I can't believe it!

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Feb 6, 2011
:sign0085:Hi there everyone,
I really need help. I was practically given a job at a care home-they even payed for my crb check and yesterday I found out my last employer told them all about my crohn's in his reference and so when I rang up today they told me I didn't get short listed and so they won't be needing me, even though they told me they were eager for me to start just yesterday (before he gave them the reference).
I can't believe it, I've been waiting a month for my crb and my references as a soon as they finding I have crohns they don't want me anymore! This must be illegal? I rang my last employer and asked him what he wrote in the reference and he told me he had to write about my illness and time off. I was going to tell my new employers when I started about it but didn't get a chance, as they never asked me about it in my application and interview. I'm so upset, yet again crohn's disease has got in the way of me living a normal life.
I may add that I am a very hard working person and don't let my illness be an excuse (unless I'm actually in hospital) please help, what can I do? X
Hi BonBon - Can't help much because I don't know what the labor laws are over there, but good luck getting it all sorted out.

Can you consult an employment attorney to see what your options are?

Good luck. - Amy
I'm not sure they can even say anything about that. That's not work related. I would look into it.
The same thing happened to me recently. I'm a nanny, and while applying for a position, I let them know that I had crohn's. Just out of respect, because i think it is their choice whether or not they want to hire me. They deserve to know that sometimes I will need time off, sick days, ect..
But that is a private employer, not a company. I think it's different in that case. Someone hiring a person to come and take care of their kids totally deserves to know about an illness. I may not be able to fulfill my responsibilities at times, due to being sick.

If your crohn's will not prevent you from giving 100% at your job, then it shouldn't be an issue. I'm not sure of what you can do legally, but I know here that no company may refuse you employement, or terminate you based solely on physical or mental health status. That prevents employers from discriminating against disabled or chronically ill people. maybe they have that where you live.
Oh dear. I'm not an expert on employment law in the UK, but here I live! You can disclose your illness to a potential employer, because technically you are covered under the DDA act over here if you have crohns.

So, you are being discriminated against, and your last employer could land himself in some serious hot water for what he did! Please go to the website of the CCFA and get some advice, and give them a ring as well.

Good luck luv. Also, search the thread 'Employer problems in the UK'.

I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure that's illegal, I have a close friend who has a law degree and works for the citizens advice bureau and I'm pretty certain that would be your first port of call.... get some advice. Good luck with it!
A helping hand

Hello Bonbonbowen,

Please go onto the website of National Crohns and Colitus Association that Astra101 and my dear Neighbour gave me when I was having a problem with my boss (for some reason I cannot send a link to you). Yes it is illegal as this is descrimination as your boss only needed when asked and not offered to give the number of days off due to illness but I doubt very much they would have asked your boss why as is it a case of asking you and giving you the oppotunity to give the reasons and how this may impact on your work or not but it's a case of prooving it as well. Also chook it's also about an oppotunity for the new boss and you to talk about how you can work well and they support you in your new role.

It's not Crohn's that has ruined it for you it's preduice (sorry I cannot spell it) and lack of understanding. I'm still reading the literature given to me but it is Crohn's Month raising awareness in employment which you will see on the link when you click on it. I intend to send this to my boss and agency on Monday, let them have a good read over their coffee and muffin:devil:

Good Luck chook, read, get empowered and bloody carry on :thumleft: