How many crohnies have had an aneurysm?

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Feb 14, 2011
how many crohnies have had an aneurysm?

I just had one a year ago and another much smaller one this year. I'm wondering if it is something that goes with crohn's or something else?

Any experiences with an aneurysm out there?

I was basically over tired working really hard and one evening - pop excruciating headache puking, hospital, spinal, blood, observation, sent home and about 5 weeks to get back to "normal"...
An aneurism is caused by a weakness of the blood vessel wall, sometimes people have it from birth .
In the absence of qualified medical advice it may not be a good idea to be using health food products which may further weaken the blood vessels.
I would not connect it to Crohns though, although one never knows! Medicine is not an exact science, this is where the art comes in.
Immediately after my crohns diagnosis came the subdural.
I have not had an aneurism but did have a subdural hematoma which caused bleeding in the brain, and spent two months in hospital and seven months physio and occupational therapy for walking and using my left arm, both of which were affected with paralysis.
Completely restored now though but continue to go to a special gym to stay limber.
The subdural was caused by a bump on the head., two months prior.
I find the gym helps with the crohns.
Hugs and best wishes
health food products which may further weaken the blood vessels

Do you have any idea which ones might? I'm taking a lot right now - the two listed in my signature... as well as at least 8-10 more.

I'm going on google to do some digging right now.
In my case was told to stop taking aspirin or aspirin based products (ie salicylates)which can cause bleeding.There are some natural products containing salicylates like this, but I am sorry I don't know the names of them, also plavix (clopidrel) is contra indicated.
You may find your doctors can help you with this.
Googling may also be of help, but best to discuss with the docs who treated the aneurism.
I just had one a year ago and another much smaller one this year. I'm wondering if it is something that goes with crohn's or something else?

Any experiences with an aneurysm out there?

I was basically over tired working really hard and one evening - pop excruciating headache puking, hospital, spinal, blood, observation, sent home and about 5 weeks to get back to "normal"...

Im trying to link it as my friend has Aneurysm and has crohns.