I cant stop eating

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May 22, 2011
Ever since I stopped pooin through the eye of a needle, complete with vomiting and cramping and fever throwing, I cant stop eating!

For 6 weeks I couldnt be bothered with food, but now, its all I do. I eat all day. and all night. Bloody steroids. Bloody giving up smoking. Bloody feelin better.

Im going to be the size of a house soon. Which is probably handy for my next flare, that way I'll have some kgs to spare when the times get tough hey?

No, seriously.......I cant stop eating.
Go with ityou will need the strength for your next flare.

Take yourself away from where the food is and get walkin !
Ha! Ha! Me too! I'm still staying away from my trigger foods, tho'. so I'm probably eating healthier than I've ever done before. Good luck with the non-smoking. I'd stopped for 6 months then stupidly started again with the stress of being ill and not getting a solution etc.
Psyching myself up to quit again :ybatty:
i went through that, it also has to do with the intestine starting to work again and take in nutrients. but also steroid based drugs do this in some instances. just try to exercise. do you go through alot of pain though?
Have been out and bought a nice new jar of vegemite. For all you non aussies, its our favourite source of b12 in a sandwich spread! Have grand plans of stickin a spoon into the jar every time I wanna eat something.

This should save me from getting tooooooo fat, and boost my b12 too.
I dont know that im deficient in b12 yet! Ive only known Ive got cd for ten days or so!

Im having my first visit back to the specialist on wednesday, which will be to check how my meds are working out for me *so far i think they are fine, ok, so IM totally paranoid, and I get super anxious, and alright i might have had the odd panic attack or two, but thats pretty normal for someone who wouldnt usually take even a panadol cos she doesnt like drugs*.

He, he....doesnt like drugs, looks like thats going to be something to have to deal with sorta pretty soon now doesnt it? Lol.......

Plus im gettin a lot of bloods done, and seeing a dietitician as well. I should have a more rounded picture of my cd after this.

Am looking forward to dropping the pred dose though. However, ive had no back pain for the first time in my entire adult life so it will be sad to see that disappear.

Sigh....its a no win sitchyashun sometimes.
Some folks believe that what you eat has a huge impact on your CD. Others, including many doctors feel there is no impact. I believe that what you eat can impact crohn's and in fact since I have been doing scd I have gone into remmisssion. You might want to look at the SCD thread.
Also, if it was me I would be paying attention to what my body was craving. If it is carbs, it might be that you deprived your body of suger and now it it saying "give me my fix". Howeveer, if it is veg or meat, it might be saying "I am defeceint in something". I would pay attention to what your body is saying.

If it is everything it is probabbly just prednosone and you shold be looking at lower calories or you will be like some here who gain a lot of weight and do not like it
I just got diagnosed with CD but i most not have it bad because i don't throw up or lose weight. Not yet anyway knock on wood. But the steriods finally made me hungry after a few months of being on them. I could eat till i exploded its terrible. I have just come to the conclusion that I'll have to ignore my stomach or I'll get fat. I've gained 5 lbs in a few weeks and i don't want it to be 20 because it will take more effort to get it off than it will to just not eat all day.
I was going to start a thread titled "Eating Everything In Sight" but decided to do a search first to see if anyone else had started something similar. As MissD put it, I am "bloody feelin better" since starting Remicade two months ago and I am eating like there's no tomorrow.

I lost 25% of my body weight in the past year so I've been making up for lost time. Now I'm pretty much eating whatever the hell I want (especially if it's unhealthy comfort food, which for me includes fried chicken and baked goods). I'm still very skinny and I'm not going to start eating healthy until I reach the weight I was pre-Crohn's onset - or until my doctor tells me I have high cholesterol. The way I see it: I wasn't able to enjoy food for 2 freakin years so I am due this. Not the healthiest mindset or practice - but certainly is delicious.

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