How to tell if blood in stool is an emergency?

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Dec 20, 2012
A couple hours ago right after eating I suddenly had extreme urgency. I went to the bathroom and nothing came out and the cramps subsided. I sat down and about 5 minutes later I was back and this time a trickle of lumpy bright red blood/stool came out.

Since then I've been running back in every few minutes with same thing, maybe a 1/2 to 1/3 cup of bloody lumps of what's either stool or mucus if you add up all the trips.

I know blood isn't irregular for crohn's, but I've never had it. I just had a 'flare' last couple weeks and I've been in recovery and have an inflamed area near my rectum, maybe a hemorrhoid, that could be causing the bleeding.

But I've never experienced this sense of urgency with nothing / very little coming out before.

I don't think I'm exhibiting symptoms of blood loss but it's hard to tell, I'm tired (it's past my bed time) and a little freaked out.

The urgency seems to be dying down. Either way I'm definitely gonna schedule a doctor's appointment for this.
doesnt sound too good to me. that is a lot of blood and in my experience with Hemmorhoid, the blood is very minimal. I have never had huge Hemm so that could be another story.
My experience with recto-colitis sounds more like what you describe, repeated urgencies with only blood,mucus mixed with small stools. Then I could be good for several hours and the cycle would start again at some point. The blood would not appear out of nowhere just like that thoug, I'd have several days with minimal blood appearances mixed in mucus before the massive blood attacks. If the blood continues tomorrow, call your GI asap. The fact that you had a flare recently is not reassuring. CD can move around and new symptoms can come at any time. (Inflammed anus/rectum could also be an abscess forming. If you feel a mass growing or fever, go to the emergency.) good luck.
I've had dripping blood before when I've had bad flares. Sounds like it's part of that flare you're having. Once the flare goes down the blood should too. Getting checked out isn't a bad idea just to make sure and to keep watch for anemia from the blood loss though. In the meantime, we're here for ya. Please keep us updated on how you're doing.
The blood has stopped but I'm still passing a lot of mucusy / yellow liquid, I stayed home from work and took and nap and now I feel cold / nauseous which is unusual for me, all of this is. Not sure if it's just from not eating or what.
To be on the safe side if you can, check your blood pressure. There is lots of blood in the body so I am sure you are ok, bright red is from the rectal end and has to be inflammed. What is your history like?
Internal hemorrhoids can cause a LOT of bleeding, as I recently discovered. I spent a month with bleeding just about every day, and I did have fatigue and weakness and chills which I presume was all due to the blood loss. I didn't have the urgency you described, though. At any rate, it is definitely best to get it checked out to be sure. Colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, or even just an anuscopy in the exam room can all diagnose internal hemorrhoids (full disclosure, I did have an anuscopy that missed finding mine, so flexi sig or colonoscopy is probably the better way to go). If it were me, I'd also have some bloodwork done to make sure you're not anemic and check your inflammation levels. Good luck!

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