I Am A Huge Chicken!

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Jul 22, 2012
I have been on Humira for about 2 months now, taking one every other week. I feel as though I will never get used of it. For example, today, (which has been the worst) I almost cried because I am so afraid of pressing the trigger. I put the pen on the injection spot and then I take it right back off (repeatedly). It just seems like my thumb will not move to press the trigger. And today this is the second time that I inject on the left side of my stomach and I lose some liquid. I don't know why I'm being such a baby about it, I just start freaking out right before I give myself the shot. Any advice to help me relax and overcome this fear?
Heya and welcome to the forum.
You are allowed to be a chicken, you just have to give yourself the shot. I'm big on breathing, 4 in, hold 7,out 8, do this 5 times. Put ice on the site to numb it before injection. Say "I trust in the process" repeatedly until the shot is done. You may find alternating between your right side and a thigh might work better. I seem to have the same problem on my left, I also try using my left hand to inject on the left, better control for some reason. You can do it.
And if you find you cannot, do you have someone around who you trust and doesn't have needle issues, that can give it to you?
The doctor I saw on Monday wants me to start on Humira and 6mp. I'm terrified. So don't feel bad. I am probably an even HUGER (not a word, I know) chicken. Ehhhh ick. The life, huh?
Oh i know its terrible sometimes, i always have someone else give me the injection. Also i recommend injecting in the legs which is much easier than the stomach, make sure to leave it at room temperature for at least 15 minutes. I like to say it gets better as time goes on but those pens are violent and that medicine hurts going in, the only reason i keep coming back is how it makes me feel. Hang in there we all feel the same and are going through it together!
I recommend the prefilled syringe if you can get that and get over actually seeing the needle. I get to control how fast it goes in, and it hurts much less than the pen. It takes some time to get used to using a real syringe, but the decrease in pain has been worth the effort.
Can you ask a friend or someone to do it for you until you can? My doctor also offered for me to come in the first few times until I got used to it, but luckily it was not necessary, but may be an option for you.
I get nervous too but I just think to myself... "'This is going to make me feel better" and just push it, sqwince, 1..2...3...10..., Done!
I've been on it over a year and get nervous every time, but it has significantly lessoned. one thing that does help is I give my self a treat, usually chocolate (since that is a no food for my stomach). while the shoot still sucks. most of the day i think about the chocolate so i'm a little less anxious.

oh also you will see over time you will have some injections that aren't painful at all, while some still are, some how that mix makes it a little better for me as well.

Give yourself credit for what you've done
You can do it, you just have to keep telling yourself that it will make you feel better.
That's what I tell myself on shot day.
Thanks, everyone for the kind advice. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem. I will have to try a few things y'all have recommended. :ysmile:
I definitely felt this way when I started, but I promise you will get used to it. I just take a deep breath and try to think of something that makes me really happy. Usually my thoughts head to a beach, or something good I have coming up in my life! Just squeeze your eyes and hit the button. Eventually you'll be able to do it without looking at the window. I can just listen and hear when it's all gone in. It helps if you don't have to watch and try to put your mind somewhere else for those few seconds! And yes, leaving it out 15 minutes before so it warms up a bit helps ease the pain going in.
You are not a chicken by no means. Humira is some super thick stuff. I tried to inject it myself , but would yank it out before it was time due to the pain. THe anxiety that came along with me about to inflict pain on myself was for the birds, so I had my fiancee start doing it for me. Everyone is different, but I noticed that when humira is given in my upper leg ( where the cellulite is), the pain isnt as bad. Because I am Olive Oil thin, I think thats why it's more painful adminstered in my gut. However, I did bite the bullet and give myself my methotrexate . It took me a while to build up the courage to actually do it, sweaty palms and all. I think I literally counted to 3 about 50 times before I finally pulled the trigger. I knew that Methotrexte was not near as painful as Humira, so that set my mind at ease a little. After a while of you doing it yourself, hopefully it will be a breeze. BTW- you are not a chicken. I'm a certified one, and still to this day have an issue with inflicting pain upon myself. If all else fails get a nurse or someone at your doctors office to administer it. Good luck. Kim:goodluck:
You are not a chicken by no means. Humira is some super thick stuff. I tried to inject it myself , but would yank it out before it was time due to the pain. THe anxiety that came along with me about to inflict pain on myself was for the birds, so I had my fiancee start doing it for me. Everyone is different, but I noticed that when humira is given in my upper leg ( where the cellulite is), the pain isnt as bad. Because I am Olive Oil thin, I think thats why it's more painful adminstered in my gut. However, I did bite the bullet and give myself my methotrexate . It took me a while to build up the courage to actually do it, sweaty palms and all. I think I literally counted to 3 about 50 times before I finally pulled the trigger. I knew that Methotrexte was not near as painful as Humira, so that set my mind at ease a little. After a while of you doing it yourself, hopefully it will be a breeze. BTW- you are not a chicken. I'm a certified one, and still to this day have an issue with inflicting pain upon myself. If all else fails get a nurse or someone at your doctors office to administer it. Good luck. Kim:goodluck:
Yeah, I much rather do it in my abdomen because I tried in my upper leg and it hurt so much! I jumped so high, it was hard for me to keep the pen still. Thanks, again, everyone for the kind words. :) Hopefully next time I'll be better.
I think everyone is different...I did my loading doses in both stomach and leg, and my leg hurt for far longer.
It truly is a painful shot...my daughter used to scream during the entire shot, poor kiddo (we both were taking it at one time)! I also use a prefilled syringe so I can control the injection rate...sometimes it takes me a full minute to inject, and occasionally it doesn't burn quite as badly and I can inject faster. I also leave it out for 20 minutes and ice for 10. I hope your next injection goes just a little bit better...(((HUGS))) and that in time it gets easier.
Okay! I did it once again...just a few seconds ago, and I remembered some other things that help. First, I turn on upbeat music to cheer me on. Then, my cats always seem to join me. I wonder if they feel my anxiety. Does anyone else have this? Finally, I too think positive thoughts to myself- primarily "I can do this." it also helps to have my husband in the room telling a somewhat meaningless story that I don't actually have to pay attention to while I inject.
I like to turn some music or the TV on to distract myself. I used to ice the area for a few minutes before doing the shot but found it made me think about it and freak out! Like to get it done as quickly as possible. My cats also seem to wander in for moral support... and cuddles afterwards :)
I am right there with you, Kylnn. I will give myself two shots this Friday, my second dose. Since my first dose (of four shots, can you believe we did that?!) I have read up on others' advice so I plan to ice the area (I am trying my legs this time, one in each) and taking the medicine out of the fridge for 20 to 30 minutes before I inject.
I like what folks here have mentioned about a "treat" afterwards, I'll have to think of something good :)
Let us know how it goes!
Yeah, my shot went well, last Wednesday. I tried the music method. Put the ear phones in my ears and turned the music up real loud. Didn't take as long to inject myself like the last time. But I was still shaky afterwards.. and it still burned, of course. lol.
It was really painful! I am clearly a huge chicken too! I couldn't do it the nurse had to do both :(

