How the hell do you deal with this?!

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Apr 20, 2011
how the hell do you deal with this?!

My name is Sam. I made this account yesterday after days of frantic internet searching. My username is the number of times I had diarrhea that day.. lol.
I haven't been formally diagnosed yet, but after years of dealing with all the typical crohn's symptoms, my doctor finally gave me a partial answer.

When I was 6, I woke up with excruciating abdominal pain in the lower right side. My dad rushed me to the hospital, (a very rare thing) and the doctor simply touched where it hurt, and I projectile vomited pure bile. He diagnosed me with the stomach flu. I got this pain on and off for a few years, always thinking I just had a virus. When I was 11 it happened again, really badly. I was doubled over and had no idea what was going on. I didn't want to bother my parents, so I just dealt with it. I remembered that I ate a butterfinger chocolate bar the night before, so for years, I thought I was allergic to butterfingers haha.

When I was 12, my aunt got sick. I was too young to know what was wrong with her, but she lost about 100 pounds, was in the hospital, and my family kept making jokes about "colostomy bags" (my family has a wierd sense of humour..) Turns out she has crohn's disease. she's managing it now, but it does run in my family.

When I was 17, I started having these stomach pains more frequently. And more painfully. I was always either in the ER or at the doctor. The ER told me I was constipated and kept giving me perscriptions for metaclopromide and stool softeners. I know my body. I was not constipated. I was constantly having bloody bowel movements, as well as bloody urine. I was diagnosed with everything from irritable bowel syndrome to psychosis. Like I said, I know my body. I was never psychotic lol

I finally had the dreaded colonoscopy. They found a couple polyps, and they were removed. Other than that, nothing out of the ordinary. That's when I was told I needed to see a psychiatrist, because It was all in my head. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it not extremely difficult to make yourself bleed internally? I had so many symptoms I was losing track. Severe abdominal pain, bloody and mucousy diarrhea with alternating bouts of constipation. Nausea, joint pain, eye problems, skin rashes.. you name it I had it. But by now, I had given up with doctors. I could deal with it myself.

Fast forward a few years. I am now 20. I have had random abdominal pains, near constant diarrhea, sometimes bloody, sometimes not. But for the past month and a half, I have had CONSTANT diarrhea. Most of the times it is bloody (bright red, and coffee grounds too.) My abdominal pain is so severe at times, if I could even reach for the phone, I would be in an ambulance. I saw my doctor a couple days ago, and had him re-read all my tests from a couple years ago, and go over every symptom with me. By the end of it, i was schedualed for bloodwork the next day, CT scan next week, and another colonoscopy to follow. He told me it is either one of two things. Crohn's, or colorectal cancer. I'm only 20. I shouldn't have cancer right now. Obviously I'm freaking out.

My boyfriend doesn't understand why I'm exhausted after sleeping for 12 hours, or why I make 15-20 trips to the bathroom daily. It's really hard to be with someone who doesn't get what I'm going through. I don't want him to resent me, but I know I need him around.

Anyways, sorry for the long post haha I have alot to get off my chest, and everyone here seems really kind and understanding. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome Sam!! There are many stories of undiagnosed horror on here!! I hope you get some solid answers from these latest tests. Good luck!!
:welcome: to the forum... trust me you are not alone in the it's "all in your head" theory. That simply isnt true and bleeding too, that is a IBD more than likely. I see you are a Canadian, and getting appointments is like pulling teeth, but you need to either see a good Gi or demand to find out what is wrong. It took a full year of agony and tests and I saw someone in Toronto a teaching doc and figured it out in 10 mins and then had a Endoscopy and follow thru to the intestines...boom there is was and Ironically the tech had Crohns too! When you have Diahreah you lose alot of nutrients, which you have to replace. I would get your b12, iron levels and Vitamin D checked, lacking any of those is going to make you tired. Look after yourself and try and stay stress free. :hang: great bunch here to help you out!

Your story sounds a lot like mine, so I completely understand! I am 21 so I know what it feels like to be told you might have cancer at such a young age (it scared me so bad!).

I really hope your tests come back showing whats wrong so that you can start the road to recovery!
Hi Sam and welcome! I am so sorry you are suffering so and haven't gotten any answers yet. I have my diagnosis, though my GI still hesitates to say it is official being that biopsies come back as normal. It is very frustrating! I hope your upcoming testing gives you the answers you need, and I sure hope it isn't cancer. But, as Pen said, it is most likely IBD, so try not to stress out too much.

