I am 25 and was just recently approved for disablilty after my first application. I applied in June 2011 after emergency resection surgery which was a horrible experience. I lost my job bc of the surgery and the amount of time that I was in the hospital. My dr was the one that suggested it to me and said that she would support me and fill out all the necessary paperwork. At the time of my surgery I was on Remicade which was my last step since nothing else had worked, Im allergic to sulfa which in turn meant I couldnt take the 5ASAs that are normally recommended. There are requirements that have to met in order to qualify for Crohns disability. One of these is surgery and the failure of it....I flared again in September 2011 and was put on Humira. You also have to have tried multiple medicines and failed on them as well.I had to go see specialist that SSI designated and even go see a psychiatrist I guess to make sure that I knew what was going on and what I was asking for. Now it is not an easy process but it is possible. The downfall to going on SSI at such a young age is that the amount of money that you will receive is minimal. It is based on how long you have worked and what you have paid in. There is a chance that you have not paid in enough money to the system and you wont qualify based on that. I have actually worked since I was 14 so that played in my favor. You should go online and do alot of research about what you are getting into, and a lawyer is not a necessary step unless you are denied. I didnt have to have one. FYI I have gotten alot of flak from people bc of my decision to do this, but I am in a position in my life where I need the help in order to take care of my family and myself. Do what you need to make yourself well
Hope this helps and please feel free to ask more questions.