You're not a chicken :) everyone has the right to be frightened by things like this :) you're not the first and you won't be the last to be frightened by this :)
I think you'll eventually do it, I have never had to have done what you've done. I may in the future and I know I won't enjoy it and it'll frighten me but its something you will have to do and I know you'll get the mental strength to do it. Don't let it overwhelm you :)
How'd it go?

It went well. I had to take this weeks one Tuesday instead of Wednesday because of the hurricane that passed Tuesday night. Had no electricity since that night so I took it before we lost power. We finally got power back last night. Anyways. This time was even better. I had my headphones in, music loud and I iced the area before. Didn't feel a thing. The bad thing was I lost some of the liquid. I don't know why I lose some liquid every time when I'm injecting the left side of my abdomen. Everything goes in on the right side. I guess I will have to keep working on it.
Hi there and I can sympathize just started with Humira this week :goodluck: Its scary I admit especially with four shots to start with ! I found if I do a short relaxation breathing slowly and either thinking of lying on a beach in Hawaii:ysmile: or how much this stuff is going to calm the inflammation I can get past it. It does burn going in that's for sure. Keep up the good work and God Bless

It went well. I had to take this weeks one Tuesday instead of Wednesday because of the hurricane that passed Tuesday night. Had no electricity since that night so I took it before we lost power. We finally got power back last night. Anyways. This time was even better. I had my headphones in, music loud and I iced the area before. Didn't feel a thing. The bad thing was I lost some of the liquid. I don't know why I lose some liquid every time when I'm injecting the left side of my abdomen. Everything goes in on the right side. I guess I will have to keep working on it.

I'm glad we don't get hurricanes in South Australia! I wonder why you're losing some of the liquid... are you holding the skin real tight or anything? Last time I did mine the last little bit wouldn't go in until I loosened my grip a little
I'm glad we don't get hurricanes in South Australia! I wonder why you're losing some of the liquid... are you holding the skin real tight or anything? Last time I did mine the last little bit wouldn't go in until I loosened my grip a little

Yes, I HATE them. They're not fun. I really don't know why I lose liquid. I guess maybe I don't put enough pressure, but why always on that side? I'll never know. lol.
I always had the syringe one and it was too hard to get a nurse to do it so I went on the humira website and learnt how to inject. Going to the pen was a WHOLE other story, I was the same, my brain could not get my thumb to press. I take it out of the fridge 20 mins before and ice my injection site for 20. I now find the pen fast and easier. But it never really stops hurting but you learn to handle it. It's no worse than standing on a really good bindi (prickle)
I keep reading about everyone icing the skin in the area of the injection. I am exploring the idea of taking Humira vs. Remicade right now... I have to say, your stories of pain injecting the Humira are giving me pause about selecting Humira....

