Hungry all the time?

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I was wondering is it normal to be hungry all the time? I constantly feel like i am hungry. I eat like crazy and never seem to feel full. Is this a crohn's thing or am I just being a pig? lol I am trying to control my hunger but it is hard. I need some help please!
Im the same way. Not sure if its normal but when i do eat i eat very little and in a very short time im hungry again.
This is extremely normal if you are on the higher doses of Prednisone... or just Prednisone at all, because it increases your appetite... which is why one side effect of it is weight gain. I hate it... I'm ALWAYS eating.
I wish I had that problem right now. I don't eat very much and I am trying to gain weight. But yeah if you are on Prednisone then that could be the reason.
I'm not on Prednisone and I eat all the time. I made it a habit to eat a lot of snacks a few years ago, and if I keep my portions small and well planned then I can eat fairly healthy, not get too full, and feel pretty good. If I go more than 2 - 3 hours without food (except when I'm sleeping), I start by feeling hungry, then cranky, then weak and tired..... This became much more exagerrated in July when my latest flare, I guess I should call it, the reason I sought a diagnosis, started. I thought it was very strange to be nauseous all the time but not be able to go without eating! Strange. Anyway, portion control, and healthy food planning, went out the window during the holidays. Tomorrow I'll have sensible portions with me to eat at work. I'm hoping I have decent self control!!

Good luck!

Hugs and butterflies,
Prednisone will do make me eat all the time. When I am not on Pred, I usually don't have much of an appetite and will get by with 1 or 2 meals a day....tho I never eat breakfast on or off the Pred.

Kissy- are you in a flare right now?
Yeah I believe I am in a flare. I am on a low fiber diet right now but am still having D. I am currently not on any meds. I was on Asacol but it stopped working and I got a colonoscopy done which showed the diseased parts and I go to see the gi doc next month. He didn't put me on anything just the diet so we will see what he does in February.
I too ate like a pig when on prednisolone. During a flare my appetite drops significantly. At the mo, as I have had resection surgery quite recently, my appetite is really good. I always thought that if your appetite is good then thats a good thing, I'd be more concerned if I wasn't eating anything.

I am always hungry as well... but i'm not on prednisone or any drugs at the moment.. but yeah i have an insatiable appetite and i'm pretty sure it's because of crohn's.
well, it helps to know I am not the only one with this problem. I am trying to lose this baby weight though and it doesn't help when I am hungry all the time. But I know it will have to be like mind over matter. So I guess I will drink lots of water. Thank for all your responses
HI Kissy, I am new here but I was never too much of an eater until prednisone. Then I would eat until I felt like I would throw up & still feel hungry. Entocort so far doesn`t seem as bad as pred. to me(only on it a week). I would just try to get healthy & take care of yourself. Beauty comes from your rosy cheeks & the twinkle in your eye & a great sense of humor , not the size you wear.
Im the same way but I noticed that im craving sugar and once I get it I dont feel as hungry anymore at least for a little while. But then sugar really plays a role when itcomes to cramping and gas
hungry all the time

I am always hungry. When I was a kid all of my friends and family would joke about how I was a human garbage pail or a bottomless pit. I was never fat either (not skinny though). I could just eat and eat. That is because food goes right through me.

I too am on Asacol and right now it is working for me. I am ALWAYS hungry. A real buring in the stomach kind of hunger. I try to eat all day long, drink a lot of water and tea and not give in to my sugar cravings. I try to make sure I eat a lot of fish and chicken to fill the empty feeling and hold me over a bit longer. That gets expensive but I try to do that.

It can really turn into a bad cycle if I give in to bad foods. I eat and crap all day long.

I really would not worry about managing your weight. It really should be below your list of worries when compared to managing your health, managing your medication, managing your relationships, etc. There are enough things to worry about now then your weight. Worry first about feeling good on the inside.

