How often can I get Remicade?

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Jun 11, 2015
I have a question - how often can you get Remicade?

My last infusion was 5 weeks ago and my symptoms are creeping back, nothing too bad at this stage, just some watery D at the moment but obviously I am keen to nip this in the bud as soon as possible. Wondering if they can give me my next infusion early.
The remicade schedule as well as the dose can be adjusted. The doc may want to run a levels test to help determine whether upping the dose or shortening the schedule is the most helpful option. Also it can take some time for remicade to reach therapeutic levels so if it is early on in your treatment with remicade that may make a difference. Sometimes the doc may add another med to help the remicade like 6mp, mtx. These can help prevent the production of antibodies and may provide a synergistic effect.
I am also on 6mp - its seems to be doing the job to a certain extent. Normally for me when a flare comes on, its starts quickly and there is bleeding almost immediately. This time things are more mild - I feel quite tired and I have some watery diarrhoea but that's all for now. The problem is that its a saturday so I won't be able to get the IBD nurse until Monday.
I have heard of people doing infusions as close as 4 weeks apart. Or as Clash said, getting a higher dose. You are quite early into the treatment, so they might want to wait another one or two before adjusting. When I as on Remicade, I was doing it every 6 weeks. I also did Humira weekly instead of bi-weekly, Stelara every 7 instead of 8 and with Simponi I thik we shortened as well. My doctor never tested levels or antibodies, just went with symptoms. It seems I metabolize these drugs a little quicker than average.
Yep, every four is the highest frequency however many docs up dose instead. It is as others said, early to start adjusting yet.
Thanks folks - really appreciate you getting back to me.

As it turns out, I don't know what is happening. I went into hospital as I was not willing to wait until Monday to speak to my IBD nurse. They did my bloods and everything was completely normal - my CRP was less than 1, even though I had been at the toilet 12 times on Saturday. They also did an abdominal x-ray and that came back normal.

They think it might just be some sort of bug or virus I have picked up so fingers crossed its not, and will not turn into, a flare. We'll see what happens in the next 48 hours...

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