I am bleeding, what the...

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Aug 9, 2010
Its the fourth time in the last three months, I go to the toilet and I am bleeding. No pain (just the normal Crohns pain) No more D than usual (7-10 times a day). The blood is bright red and quite alot, enough to make the water red. First time it happened mid September I think. I went to my GI and did some lab work (all normal). However based on my history of normal lab works while on full flare he suggested I should do the next Humira injection earlier. I did and the bleeding stopped. Then in October I had some bleeding twice (One day each episode) and now today again. I have Hemorroids ever since I was a kid but they never bled so much and they are not irritating or painfull.

I noticed that I tend to bleed before or after menstruation.

Generally I feel fine. No losing weight no extra problems.

Any ideas on what the heck is wrong with me?

My next GI app. is December 16th and I will mention the bleeding again but is it worth it to go earlier?

TIA boys and girls.
Γειά σου Scifimom....It sounds like a fissure (ραγισματιά) to me. Has your GI done a thorough check in the area? I would definitely see the doctor sooner rather than wait for another 3 weeks.

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Do you think it's your hemmerhoids bleeding? Maybe not if you said it turns the water red, I think that might only be when you wipe.. Anyways, what I was going to get at, I used to go to the bathroom, and it would scare the crap out of me *pun intended lol* because of how red the water would be. I felt completely fine though. For me, it turns out when I eat certain foods, it seems to change the colour of my bm's. It happens to me once and awhile when I eat red foods (tomatos, ketchup, pasta, etc) or even red dyes. Unless you can 100% tell it's blood, try to look closely at it next time. It could be a possibility
Can you ask for another colonoscopy to see what's going on? I know, that's really not fun, but it might be the only way to check.
I agree with, Sybil. I think a scope is in order. Maybe just a flex sig (less prep involved) will do the trick. Considering it is bright red blood, it is most likely coming from the end of your colon and/or rectum.

I hope that it isn't anything serious! Hang in there!
Maybe the Crohns is active even if you cant feel a thing, but sometimes the symptoms come in a different ways, so I would suggest you to check with your Doctor and ask him if you may need to do Endoscopy and Colonoscopy, this examination will whether your in flareup or not.

Best regards.
I used to get bleeding every couple of months randomly. Exactly the same as you but it was just my crohn's. The doctors were never overly cautious about it as it was just another symptom. My crohn's was mainly in my sigmoid colon though so it was to be expected, I guess. Is your crohn's in the last bit of your colon?
No my crohns is in the terminal ileum, at least that is where it was last time I had a scope. Meh I guess I will schedule my next colonoscopy earlier (It was supposed to be next summer). BTW I am still bleeding randomly and next week I am going to have my routine lab work. I will meet my doc next week if the results are not good. xJillx I am not sure the sigmoidoscopy is available in Greece, I was never offered one. On the other hand during the last two scopes I was on full flare so maybe that was why noone mentioned a flex-sig.
My Crohn's is in the TI as well and I bleed bright red blood as well. Its not a symptom, its a problem. You can't let it go unchecked. Allowing it to continue can cause all sorts of problems such as anemia(especially since you said it happens before and after your menses). You can always call and leave a message for your GI rather than waiting for any appointments. They can change treatment plans and appointment times accordingly.
It's possible that your crohns has developed elsewhere(sigmoid colon/colon) I know my disease is located in the colon alone. I would heal up the first week of the month and as I got closer to my mensies the healed areas would slough off and I'd pass the black blood which covered the area then begin bleeding bright red. I had a sigmoidoscopy to see if I had any active disease still and it turns out I do. It dropped from being severe to moderate but still active all the same with large patterns of bloody areas. For the most part though my colon is just inflammed. It is possible that your disease is active and/or it has moved and become active elsewhere