How troublesome are adhesions?

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May 24, 2011

At my last appointment, my GI said that while I do have a stricture at the site of my former terminal ileum, I didn't have an obstruction. He did mention that I have a lot of adhesions, he could feel them doing an external exam. I am having severe pain in my lower left quad., it has gotten so bad that I called the office crying and they called in some Ultram for me, but it still hurts. It randomly hurts, I don't even have to eat anything, but when I do eat it is a thousand times worse.

Can adhesions cause this kind of pain? What on earth can be done for them? I have been lying in bed crying for 3 days now. I get my remicade tomorrow and I'm hoping whatever is making me hurt will stop. I just don't know what to do. I almost went to the ER the other day just because the pain was so bad, but I knew they wouldn't give me pain meds (or at least make me wait 5-6 hours). I honestly can not live like this anymore. I would rather have surgery, than know that I have to deal with this level of pain every single day. I am on zoloft and ativan and I'm still having panic attacks and depression. I don't think my GI understands how much pain I'm in. Maybe I haven't been clear enough? Maybe I should eat something right before my appointment so he can see me writhing and screaming....

Sorry about the long post. I am at my wits end.
SarahAnne, Difficult to answer this TBH. I've got a lot of adhesions but dont have too many problems from them @ all except during colonoscopies. Then it really does cause problems because my gut is a bit limited in movement by them, at one point I've had a nurse shoving down very hard on my rh lower quadrant while the Dr uses the movement to edge the scope through. However I did know someone who had terrible trouble with adhesions because of colitis surgery. So it seems to be that it affects people differently. Do hope you can get a successful resolution to this, think you may need to really stress just how bad this is to your specialist without holding back.
Best wishes

1st symptoms 1983
Diagnosed 1985
1997 Right Hemicolectomy & Resection
2002 Laperotomy & Resection
2010 Laproscopic Ileocolic Resection
Currently got yet another stricture.

Been on Azathioprine & Pred
Currently on Entocort 9mg other day
Humira 40mg every two weeks
Pentasa 4gm daily
3mthly B12 Jabs
I too have a lot of adhesions. I've never had any surgery, or major injuries to my gut. I have NO idea how I got them, and it bugs me. I've been told that my colonoscopies are getting a little more troublesome. They now have to turn me and almost force the scope.

So, from what my GI has told me... my adhesions can begin to trap my intestines in place and made it difficult to pass food. Also, I think if they're removed then they can come back too.

I don't know too much about them. But I do know that when I get a twitch or pain I hope it's not them causing an obstruction or twisting my intestines out of place.

Hope you're feeling better. Let me know what you find out about them too.

Jessica, all I've ever read or heard about adhesions is just what you said....if you have them surgically removed then they can just come back. I've had a bowel resection, gallbladder removal, and 3 surgeries for a kidney stone. Pretty sure I know where my adhesions came from! :ymad:

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