Humira, Mtx and Asthma

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Apr 28, 2012
Grace is being plagued with asthma flares. :(

I will call the docs but I was wondering if your children have had asthma flares did you still do the humira or mtx shots?
This one for all her docs .
DS has not had a true asthma flare except for with severe illness ( h1n1 flu etc)
Since he was put on the right maintence meds- that med has changed a lot since he was two but that was to keep from being put on steriods.

Flare as in needing her albuterol more than twice a week or flare as in need albuterol around the clock due to a cold or true flare needing a steriod burst ?

DS has had more than a few colds which he has a sick asthma action plan to follow.
We have not stopped humira for these since there was no fever .
Yup the last bad flare the Allergist changed Grace's maintenance meds and her GP put her on w burst of pred which stopped it from becoming a hospital stay. THANK GOD.

Just was wondering if anyone has run into this dilemma?
I will say this time around it's seems more controlled but she still needs her rescue inhaler on top of all her reg. asthma meds.

Thanks I'll be calling first thing Monday morning.:hug: No giving the shot until I hear.
She's suppose to have her humira shot Monday night.
MLP her asthma plan says albuterol every four to six hours around the clock for the first 24-48 hrs depending on the severity of the illness/reaction. So far no need for Pred.:)
It would seem to me that you want to decrease systemic inflammation when you are having an asthma flare so you would want to give her meds on schedule.

That said, I believe that the inflammatory mechanism for asthma is different than for CD so it shouldn't make any difference to her asthma to give her CD meds on schedule.

Be interested to hear what the docs say to do.

Does she have inhaled allergies? When Badger's asthma got worse I always did a painstaking top-down cleaning of his room, washed all bedding and window coverings in hot water and removed anything from the room that couldn't be cleaned like stuffed animals or a rug. He was allergic to dust and dust mites so, even though I kept the room very clean normally, the extra cleaning seemed to help. I always used the covers for the mattress and the pillows and kept an extra set of sheets bagged in plastic so I could swap them out quickly and easily if his asthma flared suddenly.

Hope she feels better soon.
The rheumatologist said to give the shot. The nurse on the phone said all should be fine. I'm still waiting to hear from the allergist.
Grace's flare ups come from illness (virus), exercise and grass. No indoor triggers that we can pin point but we do the cover mattress and pillow case and she even has hard wood floor in the bedroom.
Now the stuffed animals well ya know, she has to sleep with bunny who can't sleep with out the elephant, who can't sleep with out her dinno, who can't sleep with out............. she has a very long night time routine.:kiss:
We have not discontinued any Crohn's meds for my son's asthma flares, but I have notified the GI when we added the inhaled steroid, just to let them know. Hope she settles quickly!
Thanks Jenn,:)
her Allergist called and wants her on a steroid nasal spray on top of her daily inhaler (Symbicort), Singular and antihistamine. 4 meds seem like allot to handle asthma.

The Allergist also said he wonders if her allergies are posing as "viruses".

I'm wondering if something more sinister is going on with her lungs.

Always something to worry about.
FW that is pretty typical for asthma /allergy kiddo .
Typically it a eye drops , multiple antihistamines , singulair , ICS , and nose spray.
DS started these at age two for asthma allergies.
Nothing unusual to worry about.

Has she been tested for pollen allergies ?
If so there are studies on allergy shots reducing the severity of asthma .
Good luck

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