Humira or Remicade?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 21, 2012
Hi everyone,

I am new to the site....

I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2005 but have been told that most likely have had it since 2002 when symptoms began but was mistreated for gal blatter issues. I am a 31 year old female. I have been hospitalized 5 times and have had two resections. I currently have under a foot left of my large bowel. I am My last resection was in May 2011. I currently have aggressive crohn's again and is in three new places between my rectum and last join. I have been on prednisone more times that I can count. I have tried imuran on two different occasions both times resulting in severe reactions. I continue to take pentasa, not sure why! According to my doc, my only options right now are remicade, humira or surgery which will result in a permanent colostomy bag. I have decided to try either remicade or humira but not sure which one to go with. My doc also told me that if I choose remicade, before each treatment I will be given steriods to prevent my body from developing antibodies towards the remicade. If I choose humira I will also have to go on methotrexate to prevent the antibodies. Right now I am leaning towards remicade as I feel taking a TNF blocker plus methotrexate opens me up to a lot more unwanted possibilities. Has anyone had any similar stories to share?

Hi, welcome to the forum!

I'm sorry to hear you're having such a tough time. :(

I was wondering how you do on steroids? A lot of people have some rough side effects, while others feel great within days. You might want to take that into consideration when making this decision. In your situation, I'd ask my doctor a lot of questions and try to get the pros and cons of each option.

I don't have any experience with either medication, but I suggest reading up on them on the Treatment forum. There are subforums for both Remicade and Humira, and methotrexate as well. There's also a stoma subforum under the General Discussion forum, if you want to look more into that option. :)

I hope everything goes well for you! Please let us know what you decide!
I dont have any similar experiences but I have been given the choice before. Humira I've been told is not as 'strong' and not as direct, it's also smaller doses over a period of time. Remicade is more direct, is pushed into you body acidly so has a quicker effect.

This is only my experience. I didn't have either in the end. Just remember once anti bodies are built up you generally can't take it again. So only use them if you truly have to....
Also a permanent stoma seems dramatic, have they thought about a loop illeostomy, it can be temporary and can help calm down symptoms.
I've had both a temp and now a perm. I'm surprised it wasnt mentioned and they just want to go straight to perm
I experience every possible side effect while on steriods. My first time on IV steriods I gained 80 lbs in 28 days. I have crazy heart rhythms, headaches, no sleep, hungry all the time but no appetite if that makes any sense, really bad neck pain, and I am very irritable.

My rectum would have to be removed if I went for the surgery... that's why the permanent stoma.

I am hesitant about trying the methotrexate because of my reaction to imuran... but maybe it would be ok.
My son doesn't get steroids at his Remicade infusions but he is on Methotrexate with the Remicade to stave off the development of antibodies and give the Remicade a push. Even with the steroids you could still develop antibodies and may be faced with the methotrexate add later. I've heard alot of the members say that liked the Humira because of it's ease of use as far as not interferring with schedules and such. My son's infusion lasts about 3 hours and he goes every 6 weeks.

I hope you are able to find remission quickly with whatever med choice you make!
Hello and welcome!
I am sorry to hear you are up against some tough decisions. I also had a severe reaction to Imuran and then I was put on Humira went into remission pretty quickly, I didn't have to take anything else with it. Humira did completely wipe out my immune system though and I had a lot of complications from that. I have never been on remicade so I can't compare the two. Good luck with what ever decision you make , hope it works well for you :) keep us updated
Good Luck with your new meds whichever one you choose!
Its a hard decision to make, just go with what feels right!

Hi there and welcome :)

Imuran and Methotrexate are a different class of drugs. So your reaction to Imuran doesn't mean you'll have a like reaction on MTX. Based upon your description of how you do on steroids, I'd go for the Humira and MTX.
I was wondering if I would react the same to the steriods only have one injection every 6-8 weeks???

I have an appointment next week with the GI consultative services to discuss both options along with my history.

Thanks to everyone for their input.
Ah, I misread and thought you were going to have to take steroids at the same time, not just a one time injection at the same time as the infusion.

I'm really sorry about that :(
No problem... so by just taking the one injection at the same time of a remicade treatment, do you think I would experience the same type of side effects?

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