As David said, you can wear all the protection you want, you can still get the herpes virus. My gyne always gave me lectures when I was growing up about it and how to be safe. The sad thing is, your girlfriend probably was having safe sex with the guy who likely gave it to her. She would not even have known probably as my gyne once told me that some men can just be carriers of HSV2 and never have any outbreaks, but can still pass it along. Sorry you are dealing with all these issues on top of this. Also, are you sure if is HSV you are dealing with??? My sons best friend has Crohn's disease and he told me that when he was first going through it he developed these bumps all over his body even down there. He said he was sure it was herpes, but turns out it was a nasty form of yeast infection. They did a biopsy of one of the lesions to confirm it. Just saying, some diseases can have similar characteristics. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.