How to help my son

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 4, 2012
My son has been diagnosed now for 3 months he's in a mess and I need advice on how to cope and help him to get on track.I feel helpless and worried as to what to do.:sign0085:
Hi there and welcome, you have definetly come to the right place. I second all of the above questions. Also what brought the diagnosis about and how long did it take?
Hi Mum and :welcome:

I'm so sorry to hear about your boy...:hug:

As Stephanie and Angrybird have said...tell us a little more about your son's IBD and we will do our best to help you out. :)

We have a parent's forum here also that you may like to pop by and look at...

You have come the right place hun, there's loads of info, support and even a laugh along along the way.

Dusty. xxx
Welcome Mum! I'd say you've taken a good first step finding this forum. Good luck:)
To any newly diagnosed cronnies, might I suggest LDN? I don't get, regardless of nearly any other medication (except pain meds), why people don't first try LDN. It doesn't interfere and it helps so many. Good luck.
thank you my poor son has just come out of hospital for the second time in a matter of months.This time the meds have given him pancreatitus.I 'm not sure what foods are ok and what are not its a minefield.He's lost so much weight he's worried about his job his confidence is out the window. I just want him to have a normal life like every other 20 year old.what on earth is LDN please tell me more I need all the help I can get.
He is now on Pentasa 6 tabs a day
8 prednisolone to be weaned off gradually
and antibiotics at present.He had biopsies done in August of last year 2011 first told it was ulcerative colitis , then back to the consultant in October and told it is crohnes.He was given azithaprin in November and all over Christmas he was in pain with stomach cramps and vomiting bile. He would not eat because of the constant sickness hence more weight loss.I took him to A&E where he was admitted this then showed up that the Azithiprin was causing pancreatitus he has now stopped taking these.He's a young quite mild mannered boy 20 years old and its sad to see my poor baby suffering.
Hi Chris' Mum, we know how this seems for you all at the moment. I have been in the same position as your son, as have a lot of people on this forum. First of all don't panic. This is a hard introduction to Crohn's but you will come to terms with it all and start to deal with it, with the help of the medical team. There should be at least one IBD nurse who you can contact at the hospital for advice. You can ring them any time and leave a message. Mine usually returns my call the same or next day and you can ask them anything. If they think you need emergency help they will tell you (get their number from the hospital). Look up a 'low residue' diet, this should help while you are finding out what your son can eat and what makes his symptoms worse. No fruit, veg, brown bread, nuts, or roughage of any sort. Food needs to be soft to slip through the gut. It is trial and error at first, till a medication is found that will help him. Let the docs worry about that. I hope things settle soon, it can be a roller coaster. But please be assured that we have all been there and come through it. Lots of luck for a speedy recovery xxx
Just realised my signature comments are not very inspiring - I have been told that I am an exception that proves the rule though! And I am still here and enjoying life xxx
Thank you for getting back it gives me hope when you say that things get better.I will look at the diet I've also ordered cook book for inspiration as well.We are in touch with an IBD nurse I think Chris feels he's a nuisance if he keeps ringing but I've explained that's what she is there for. He's seems more positive over the last few days and taking responsibility of his health going for little walks etc he doesn't look as pale faced.Thank you
Taking his mind of it all is a good start, I've only just learned that I feel better with something to do (obviously something not too taxing) rather than allowing myself to wallow and feel all the pain.
I am the same age as your son and this is a very annoying age to be going through all this, my mother and I are closer because of it as she was with me though every step like you obviously are for your son and that is the best thing anyone can do for him.

Hope your both doing well.:)

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