How often for colonoscopy?

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Nov 30, 2012
Is there a general time period that people have heard (from their doctors) about how often to get a colonoscopy for CD patients? My old doctor was Ok with every two years, , another one said every year. Thanks.
I would have to say this could vary a lot with each individual and with each doctor. My doctor told me 5 years unless something arise's between now and then. I would assume they factor in age, where your disease is active, was there something in previous Colonoscopy that requires monitoring and so forth. It's a invasive procedure which does carry some risk, so I would think they stretch it aslong as possible.
If you are flaring or have active disease probably every 1-2 years. If you are in remission I heard 4-5 years is ok.
My doctor told me after having the decease for 10 or more years, they want to scope, flaring or not to take biopsies and check for cancer since he said after 10 years, the risk of cancer goes even higher. Since I've had crohns for 12 years, I'll be doing it every 2 years now, sooner if something goes wrong. Hopefully nothing will, and since I just had one 2 weeks ago, I will hopefully be good for another couple of years!!
I think it depends on where your health is at the time. Some want to look every years and some every two years. Some Dr. say, only if you start to flair. I don't think there is any rule to it.
Originally my first GI said every 3 years. But then due to flares, a surgery, iron deficiency etc. I had them always when acutely required.

I am in remission now and won't be doing another colonoscopy until next year (that would be 4 years then).
I keep hoping someone invents something better. Ha ha, right, like that will ever happen!
My son who will be 11 years old very very soon, was diagnosed with Crohn's late last September (2012). He is finally in remission and his labs all come back great. He needs to have labs done a lot because he has to get really bad before he shows any symptoms.

At his last visit to his GI they finely told him for the first time they didn't need to see him again for 6 months! I know from reading that's a great sign. Also he's doing great he's grown a little taller and his weight is up there too. Also he's hungry and feels great. He even gets outside and helps us do many hard jobs around home.

My question does he really need another Colonoscopy? His GI wants to do one soon. Because she said he's only been diagnosed for a year and want to make sure there are no signs of the Crohns that the labs did not pickup. He's doing great and we really don't want him to have to if it's really not needed.

I after reading on here don't see why he can't even one more year as long as everything is going well. Maybe even 3 years!

Yes he hates the colonoscopy prep too!

Kids are different than adults on when they recommend colonscopy
you may want to post your thread here for more parents to chime in

Each doc is different-looking is good.
ds was dx in Sept 2011 at age 7 .
He has had two colonscopy's already ( including an upper endoscopy) which is recommended for kids since they tend to have more upper go involvement as well.
I've been having them yearly but as the last two have shown no inflammation - Rutgeert's Score of i0 - my consultant says I can have a calprotectin test instead this year and if that shows up any anomalies then he'll book me a colonoscopy as usual.

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