I found that Bonjela Teething Gel was pretty helpful. It is designed for babies and helps to numb.
Apart from that, I will swish Wild Oil of Oregano with warm water in my mouth. Ulcers clear up pretty quickly thereafter.
Recurring mouth ulcers, normally indicates a Iron and Zinc deficiency. So perhaps get tested for this, and then supplement if need be.
Most people with IBD are deficient or very low in Iron and Zinc.
This is from a naturopath I follow:
"If you are prone to mouth ulcers, it is important to boost your immune system. This can be done by routinely taking immune-enhancing herbs and supplements. These include vitamins C, A and Zinc and Iron, as well as herbs such as Echinacea, Astragalus and Wild Indigo. In addition, two B vitamins in particular – folic acid (B9) and thiamine (B1) – have been shown to heal and prevent mouth ulcers".
If you are struggling with eating, then smoothies are probably your best bet, as no need to chew.
Poor you. I hate having these mouth ulcers.