Good luck with your upcoming tests, and please let us know how it goes!
Hi Sam - I can't believe you have been going thru everyting you are going thru for so long without any answers! Sounds like a clear cut case of Crohns/IBD to me! Have they given you anything for the pain or to deal with the D???

So many people here have been thru the "it's all in your head" line. Stand firm in telling them that it's physical! (but if you aren't opposed to pharmas, a lot of folks on here take Amitrypiline, which is an anti-depressant that's also an anti-spasmodic - could help with your diahrea).

Good luck with your upcoming tests!

- Amy
Welcome Sam! I'm sorry you've gone through so much without answers. Everyone here is very supportive so feel free to post your frustrations.

Good luck with the tests!
Welcome Sam
Hope they figure things out soon so you can relax :-( This is a great place to find out info.
Hi Sam, o m gosh i thought for a second that my child had changed his name to Sam and finally agreed to come to the boards. WOW, this was my story at the age of 16, 18, 25, 34 and 40. yes at each of those times, I had those symptoms for months at end. had every test known to man it felt like. if I was told I was crazy one more time, I was going to show them what Crazy really looked like LOL
I have never been diagnosed with anything other than IBS.

My son is now going thru alot of the same symptoms as urself and we are having a heck of a time with doctors finding the right cocktail of meds for his Crohns. Hang in there Sam. I hope you have a good support group at home, parents? siblings? i know its hard for the BF but he needs to be there right now, find ways of getting support for urself. a positive attitude and listening ears goes a long way.

I just joined this fabulous group, I am sure you will receive great support as I have from these peeps.
Thank you so much everyone. This is probably the first time I've talked to people who actually know what I'm going through.
My mom just keeps telling me to eat more yogurt hahaha

Today is really bad. If I wasn't SO sick of the hospital telling me I was constipated, I would be there. Every ten minutes I've got a death grip on the couch, waiting for the excruciating pain to pass.

I don't know how much longer I'm expected to put up with this. I really wish my doctor knew what this felt like. As for pain killers, I was given percocet and oxycodone (I didn't sh*t for 9 days) and baclofen. My last doctor actually thought it was a muscle spasm in my back and "some women always have blood in their waste products. It's normal for them" IDIOT.

does anyone have suggestions for a good painkiller you can get over the counter? right now I'm taking gravol for the nausea and to help me sleep.
If you go to a drug store you can ask for Tylenol #1 behind the counter, they help but not sure how bad your pain is. The other is muscle and back pain relief IE Robaxct in the regular pain relievers are, they really help but dont get the one with Ibuprofen , there is one with ASA, it is better for the pain and easier on the gut. I get mine at Shoppersdrugmart. I would stick to clear liquids or Ensure, they also have Isopure at shoppers, you need the nutrients but the food is causing you pain and constipating you, percocet will stop your bowels from moving. :hang:
Hi Sam, I also am getting the Doctor run around in Canada too, you need to get hooked up with a good GI doc, too bad you weren't in Edmonton that's where mine defected to!
I had a real bad night and day yesterday, missing's dragging me down but I'm fighting it.
good news, i guess haha

went to see my family doctor thursday afternoon to get my blood test results back. he said they dont look good. very low iron and elevated white blood cells. i was in alot of pain that day so he told me to go into emerg.
Got there right before 8pm, and i just got out last night at 10.

I have blood work done there, a cat scan, rectal exam, two enemas, sigmoidoscopy that turned into a colonoscopy and they took biopsy's.

My cat scan showed inflammation in the terminal ileum and all through the small bowel. so they wanted a scope, but i hadnt been prepped. BTW the contrast dye they put into your veins? OUCH. if anyone else had one, did it make you feel like you peed your pants haha

They gave me two enemas, the first one wasnt too bad but the second one had me in tears, rolling around the bed in pain.

When the GI finally came to get me for my scope, my nurse gave me some more morphine (soooooo much morphine) and they wheeled me away. in the endo ward, they hooked up the oxygen mask and gave me the fentanyl and valium to put me out. but it didnt. half way through the most painful colonoscopy of my life, i was screaming for more drugs. she gave me more, still nothing. i watched the entire thing. lucky for me (not) i was able to see all the ulcers throughout my intestines, and my lovely, inflamed and swollen small bowel. they took biopsy's all through, which was disgusting to watch, and it hurt like hell. i could feel everything. I might as well have done it without the so called anesthesia. AND i remember everything today.

