Humira making me worse

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Jan 24, 2016
Hi everyone, I have Crohns going on 14 years, I have strictures at the ileam. My new doctor has put me on Humira and I feel so much worse,, abdominal pain and nausea, no diarria. I am feeling pain now in other parts of my bowel and feel humira is causing this. I have injected 14 pens so far and doctor up'd my dose to weekly.. I elt so much better before this treatment. Anyone out there with knowledge to help ?:sign0085:
Are you on any other meds?
Sometimes you humira needs a boast .
This can be done with EEN ( formuka only no food) , steroids, immunosuppressants (6-mp/Aza/Mtx ), and increased dosing .
Ds needs to have humira every week as well as Mtx and partial EEN ( he eats a limited diet )
Then his crohns is ok
Everyone is different
Some need more meds in combo

I wouldn't assume the humira is causing the problem
Probably not enough to fix the problem at the current amount which is why your doc increased it
I don't think Humira does anything that would make Crohn's worse. It can cause other problems, but it's more likely that your Crohn's is worse, and your Humira hasn't really taken effect yet. Your doctor increased the frequency to try to get the Humira to take effect more quickly.

Hang in there, do what your doctor says, and call him if you have any alarming symptoms. This is a complex, sneaky disease, but your doctor has studied it and has experience with it, so trust him/her.

I've been on Humira since Dec 2011, and for 1 year my doctor boosted it with 6MP. Now I've been in remission for two years. So hang in there, don't give up. remission is possible!
Thank you for comments.. Still getting awful pain mostly at night, abdomen tender and sore to touch all the time.. its 3 months now on humira and I can only say i'm getting worse. went to my GP last night and got a prescription for Entocort, this always worked for me before so fingers crossed it will again. My IBD doctor is talking about surgery, which I would like to avoid... I'm seriously thinking of quitting Humira and try Entocort on its own.... I'm so frustrated.: