Hello badbelly,
I vaporize 3 to 5 times a day (usually three to four deep inhalations @ 220C) which maintains me completely pain free, maintains my appetite, and reduces the amount of visits to the stool.
At first, the psychoactive effects did induce some lethargy. If you keep to your daily vaporizing schedule, you will quickly develop a resistance to all psychotropic effects, but will maintain the full medicinal benefits. If you want to quickly build up your resistance in an efficient way so it doesn't interfere with your daily life at home or at work, what I did is I took a week of vacation, remained home, and vaporized multiple times a day. The first day I was couch locked, the second day I was lethargic, the third day I was euphoric, and already on day four I could function. By Friday I felt in control enough to work.
If you want to avoid the lethargic effects, you should look into getting sativa dominant strains. The sativa high is very energetic and uplifting, it is stimulating. This is what I use during the day. And for my last vaporizing session before bed I switch to a more indica dominant strain which has a powerful mental lethargic effect that makes me sleep like a baby and totally pain free.
My only persistent symptom used to be loss of short term memory capabilities. Long term memory remains completely unaffected. Thankfully, I was able to train myself to regain my short term memory with the help of a neuropsychologist.
With the proper strain and regimen, you can use medical merijuana safely, without losing productivity in your daily life. A lot of people believe that medical marijuana will turn you into a stoner, an unproductive citizen or a good for nothing loser.
Not only am I a high functioning adult who owns a successful business, I could NOT be working right now were it not for cannabis. I was diagnosed with UC in November 2012 after nine months of pain and symptoms. They put me on 5-ASA but found out I was allergic. As of today, I am still waiting on test results to begin Imuran, so my UC is completely untreated. I was started on prednisone two weeks ago because my pancolitis was flaring too severely, but before that, I had absolutely no medication.
Cannabis probably saved my business, because I could never have kept up with my 45-50h workweeks without its sedative and pain relieving effects. You will have to fight the high at first, but once you've gained your resistance, you will be fully functional.
Good luck!