Okay, so for the past five or six years that i've known i have crohn's i've done lots of googling and all i keep seeing is that nobody knows why people get this disease. Well here's my theory on how this happens. I think that maybe it does have a lot to do with your ancestry and where you're from. Because, well obviously they don't ask for family medical history for no reason. They must think that its inherited. While I think that is sort of true, I also think it depends a lot on where your family is originally from. Recently, I noticed theres a lot more awareness going on in the UK than there is in the US. And I'm noticing that the majority of crohns patients on blogs and forums, are from the UK or have ancestors that were from there. And then I look at my own history. On my moms side, theres english and french background. On my dads side, theres english and english. And all through my mom side of the family, down the line, there is always english background. I honestly don't know much about all this but is it possible that people who originate from a certain region could just simply have a certain altered gene or something that causes their digestive systems to be like this?? Or maybe it's because, for example, if you take a saltwater fish and you put that fish in fresh water, obviously its gonna have a different reaction to living than it would if it stayed in its natural habitat. So maybe if the family tree strays from where it originally started, maybe its just something that a few people experienced and throughout the generations, it just became part of their biology. Those are just some of my theories. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think! Its just really interesting to me. and you never hear anybody really talk about it.. They just say the cause for these diseases are unknown.. Well thats odd and it gets me thinking. And now i cant stop! So i'd love to hear somebody else's opinion on the matter.