Humira no loading dose

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my little penguin

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Apr 15, 2012
DS gets his first shot Friday .
However he will not be given a loading dose since he will not have a break from
The remicade to humira.
With remicade he was getting infusions every 5-6 weeks .
Friday will be just a little early for the full 6 weeks.

Has anyone else not gotten a loading dose when switching from remicade to humira???
Good luck, MLP. I wonder about not having the loading doses it seems in an article David posted, Switching anti-TNFs(sorry on mobile can't link) it addresses loading doses and switching, you may want to give the article a read through.

Hope all goes well!
Ev was 3 weeks out from his last remicade infusion when he started humira but his GI did want him to do the loading dose.

I'll be sending big healthy thoughts and prayers your way for Friday :)
Judging from your other posts- your son was not in remission on remicade?? yet?
maybe that is why?
I know DS has been doing very well the past couple of months on remicade ( except for the hypersensitivity reactions after the past two infusions).
I know our doc did say we were going to start ds here and increase if needed.

just have to go with it at this point.
No help here mlp. :( But sending loads of luck and well wishes your way...


Dusty. xxx
MLP, please post how the dose goes on Friday, I'll be hoping for the best. C is doing good this stretch but I know Humira is in thought process for us if his inflammation isn't checked up soon!

I hope all goes well with DS on Friday!!
Hope all goes well on Friday, haven't had a whole lot of time to check in on here but know I will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts that all goes well and it works as well as remicade with no side effects.
Hope all goes well on Friday, MLP!! And that the humira keeps him in remission for a long, long while! :thumright:

Will be watching for your update :)
Marni didn't get a loading dose when switching from Remicade to Humira either. There was no discussion about it with the doc. He just switched the meds and that was that. I didn't know there was any other way. Now, I'm curious, so if you ask your doc why he didn't choose to Rx a loading does, please post so I'll know, too! Thanks!
What a good boy! He deserves a treat!

Yay! One step closer to feeling better and a solution! Everything crossed and praying over here!
Poor kid! I hope it was done quickly! Hopefully, over time you can find ways to make it less painful (ie location, buzzy bee(?), icing, new computer game!, etc.)

But, hoping it gives him all the relief remicade did... without the reactions!!!

Hmmm, do you suppose insurance would cover these 'incidental' costs?!? :lol:
Glad the shot was done and over for this week. I'm sorry it was painful. Hope it does the trick though!
Ya, that's the one thing about Humira - it hurts going in. My son says it helps to take it oit of the fridge about 20 mins or so before injecting and to really pinch the skin in his thigh. Hope it works so amazing that it's worth the pain every other week :)
I've started taking Humira recently, and my understanding is that the loading dose is only designed to push you into remission.... So if he was already in remission on remicade (and switching due to reaction), then a straight switch without a loading dose would be logical.

I started with half a loading dose as my GI reckoned I had such mild disease, but 1 week away from my next Humira, things are starting to slide. I was a fast metaboliser on Enbrel so I'm not terribly surprised - keep a close eye out and if things don't maintain as well as you'd like, get onto them about a spike in medication straight away.
Glad you got through it ok. Yay for Legos! Hope it's quick for you to see results.

The shots seem to vary in pain intensity for Alex, I'm never really sure why, seems like I'm doing it the same every time. He did loading doses, but Remicade was failing since he was building antibodies and had been feeling really sick, so I guess that's why.
Glad you got thru it. Ice the leg til its pink...that helps my son. Not so painful

We had reaction to remicade on a tuesday, Did loading dose of Humira on the following friday. But my son only got a tsp of Remicade and had the it'd been 3 weeks from previous infusion, so maybe that's why they did loading dose. (It was only 2 shots instead of one)
We iced his leg to pink
Used buzzy as well but the leg itself was really sore afterwards

Putting my head in the sand
We are over 6 weeks out from last remicade infusion ( higher dose)
He got his humira shot ( single dose ) Friday.
Red tinged BM 6-8 of them yesterday -
Inside lower lips has lots of tiny ulcers - it hurts to brush
Mild stomach aches - RLQ
Lots of urgency
Hands peeling

Just tons of fun at our house.
If Brian tenses up then his leg is more sore than usual. We try to get him to relax his muscle before hitting the button.

Hope things get better soon :)
No button/pen just syringe
Since he is on the pediatric dose .
But the training nurse had DS nervous so next Friday should be better
Sorry to hear things aren't improving yet. Wishing we could all keep our head in the sand!! Hope the next injection is less stressful.
Yes, being nervous makes things worse for sure. Brian was on the 40 mg from the beginning. Our GI said they haven't had luck with the 20 mg. Just a thought...
Ugghh, sorry you're seeing some problems! I hope it's simply a matter of humira taking a bit of time to become fully effective! :ghug: :ghug:
I'm so sorry to hear that things aren't going smoothly.
My son says that no matter what he feels like he has a bruise on his leg for the rest of the day but icing the area, pinching skin and relaxing help with the actual shot...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys that within a couple of doses things will start to turn around. My son didn't feel like things were really 'good' until about 3-4 doses into it (including the loading doses we did)... so hopefully it's just a matter of time - I've heard/read lots of good stuff about the success rate for Humira after remicade...
He is actually over ( barely ) the max weight for the 20mg dose per the box
So maybe that is why .....
Too many factors right now so we wait .
Hope the next shot goes better and you guys see some improvement quickly! ((HUGS))
MLP, I just thought of this. My son's leg is more sore if we inject right in the middle of his thigh. More muscle there I guess. We try to do what we call Upper mid slightly to inside or outside. We also mark very visible veins before we ice (Cause after ice they disappear). If we accidently hit one of those small surface veins he seemed to bruise and its sore the next day. Also gently grab up as much of the area as you can in a big hump to inject into. Brian has done a ton of these injections and these are his tricks that work for him.
On YouTube there is a video of a Doctor injecting Humira 'Painlessly' into himself. He uses the pen...but it was interesting to watch. He has no fat on him!! I included the link. Not sure if it'll be helpful.
Sorry to hear that the shot was so painful and not helping yet. I hope he can find relief soon. When will his next injection be, MLP?

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