Anyway, back to my question; I keep reading about icing the skin at the site to reduce the pain. I tried that trick for doing my B-12 shots a long time ago and it seemed like it made the skin thicker and harder to penetrate with the needle. Have you folks noticed that as well and does that make it harder to do the injection?
Thanks, sorry it took a few days to respond. Haven't been on in a while. I took my Humira a few minutes ago and it was on the left side, and what do you know? I lost fluid AGAIN!? I don't know why I can't press down hard enough on the left side? Everything goes in on the right side? I can't seem to get used of this and no one around wants to give me the shot. So, I'm a loner. lol.
I keep reading about everyone icing the skin in the area of the injection. I am exploring the idea of taking Humira vs. Remicade right now... I have to say, your stories of pain injecting the Humira are giving me pause about selecting Humira....

Anyway, back to my question; I keep reading about icing the skin at the site to reduce the pain. I tried that trick for doing my B-12 shots a long time ago and it seemed like it made the skin thicker and harder to penetrate with the needle. Have you folks noticed that as well and does that make it harder to do the injection?

I agree with the ice thing. The last time I iced it for a long time and left a HUGE welt after and it still hurt.
My wife is a nurse and so of course I have been talking with her about Humira and injections. She noted that icing the site prior to injecting will possibly mess with the absorbtion of the medication. I wonder if it might also make it easier to lose fluid? Another recommendation she had was to avoid the pens and to use a syrenge to have better control and less pain.
Don't feel so bad! I'm actually in the same boat and it's been 9 months. I know the pain is very brief but I always have to pysche myself into doing it. When the nurse did it for me, it wasn't too bad so it's something about self-admin that's doing it.

For me, the stomach was easier than legs since I don't have much fat on my legs. Recently though even the stomach isn't the best. You just have to rotate areas, one side of stomach, then other, then alternate legs. Give your body some time to recover from injection. I've read icing the area before helps but doesn't seem to help as much as leaving the pen out for 30 min.

You're not the only chicken :)
Don't feel so bad! I'm actually in the same boat and it's been 9 months. I know the pain is very brief but I always have to pysche myself into doing it. When the nurse did it for me, it wasn't too bad so it's something about self-admin that's doing it.

For me, the stomach was easier than legs since I don't have much fat on my legs. Recently though even the stomach isn't the best. You just have to rotate areas, one side of stomach, then other, then alternate legs. Give your body some time to recover from injection. I've read icing the area before helps but doesn't seem to help as much as leaving the pen out for 30 min.

You're not the only chicken :)

Yes, it just takes a long time to get used to I guess. I'm not really new to Humira anymore and I'm still scared. Hopefully soon I'll just get tired of being scared and just do it without thinking! lol. I've been doing it in my stomach only. I'm kind of scared to try my legs again.
I can't bring myself to giving an injection. I know the needle doesn't hurt but the mediation sets me on fire. My family doctor does it for me.
I can't bring myself to giving an injection. I know the needle doesn't hurt but the mediation sets me on fire. My family doctor does it for me.

Yeah, It's finally getting better for me, I found a spot to where it doesn't hurt as bad, which is my lower abdomen. I'm just starting to bruise a lot from it. My last injection left a big bruise and almost turned black and was there for a few days.
There's another thread that suggest putting an ice pack on the area they are going injects first to numb the area out. I don't know if that would help your pain and bruising. I'm going to try that with my injection on the 14th.
I leave the syringe out for 20 minutes, start icing my belly after the first 10, and inject just until it starts to burn, pause, and inject again. It takes me a few minutes to finish. I prefer the belly (my leg hurt for 24 hours when I tried it, plus the belly is more easily accessible), although dd preferred her leg. I also tend to inject in the same spot as it is easier (I am right handed and inject in the right side of my belly) but they recommend moving your site a bit. HTH!
Yeah, I have the pen, so I can't pause. :( lol. I've been getting used to it, but as of now I can't take my Humira because a recent TB blood test I've taken in order to start working came out positive. X-ray results came out negative, so I don't have TB. So, I'm medicine-less until my GI get's my results from the hospital to figure out a plan.
20 minutes? I leave the syringe out for about an hour... the warmer the better, otherwise it hurts more. Good luck Klynn, sorry to hear about the TB test. I hope it all gets worked out soon.

Chad, you leave it out for an hour? And yet it is still working for you? I thought it might not be good for the medicine to leave it out that long.... But on thinking about it, once the medicine goes into your flesh it must warm up to body temperature almost immediately, - hmmm... So why not?

I might try leaving it out a bit longer myself next time (currently leaving 30 mins). It doesn't hurt me that much when it first goes in, but the general area becomes very tender soon after the shot, for about 12 - 15 hours.

Mainly I just wish it a would take hold properly to help me - currently it makes me feel better for about 1 or 2 days, then wears off. Anyone else have a similar experience? Did it eventually come good?



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