How to describe crohns disease

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Nov 1, 2013
When I tell people I have crohns disease most of them don't know what it is at all or just saw a commercial or something like that. I've done a ton or research since my diagnosis so I can give a long description but I don't know how to give a short yet helpful description of what's wrong with me. Does anyone have any idea?
If I had to say it quickly I would say:

"a chronic inflammatory response directed at unknown antigens."
Or, you could say

"My body attacks itself and makes my bowels inflamed causing me to be ill and to take certain medications to fight against the attacks".

And go from there, then you may say your medication can cause you to be tired, the attacks are unpredictable and that is why you may have to cancel plans last min....etc

Kiny also has a great response :)

Happy and healthy new year to you both,
I usually just say that my immune system is attacking my intestines for unknown reasons. It's close enough and easy for most people to understand. Then depending on who I'm talking to I can either leave it at that or go into more detail if they are interested and I'm comfortable sharing with them.
I like. Katie's above. You could also add that it's kind of like MS or Lupus - in MS, the body's immune system attacks nerve cells, in Lupus it attacks connective tissue, in Crohn's it attacks the GI system. Most people seem to think Crohn's = diarrhea, this helps relate it to things people may be more familiar with.
Yes true. Everyone thinks oh you have crohns disease so you poop a lot nothing major. I love all of your responses tho!
My description is simalar. My immune system attacks the good bacteria in my intestine and that causes "these" problems. And give couple examples. I take immunosuppressive Drugs to control it.
I usually say something along the lines of crohn's being a lifelong autoimmune disease where the body attacks itself and creates inflammation in the gut which can lead to serious complications, medication and surgery.

What's frustrating is those who know someone with crohn's who has little to no problems and then assumes that's what crohn's is like.
I have the same problem as NoGuts. Have one friend everyone else knows who has had Crohn's for years and never had any major problems or meds beyond Pred. So a lot of friends don't understand my issues and unresponsiveness to meds.
Have another friend in another circle that has Crohn's and diarrhea often. So those friends don't believe I have Crohn's because I don't have D.

For others I tell them my immune system is attacking my intestinal tract and if possible send them a link to the Mayo Clinic's Crohn's webpage.
Be surprised how many people have a preconceived notion that Crohn's is contagious.
I just tell them that I have an immune system disorder that attacks my intestines and causes inflammation and fistulas. I then have to tell what a fistula is and they never seem to ask anymore questions after that, lol I do tell them that I had 3 feet of small intestine removed and a foot of large removed do to this disorder. Makes it hit home a little more.
If people ask me what Crohn's is, my response is as follows:

'Go google it'.

Because Wikipedia describes it better than me!
I just say, "It's chronic inflammation affecting the digestive tract." If they ask further, I might list off possible symptoms, but I don't say, "The symptoms I have are…" That way, it's less awkward and they have a better understanding of the condition than if I just tell them how it affects me. However, I'll generally tell anything to anyone who is interested.
I don't mind talking about it to anyone who really wants a lot of info Sarahbear I just never had a "short cut". I love all of the answers though! :D
I tell everyone it's like sunburn inside, (nearly everyone has had sunburn) then watch them grimace! xx