sorry you're having such an awful time. That sounds hideous. My first flare started in August and I thought I was getting back to normal in December, but then it flared up again just before Xmas, although different symptoms this time. I feel like it's going to take me a long time to work out diet & triggers. Glad to find this group of lovelies, although also scary to hear tales of what might be to come! I knew nothing about IBD before (and don't know much now!) - what a shock it is to find out what so many people are living with. I hope you feel better soon. X
You're very sweet and thank you. You found a good place for support - and what is scary becomes acceptable very quickly in order to adapt and stay positive. Also, I belong to a Crohn's group on Reddit, which is really good. You might want to check into that. Lots of people chatting all day about advice and what they're going through. Keep us posted!

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