They gave me a half diagnosis of crohns after my cat, since the whole small bowel was inflamed, but that wasnt good enough. even after they saw the ulcers, perscribed me prednisone and percocet, and had the hardest time even getting into my small bowel, they still cant say for sure. i have to wait for the pathologist to look at my samples. but he said its a 99% chance it is crohns. everything hurts today, but im hoping its just because i havent eaten anything in 3 days and im still inflated.

anyways, there you go. good-ish news. i have a diagnosis, but still alot of pain. and im holding off on taking the prednisone cuz i heard it sucks.
oh my goodness! What an ordeal! First of all, that is great that you have a diagnosis. I am so sorry you are in pain...colonoscopies can be painful afterwards..the worst part for me was the air they pump in you trying to get out! >.<

I have had two cat scans, and yes, you do feel like you pee your pants. :p But its the easiest test of them all, even the stuff you drink isn't bad!

The prednisone should help many of your symptoms! I have heard the side effects suck, but its worth it to help the crohn's.

Many hugs to you!!
Hi Sam, You are not alone. I just discovered this site a few days ago and have already received so much encouragement and support. Hang in there! Use this board to vent. Find a gastroentrologist who is known in his/her field. I found mine by getting a consult @ a major hospital from a Dr. who only specializes in consults. He, in turn, gave me the name of a doc in my area. Good luck! Jan
Hey Sam
I am so sorry you have been going through such a rough time. I am also sorry you had such painful colonoscopies. Not sure what went wrong there...maybe you were at your max for pain meds?? I dont know... if so, speaks to how bad your ulcers are. :(
How are you now? Have you been taking the prednisone??
im not taking the prednisone, due to the side effects. they seem worse than the actual disease.
ive dealt with the pain and other symptoms for so long, they almost seem normal to me. plus, im not quite sure why they gave me prednisone.. i know its a steroid and would help with inflammation, but that will go away on its own. im just wondering if it would help in the long run in terms of not having to have surgery?

the only part thats really bothering me now, is that when i do have pain, i know exactly what its from. and it grosses me to think of the acidic diarrhea passing over hundreds of ulcers.
Wow Sam, that sounds like a nightmare with the scopes!! Everybody hates the pred but it seems to be the quickest way to knock the inflammation out. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best!! Did they discuss any long term treatments with you or are they waiting for the official dx?
My last doctor actually thought it was a muscle spasm in my back and "some women always have blood in their waste products. It's normal for them" IDIOT.

Blood in the stools normal? What an idiot is right!

You probably want to take a stool softener like colace while you are taking either the Perkies or the Tylenol with Codeine. It will help a lot with keeping things moving thru.

Oh yea, the contrast making you feel like you peed??? I wish someone had warned me about that the first time I had it! I was mortified and sure I had wet myself!

We all hate prednisone, but it really can be a lifesaver. You can't predict what side effects you will get - I started at 40 mg when I was first dx, and I didn't gain weight, get moon face, insomnia or appetite increase. I did get facial hair and mood irratability. So you never can tell. It will likely make you feel so much better that it's worth whatever side effects. But only you can make that decision.

Hope you get the firm dx soon!

- Amy
I'm so sorry to hear your diagnosis. In my experience the prednisone is one of the least reactive and dangerous emergency control meds, and yes the possible side effects suck, but it effectively managed my emergencies when they occurred. I cold never get over the taste, and that the powder from the pressed tabs seemed to turn to the most foul-tasting paste in my mouth, but my mother and I broke the tabs (4x10s, so half-dime-sized) in half, then stuck them in gelcaps. The effectiveness seemed comparable but no taste! Perfect.

The swelling is likely what's causing the ulceration is what's causing the pain, if I'm right, so the thing to do is to get that intestine to stop flipping out. I'm curious, were you offered an immuno-reset of any kind? Radiation, blood transfusions, clean room, rebuilding immune system?
What an ordeal you went through. I too was admitted to the hospital, when I got my Crohn's diagnosis, after I had a colonoscopy that hurt like anything. They gave me two doses of drugs and I still felt everything, just like you. I also had ulcers and inflammation and my ulcers were actually bleeding. I was put on prednisone immediately, along with antibiotics to help with any infections. The prednisone did not seem to cause me too many side effects and I have been on it since Jan 2011 with a one week break. I tapered down from 40 mg and was put on Pentasa, but as soon as the prednisone was finished, I flared and was put right back on the 40 mg. I am down to 30 mg this week and I only have noticed that I have a better apetite and slight puffiness in my face. Hopefully you will not have any negative side effects, because it does help a lot. The second time I was put on it, it calmed my flare down in a few days. I hate being on it, knowing what it could do to my body in the long run, but it helps me work every day and spend time with my family!
P.S. the inflammation may not go away on its own. My just kept getting worse each day, with new inflammation symptoms, when I was not taking the prednisone.
Good Luck
Hi Sam,

Sorry to hear of your troubles, its a hell when it wants to be.

