How quickly did you notice relief?

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Oct 18, 2012
I've read quite a few threads and articles on MM, but don't recall hearing how long or how much it took to get some releif.
I'm sure every case is different, since we all share the same affliction, yet all is slightly different ways.

So, how long did it take YOU to notice relief from said compound?

Also, how much cannabis did it take (or how many "hits", "pulls", tokes"....etc)?
Pretty immediately. As soon as I felt the high, pain lessened, my stomach settled, and my appetite increased. For the rest of the gut issues, I'd notice the changes the same or the following day.

Not much at first, with no tolerance. Just a few hits even of low quality stuff. As my tolerance increased, I'd gradually have to smoke more (and better stuff) to notice the benefits.
I mainly use MM for nausea and stomach pain and it immediately makes me feel better. I use a volcano vaporizer that uses bags and one or two pulls off the bag gives me complete relief. If I use an edible it takes much longer but as soon as it kicks in, I have no discomfort.
Ok, so I'm not crazy. hahaha .......well.....I am still crazy, just not about this.

The other day, my brother-in-law came over with a little care package. My wife had noticed that I was just getting worse and worse and told me to finanly try cannabis.
After 2 hits from a vaporizer(I very much dislike smoke), I started to feel better fairly quickly, this was shortly before bed. I woke up and felt good for the first time in over a month. I thought that even though I was skeptical about how much it would help, that maybe subconsciously I made myself beleive it worked.

Well, a few days in, of just a couple vape hits at night, and I feel much better than I have been. Do to the nature of my job, I can't use in the morning or during the day, but I will continue to tweak my night time dose to get the best bang for my buck so to speak.

This might be just the thing I've been looking for at a very good time, considering my options are very slim with meds these days and I refuse to have surgery.

Fingers crossed.
I just have a toke of the vaporizer every few hrs keeps me feeling good all day, get pretty fatigued, but I'm starting to get used to it

That's great! And it is super awesome that your wife is so supportive of your cannabis use. More spouses need to let go of the reefer madness propaganda and get on board. It's just not fair to make someone that is ill suffer just because you have hang ups.

I hope it continues to make you feel better! I'm sure it will :biggrin:
I just have a toke of the vaporizer every few hrs keeps me feeling good all day, get pretty fatigued, but I'm starting to get used to it

It was like this for me at first, but eventually you get resistant to the fatigue and other psychotropic effects but you retain the pain mitigation effects.

It's like magic.
I have been taking 3-4 hits, 2-4 times per day, starting as soon as I wake up. I immediately feel relief from nausea, cramps, frequency of bm's, etc. and I feel like a new person. I am 2 weeks into my new MM program. My husband found a MM supplier, and is very supportive of everything. He can see how much my quality of life has improved. If I decide to continue this, I will probably look into a vaporizer.
I highly, highly recommend a vaporizer. Makes a huge difference on the high. It hits you more in the body than the head, wastes less medicine, is easier on the lungs, the vapor is smoother and tastes a lot better too.

For a medical user a vaporizer is a no brainer. I've owned many. If you're on a budget, I'd go with Arizer's Extreme Q (~180$), if you want ultimate vapor quality the VapeXHale Cloud with Hydratube is sublime, but very expensive (~550-650$).

Good luck :)
Thanks you so much for that information. I know the cost is a bit high, but I consider it a piece of medical equipment, so I think it's worth it.
My vaporizer has a whip so you can smoke it if you pull hard haha, but I agree, best treatment, I call it God's miracle herb
I have been taking 3-4 hits, 2-4 times per day, starting as soon as I wake up. I immediately feel relief from nausea, cramps, frequency of bm's, etc. and I feel like a new person. I am 2 weeks into my new MM program. My husband found a MM supplier, and is very supportive of everything. He can see how much my quality of life has improved. If I decide to continue this, I will probably look into a vaporizer.

Glad it's helping you as well.

If you do end up looking for a Vaporizer, there is a place in Milford called HOBIES, that has a good amount to choose from. Talk to A.J. and he'll be able to explain the pro's and con's and any other questions you may have.
Tell him Jer recomended you to them and maybe he'll hook you up with a deal. :thumright:
works instantly for me!! However even though i have access to great MMj here in Toronto, i still need to take Hydromorphone for my severe ass pain almost daily, With the pot though, I have been able to cut down my dose of Hydromorphone from 20mg aday to about 6mg-3mg on some this point it's all about quality of life and you only live once so fight for your right to smoke MMJ, this many crohnies can't be wrong
I don't use marijuana for pain I use it to get rid of inflammation. I started smoking it beginning of December 2012. I started eating it as butter a week later and stopped all medication the same day, because none of it was working and my doctor recommended surgery. My crp levels went back to normal and that was it. Since then I have had breaks where I didn't eat it for a few weeks and my crp levels raised again. However, I just ate it again for two days and on the third day felt back to normal and my crp levels were back to normal. It's been a miracle drug for me. Also, I just eat 1 tsp two nights a week. Now I use coconut oil instead of butter.
I don't use marijuana for pain I use it to get rid of inflammation. I started smoking it beginning of December 2012. I started eating it as butter a week later and stopped all medication the same day, because none of it was working and my doctor recommended surgery. My crp levels went back to normal and that was it. Since then I have had breaks where I didn't eat it for a few weeks and my crp levels raised again. However, I just ate it again for two days and on the third day felt back to normal and my crp levels were back to normal. It's been a miracle drug for me. Also, I just eat 1 tsp two nights a week. Now I use coconut oil instead of butter.

What does "CRP" stand for?
kmole can you please post a butter recipe for me, and how much bud will I need. cant get medical marijuana here so its pretty hexy, an oz is like 300bux
I usually put 2/3cup weed that I've ground up, into 2 cups of water in a big pan or pot on medium heat. Once it gets warm I put 445ml or 16 ounces of coconut oil in and stir it until it's all melted. I keep that simmering but not hotter than that, until all the water is evaporated out. It takes a few hours but you can usually tell when the water is all gone because it doesn't steam anymore. Also, It's important it doesn't get too hot. Then I strain the liquid through a cheese cloth into whatever container I'm going to keep it in. Some people do it without water but the water just helps you regulate the temperature. The oil you get from this recipe is pretty potent so I'd recommend trying 1 tsp first and then adding like 1/2 tsp or 1/4 tsp till you get the desired amount. Good luck!
I usually put 2/3cup weed that I've ground up, into 2 cups of water in a big pan or pot on medium heat. Once it gets warm I put 445ml or 16 ounces of coconut oil in and stir it until it's all melted. I keep that simmering but not hotter than that, until all the water is evaporated out. It takes a few hours but you can usually tell when the water is all gone because it doesn't steam anymore. Also, It's important it doesn't get too hot. Then I strain the liquid through a cheese cloth into whatever container I'm going to keep it in. Some people do it without water but the water just helps you regulate the temperature. The oil you get from this recipe is pretty potent so I'd recommend trying 1 tsp first and then adding like 1/2 tsp or 1/4 tsp till you get the desired amount. Good luck!

I use water on the stovetop too, but in the crockpot, I find it unnecessary.

Coconut oil is great. It's solid at room temperature usually, so if you want to make your own caps it makes the process a lot easier. It's also the healthiest fat there is for the human body.

If you have Costco in your area, they sell it by the jar at an affordable price ;)
Iv got some coconut oil, its awesome, so when you say 3/4 cups how many grams are we talkin? Like a quarter of weed would make how many caps? I needa start going the edible route i think.
since i dont have a vape on sunny days i use a magnifying glass, or a candle and pyrex jar? no butane flavor with the solar hits, mj is a miracle.