Husband just diagnosed

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Aug 14, 2014
Hey everyone.

Hubby has just been diagnosed with Crohn's. I am trying to learn all I can to be the best help to him possible.

He's had horrible abdominal pain off and on his whole life. Never could get an answer as to what was going on. Everytime he would seek treatment, he would feel better before anyone had any answers.

He had a CT with contrast that indicated colitis. + occult blood and + lactoferrin. Colonoscopy today showed Crohn's. Waiting on biopsy results, but doc seems pretty sure.

He has lost 20 lbs in the last 6 weeks, and this has been his worst (what we now know as a) flare yet. Appears to be going into remission.

Doc wants to start him on lialdia.

Thats all I have for now. Just trying to wrap my head around all of this.
I can imagine what you're feeling! While I am not married, my boyfriend (hopefully my soon to be fiance) was just diagnosed with Crohn's yesterday. His mother has it, and when he started getting abdominal pain, diarrheah, etc, we knew that it was most likely Crohn's, and the doctor's confirmed it.

I haven't had too much experience with the disease, even though we've been dating for nearly 2 years (this is his first flare up) it's not very severe, as far as I know, but it makes him miserable. He's holding up though, he even made it through three church camps in a row while in pain. THREE. I admire his strength so much.

Anyways, I wish you all the luck. Know that you're not alone! I am sending my prayers and best wishes to you!
Sorry to hear both of you are dealing with this.

There is a period of adjustment after diagnosis. Take it a day at a time. I would also suggest keeping a food and symptom journal. Try to pinpoint problem foods. Some people find symptom relief by cutting out dairy and wheat. There are a lot of people here with more dietary experience than myself. Its important to get the inflammation under control. It may take time to find the right med combination that works.

Sending all of you my support.

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