Humira or Remicade...opinions?

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May 23, 2011
Izz is finally improving from her flare and we are weaning again. However, it is time to move on from Pentasa as it isn't working.
Her doc has consulted some other docs, all of which recommend Remicade or Humira.
I don't like either one, to be perfectly honest, but I think we're going to have to choose soon. I sort of wish she was old enough to discuss it with her.

Only 2 weeks until our second opinion, but doc thinks Boston will tell us the same thing! :smile:
I've never taken either one so if I had a choice between the two I would start with Humira personally. It has a shorter list of common side effects and serious side effects. Sadly both have chest pain and shortness of breath listed in the serious side effects so I'm worried that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between my normal chest pain from my heart condition and the possible side effect from the drug.

Sorry for the late reply. Have you already made a decision?
Humira (I'm biased cos that what I chose). It's a fully humanised anti-body so less likely to have an allergic reaction. And anecdotal evidence suggested that people don't get used to Humira and loose efficacy as often.

That said, I'd go for Remicade if that was the only option.
I've done both (currently doing Humira), and I would personally suggest Humira. You have to remember the time commitment involved in getting a Remicade treatment (several hours at hospital or specialist clinic), whereas with the Humira, you can do the shots at home and it will only take a matter of minutes.

Also, I always felt absolutely horrible after a Remicade infusion. It was like my Crohn's was trying to get one last kick in before the Remicade took hold. Luckily, this only ever lasted the remainder of the day I got the infusions.
I feel like Humira is much more convenient, but from my experience I would say Remicade. Got several years of remission through Remicade, whereas I haven't noticed any improvements from Humira, and think I might be allergic to it now? lol
They are pretty comparable in terms of efficacy, so I would consider the pros and cons of the administration of each one. For Remicade, yes, you have to be at the hospital for a few hours but it's only once every 8 weeks. Humira, you don't have to go to the hospital which is a huge plus, but you have to deal with it much more frequently. Some things to consider would be how close you are to a hospital, and if you travel a lot.

I wasn't given the choice, I was just put on Remicade. At first, I was annoyed at the time commitment but the only thing that has been a problem has been scheduling my infusions around trips (I travel a lot). But it's always worked itself out. I REALLY like the fact that I go there, get my infusion, and then I don't have to think about it for another 8 weeks. Humira would be a problem for me since I travel a lot, because it would be hard to transport the needles and medicine (which I believe has to be kept cold, correct me if I'm wrong). That would be a PITA for me, personally, but if you don't travel a lot, then no biggie. On the other hand, if you live far away from the hospital, the infusion will take up a lot more time because you have to get there and back.

Both are great drugs, I hope they help Izz! Remicade has done wonders for me, I've been on it for 11 months now (started immediately after I got my diagnosis), along with 6MP, and I'm doing great! :)
Angie, like Beth, I'm partial to Humira but have no experience with Remi. EJ's now 11 so giving him shots at home is not a problem. I don't know if you'd be so lucky with a 4 yr old so that could be a factor. Good luck whatever you decide!!

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