I went to my PCP first - who did not know what it was, but knew it was not a simple case of "D", and referred me to a GI. This GI really sucked at this job. He ran blood tests and did my first colonoscopy. Instead of telling me he could not get the scope into the terminal ileum because it was blocked, he told me the colonoscopy found nothing abnormal and that i had Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This is after 6 visits to the ER in 2 months because I was in such awful pain. I had no idea what Crohn's even was.
Things settled down and I went along with the IBS diagnosis for several years. Seeing my PCP and getting all the wrong treatment because of the G.I.'s diagnosis. (Don't get me wrong, my PCP is great, I don't blame him at all for this.)
In 2010 I was back to making ER Visits. My PCP, and the ER, gave some names of G.I's to go to, but I was wanting to know who the best G.I. was. My friend at work, his wife is the nurse in charge of the ER at our local hospital. She recommended Dr. Poole very highly and I went to him. He correctly identified it as Crohn's disease and has been very agressive in his treatment of my disease. So yes, I have only been to 3 doctors, but it was definitely 1 GI too many.