I have tried quite a few unconventional treatments and all but a couple failed to help. One that failed to help me, but I think helps many, is good probiotics. VSL 3
to be specific. It cannot hurt, in any case.
The one product that helped me quickly, and very noticeably, and at least two other people with Crohn's, is Miracle Mineral Supplement. This is a grossly over hyped product that when mixed properly is the chemical Chlorine Dioxide. Chlorine Dioxide is a disinfectant used in water treatment and other applications where a bactericide is needed. It is not approved to treat anything. It has been used by thousands of people for various conditions, with varying degrees of success. It is experimental and has to be used with care, as it is quite powerful.
The sicker you are, the more you will react to this treatment. I can take a full dose now and have zero effect. I had quite pronounced, typical responses to my first treatments.
The important property of the chemical Chlorine Dioxide is its ability to kill acidic bacteria without killing most normal beneficial bacteria in the body. I have used this for my Crohn's and it resolved my two symptoms of loose stool and a sensation in my terminal ilium which I could not get rid of any other way. It took four weeks of use to clear all of these symptoms, and I took it two weeks longer to make sure I killed most all of the symptom causing bacteria.
My wife also used this product for Lyme Disease, and it worked well. Unfortunatly, her stomach is sensitive and she could not take it for more than a couple of months. With Chronic Lyme Disease, years may be needed to rid the body of such a persistent bacteria.
I will repeat that Miracle Mineral Supplement is not approved to treat anything and anyone using it does so at there own risk. Having said that, I know of no one who has had any serious side effects from it. The one thing that it can cause, particularly if you are loaded with acidic bacteria, is stomach upset, vomiting in extreme cases.
The normal response is diarrhea at first. When the bad bacteria is cleared out, this goes away. After this initial effect, you will have hard normal stool no matter how much you use. The dead bacteria causes the loose stool and when they are cleared out, the diarrhea is gone also.
Do some research and make up your own mind. This is not for everyone, but in my opinion it was the second most important treatment I used.
The most important treatment was Low Dose Naltrexone. This is a Crohn's treatment, but not one used by very many. I will just point you to the web site. You can do a search here as it has been discussed many times.
In a nutshell, LDN boosts your immune system and works for Crohn's about 75% of the time. No serious side effects and it is cheap. It also protects you from other autoimmune diseases and Cancer. It is an Arthritis treatment. You can pretty much cover most all Crohn's related conditions with this one pill a day.
I have used LDN for about two years now. I still have no symptoms of Crohn's. I only use Miracle Mineral Supplement occasionally now. Like when I get bit by a Deer Tick.
Check out Low Dose Naltrexone at: