Humira and skin growths

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Jan 30, 2010
Hi All,

I just wanted to share this with you-I had a growth on my leg that I thought was just like a result of shaving, ie ingrown hair.It looked like a pimple and would swell and shrink periodically.

I ignored it but when I visited the GI I had on a skirt and he noticed it immediately and scheduled a removal/biopsy.Turns out it was a form of tumor peculiar to Humira, it was benign but they can become cancerous.

So everyone please check your skin regularly, even if you think something is no big deal get a dermatologist to look at it.

Take care everyone! :kiss:
Good to know! Thanks for sharing! :D Just to be clear was it the same color as your skin tone (I'm assuming so) and was really small or did it get to a certain size?
This is very important, i agree!

I have use Humira about 4,5 years and i have the same thing, one biobsy from a "pimple-like" in my arm, was harmless, and one biobsy from my gums! They thought i may have mouth-cancer! Luckily i didn't. It was Crohns :hallo3: Not sure if it was Crohns of from Humira. But anyway..
It's exactly what Jimena said-it's red and looks like a pimple or ingrown hair. I've got another on my back so it's coming off too. *sigh* The joys of the medication side effects, right? :ybatty:
Wow jeanette its a good job you were vigilant.
So many things from meds that we don't realise we should look out for.
Thanks for sharing this. I have only been on Cimzia for a few months, but I have an odd spot on my leg I will be getting looked at ASAP now.
Hello Mountaingem, i am taking Humira and have itchy spots that do my head in, they are on my shoulders and back but look like normal spots, after reading your post i will report it to my nurse. Not liking the list of side effects with the Humira.:eek: Hope you are well.
Yeah, I'm not feeling the Humira, either-I have a laundry list of odd symptoms the doc keeps insisting are not related, hmmm not sure if I believe it. I have the same itch spots too-and my skin is very tender-odd, huh? Please share what your doc says, mine seem stumped!
Yeah, I'm not feeling the Humira, either-I have a laundry list of odd symptoms the doc keeps insisting are not related, hmmm not sure if I believe it. I have the same itch spots too-and my skin is very tender-odd, huh? Please share what your doc says, mine seem stumped!

Just curious, what are your odd symptoms? I had crazy things happen on Humira. Twitching, hands and feet falling asleep, pins and needles feeling, joint and body pain, exhaustion, allergies to things that never upset me before.
Twitching, joint and body pain, exhaustion, non stop congestion, depression, rashes, irritated flushed skin, major hot flashes-ugh I've only been 40 for a month and I'm already so over this!
No, never David-you always take the time to answer and that alone means so much! I would be very relieved if it is indeed a dificiency. I will definitely give your info a read-right now I'm on prescription strength Vitamin D, Folic Acid and Potassium so I may very well have other dificiencies.

My small intestine is very scarred inside, next month the GI is going to reem it out (for lack of a better word) to remove some of it. I also take Methotrexate which also wipes out vitamins as well.

Do you ever make recommendations on specific brands/formulas-maybe in a pm or another thread? I have difficulty absorbing them. Thank you so much for your help :)
I assume you've tested low for potassium thus the supplement? If so, low magnesium can cause low potassium. And people with Crohn's are commonly deficient, especially if you've got a lot of small intestine scarring. So many of your symptoms fit.

The only specific recommendation I have ever made for a supplement is a specific form of vitamin D. Other than that, I haven't found any I'm comfortable recommending as I don't know the companies well enough, sorry.

It's a great place to start, I'll have my doc check magnesium levels. Thank you, you are so awesome David! :hug:
My hands, arms, and sometimes my legs-it tingles as well.

Have you talked to your doctor about this? The tingling / dizziness / twitching was why I was pulled off Humira. My GI doctor called it the 'MS Side effect'. your experience might be completely different than mine, but I thought I'd chime in!
I'm curious about the "twitching." I've noticed muscle spasms and even random tightening for no reason since I started Humira. Usually in my legs (calf region especially).
My case started out as twitching, etc and it got worse with time. At the end of my humira usage, I fell down twice. At that time, my doctor opted to end the medication because there is a risk of permanent nerve damage from Humira. This side effect doesn't really seem to be very well documented, but I have had two doctors which were both involved in drug trials of Humira before it was approved tell me this was a risk.

There was a lawsuit that was covered last year out of the Mayo Clinic where a women is a suing over permanent nerve damage from using Humira. Just something to keep an eye out for. I don't feel like they had ever warned about the neurological side effects in all the literature I have read.
I cannot thank you enough for the heads-up Cupcake-I was beginning to think I'm crazy with all the twitching and tingling, ugh! I'm definitely going to get the doctor on the ball with tests and such, I'll let you know what turns up :)
I cannot thank you enough for the heads-up Cupcake-I was beginning to think I'm crazy with all the twitching and tingling, ugh! I'm definitely going to get the doctor on the ball with tests and such, I'll let you know what turns up :)

How are things going for you with your Humira issue? Just wanted to check in and see how things are working out for you!
Hi, I logged on here because since starting Humira (4 years ago in 2011), I've had ongoing, and increasing, skin tags, Huge ones. Wondered if anyone else has them. They can come up overnight!
I noticed on this thread, too issues with itchy, red irritated skin. My MD said that was just "a problem with having an auto-immune disease" and basically I would just need to find something over the counter to deal with it.
I noticed one person mentioned vitamin deficiencies, and I wanted to say that I've recently started using transdermal magnesium and I finally do not have non-stop itchy red ankles! I can go look up the brand if anyone is interested.
Thanks for all of your info, support, and experience.

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