Hair loss??? Where did that come from??
I was on Remi for about 4 infusions, then suffered an extreme allergic reaction, so then got put onto Humira, once fortnightly, and now to weekly shots. Been on it for about 4/5 months now, it's not too bad, did work for a period of time, but I think it's slowly losing it charm as I'm in an awful flare at the moment.
The difference is the proteins...
In Remi there is mouse protein instead of Human, so that one gets used first mostly.. Not to sure why though my Doc did explain... Then if that doesn't work (Generally due to the mouse proteins) the Humira is used, this one has Human protein. So generally less allergic reactions or nasty side effects, though obviously you should always tell your Doc before taking if you even think you have any sort of infection as it puts your immune system very very low... And if your on any other meds that do it, it can be very dangerous!! Never payed for my treatments as I'm in the Uk so not too sure on the cost of things... though Doc did mention Remi was expensiver. Hope any of that helps anyone! x