I have had Crohn's for about 13 years (officially 9) but only started getting cramps about 2007/2008, the first time i thought i was going to die it was so painfull for so long.

Went to the docs, and he basically touched my tummy a few times, then said "!" they thought i may have had a twisted colon, which is basically! and i was put on the terminal bowel cancer ward....that helped my state of mind! being 26 and thinking 'thats it then' was not a good life experience.

Turns out it was just gas pain\constipation and four days on a paracetamol drip, all was well.

But i now get the cramps (do just now actually :( ) and its never been as bad as it was that first time.

There are things you can try, and i was put on pred tabs as well, first time we called them "happy pills" as they made me almost not have crohns anymore, but when the course stopped i got 'steroid bounce' and it caused my ecsema from years ago to resurface..ggrr, got put on them again a higher dose and they had no effect and i only got the downsides of them. so never again.

Hope you can get some treatment if they prove it officialy, what you already know.

As you say, you know your body, but docs like to tell us we are wrong...sigh.

Chin up, we are all here to help :)

Hiya Sam
and welcome

Yeah, you're having a rough trot alright, but I want you to know that, no, the inflammation won't go away on it's own, and to defy the docs recommendations of Pred is asking for trouble. They've put you on it for a reason.
Left to it's own devices inflammation can/will/may cause scar tissue = narrowing = strictures = blockage = perforation = surgery and so on
Would you refuse Pred if you couldn't breathe during an asthma attack?
This is just my personal opinion, the decision is yours of course.
Good Luck
Like Joan, Brenda, and a few of the others mentioned, the inflammation willl NOT go away on it's own - and having continued inflammation in your intestine is actually what CAN lead to colorectal cancer (I read in some of your other posts you are running in the Underwear Affair... good for you!!).

As for pain killers, listen and take what your doctor recommends - it is true ibuprofen can upset some people, but I notice someone recommended ASA which is STRICTLY CONTRAINDICATED if you have any kind of stomach/intestinal bleeding (ASA thins the blood, so it can actually make the bleeding worse). Acetaminophin (Tylenol) based products are really the best in this situation, but can be hard on your liver.... let your doctor decide what is best for you in your situation.

I hope things start to get better for you. Yes, prednisone can have some icky side effects, but some people suffer less bad effects and more good effects. I would try it - if it makes you crazy or upset, then find an alternative.
I would like to thank everyone for your help and advice and stories during this super difficult time in my life. I saw my regular doctor today to get more painkillers, and he actually yelled at me for not taking enough haha. I only take 2 percocet per day but he told me i need to take it whenever im in pain until i see the GI specialist next week. He gave me a pretty big perscription for oxycodone and told me pretty much the same thing alot of you did. that i need to take my steroids :(
so in a couple days, im going to start the prednisone. i really dont want to but i need the inflammation to go away. im always in so much pain and he said it wont stop until i take the steroids. then i'll be starting on immuno-suppresants and iron shots as well as all the vitamin supplements. im starting to realize now, how sick i could get if i dont start looking after my health. im on the birth control shot, and its really bad for your bones, just like pred. so im gonna have to start taking calcium and vit D. im ready to take care of myself and im looking forward to a long, hopefully pain-free life.
again, thank you all for your support. i really appreciate it.
Hi Sam! Welcome to the forum. You are definitely not alone. It took years for my doctors to diagnose me with Crohn's Disease. This was after a long family history of the disease, many of the obvious symptoms, and testing images that were misread. It can happen. It's all in the past though. We are here for each other and this is a very friendly and supportive forum. :)
Its funny sort of because when I first read the title to your post, "How the hell do you deal with this?" I hesitated at first typing "stick around the forum" I didn't want you to think that I was minimizing your situation. I am glad you did stick around as it appears the power of this forum has come through again.
I joined a different CD site when I first heard the word inflammation, gastritis, etc and was told I didn't belong there b/c I wasn't diagnosed, etc, etc..and felt so alone and for some reason reached out again..and joined here. all I can really say is the forum creators, administrators, members, etc., have a really great thing going here....I am amazed at the strength thats shown on a daily basis. how the hell do you deal with all this?

...stick around the forum - because you ARE dealing with this.
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'so in a couple days, im going to start the prednisone'

Good, hope you get some relief and pain free days Sam, good luck
Hi Sam! Gosh doctors never know what they're talking about! :/ well done for looking after yourself and keep your chin up! It'll all be okay soon :)
Good luck! I hope you find lots of advice and comfort on this forum!