One thing to be aware of. By maintaining weight, people will likely tell you how good you look or how you must be feeiling better now, even if this is not really true. Do not let them frustrate you, as they do not know what you are going through and are really just trying to be supportive or understand the situation.
mikeyarmo said:

I really would not worry about managing your weight.

I totally agree with that statement! My weight goes up and down and I can't worry about it. I eat when I need to and refrain when I am in a flair. I make sure I get the right food in my system to get the right vitamins.

The word DIET means something totally different for people with Crohn's.
This I know now. I am on a low fiber/low residue diet and I can't really worry about fat. Just about fiber. So I am just focusing right now on what I can eat and what is healthy for me and what causes my flares. It is a pain but something I must do to atay healthy. Thanks all for your support!
I too eat like a pig. People see me eat and usually make comments on me being so small and how much I can eat. I have been the same size for years and I swear I think crohn's and metabolism is linked somehow. That or the food just doesn't have the chance to stay in us for long so we're always hungry. lol. Either way..EAT UP!! The way I see it...when u have a bad flare, u can barely eat (or I couldn't, I lived on Gatorade and water for 3 months and lost almost 40 lbs and I'm only 120) so eat as much as u feel like. It'll give u the extra to lose when a flare comes. As long as u are keeping urself healthy :) Take care
About Average

I'm not really hungry all the time. I eat pretty normal, all in all. Back when I had my ileostomy, before they put me all back together again, I ate constantly. I had temporarily moved in with my Dad and stepmother and their grocery bill went up by a good $200. Doc warned me I'd pretty much be eating all the time until the reversal, but egads! If I wasn't drinking Ensure I was eating something. I probably ate a good 6 meals and another 6 snack times a day. Kinda felt like a hobbit. "Well, it's time for second breakfast! Another hour or two and I can start my first brunch." ;)

hehe! Loved going for the all you can eat fish dinner at a restaurant back then though. :ylol: That was a hoot!

Then again, I've always had a quick metabolism and not having my colon hooked up kinda made it that much worse. Funny too when I go in to get an upper GI w/small bowel follow they always say it'll probably take an hour and I tell them that it won't and they'll be lucky to have to wait 45 minutes. Little over a half hour later they take me in for more pictures and are like, "well...I guess it's all the way through." I'm usually in and out in 40 minutes.

I usually tend to eat more when on Prednisone though.
I have this problem of feeling hungry all the time and I'm not on prednisone. I can't take it, I was on it for 5 years before and now I'm allergic to it.
This is extremely normal if you are on the higher doses of Prednisone... or just Prednisone at all, because it increases your appetite... which is why one side effect of it is weight gain. I hate it... I'm ALWAYS eating.
I lost 100 lbs before I was diagnosed with crohn's.
I watch everything I eat. If I gain a lb I freak.
I'm 57 and also have COPD which keeps me motionless.
I've lost an additional 20 lbs. recently.

Flare ups suck!! I eat very little during them but never seem to lose.
Everyone is different.

I totally agree with that statement! My weight goes up and down and I can't worry about it. I eat when I need to and refrain when I am in a flair. I make sure I get the right food in my system to get the right vitamins.

The word DIET means something totally different for people with Crohn's.
Son had a huge appetite in the hospital and he was only on steroids for 3 days. They brought him tiny meals and after 15 minutes, he would be asking about the next one. He was malnourished and they wanted to avoid refeeding syndrom.

Now that he's in remission and not on steroids, he has a good appetite, but nothing like your typical 16 year old boy, who eats everything in sight. He eats 2 - 3000 calories a day and has to push himself a little to eat that much.
I feel hungry all of the time lately. I recently started Welchol and since then gained 7 lbs in 1 week. I cant understand it. The weirdest part is that I still have D.

When I was on both Predni. and Budesonide I thought about eating my pets I was so hungry. I hated that medication.

I am so confused by this disease.
You are not alone. I eat so much sometimes and my stomach doesn't even feel full, seems as if I could just carry on eating. People have always comented on my huge appetite. It must be Crohns. I also suffer constipation and the occasional dioreah.