I could use some help:(

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Oct 28, 2011
I have been suffering with symptoms such as abdominal pain,cramping,nausea,vomiting,bloating,runny stool,dizziness,fatigue,pain in eyes and joints,blood in stool. I've been to the doctor and have had Endoscopy,Colonoscopy,Biopsy and they found I had H Pylori (bacterial infection). It was treated and is gone. But, my symptoms are still present. I recently had to be treated for Bronchitis and was put on an antibiotic,that made my symptoms much,much worse. I went to the ER and they told me my white blood cell count was high. Is it possible to get a negative result from a biopsy and still have Crohn's Disease or U.C.? Any help or advice would be great. I'm at my breaking point with these symptoms. :(
First hello and welcome to the forum Luna...
CD can be notorious to get diagnosed and some members here have had symptoms for years before been diagnosed.. There may be more tests that needed to be done.
If your symptoms are still continuing then your doctor should be informed. Blood in your stool for a prolonged period should not be ignored and certainly means more explorative tests..Is your doc aware of the high white cell count from ER?
Are you on any meds at the moment?
Take care..
well,I was going to a specialist after the hospital signed me up for financial aid but, they messed up my paperwork and now my case is on hold. Which means I cant see the doctor. He doesn't know about the cell count yet. my fear is that my condition is gonna be overlook simply because of a money issue.
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Hi Luna and welcome. Yes, it is possible to have negative biopsy results and have Crohn's. This actually has been the case with me. I have had a few scopes that show inflammation, but biopsies have always been negative. Therefore, my GI has recently retracted my diagnosis. However, I am quite confident I do have CD.

As Del said, blood is not a symptom to ignore. Keep fighting to find out what is going on with your health. You are your best advocate. Good luck.
It's possible that you could have an infection in your intestines. I had a lot of the symptoms you did for about a month. Had a CT scan done on Sept 22, a few hours after I had it done, my GI called me and told me to go to straight to the ER. I ended up having an abscess in my small intestine and an infection. My white blood cells where up a lot too. I had another CT done on Oct 19. Went to my GI two days ago and the infection and abscess is gone, finally!
To Luna13. Hi, I'm new too. My advice is to file for SSI. I didn't have insurance either. It takes about six months to get excepted. Plus you have to go to one of their doctors for a followup to declare wheather or not your excepted. When you are, then you can go do what you have to do to keep yourself healthy and more doctors to help with certain things. Silvermist
@QuicksWife...I actually was diagnosed with H Pylori about 4 1/2 months ago. They treated it and successfully got rid of it. But, shorty after...my symptoms came back.Minus the burning sensation I would get in my gut. I recently was treated for my Bronchitis with antibiotics(Z-Pack) and thats when all hell broke loose. I've been pretty bad off ever since. Bleeding,severe cramping,constipation,dizzy......it sucks!!!....but, I don't have to tell you about that. You know what I'm talkin about.

@Silvermist....Do you have to be Diagnosed before you qualify for SSI?
To Luna13. No. But it does help to have your records. And any x-rays that you might have. I'm going to tell you something that I didn't put into my first letting people know about me. I did go to an hospital when I was really in bad need of a doctor. I had no insurance. I waited for 5 hours before any one saw me. Then whenI went to the er, I had an x-ray taken for the upper part of my body. Not the lower where the pain was at. The so called doctor came in and said. Miss Jones. I see nothing wrong with you, here take these three advils. I got a bill higher than a thousand for waiting for the doctor and three advils. So no you don't have to be diagnosed for crohns or anything else for that matter. If you can't afford an insurance, go SSI Disability. I am. I get my med's paid for. Glasses, teeth, and other things to much to list. Oh by the way, you might be allergic to antibiotics. I am.
Wow....awesome Info. Thanx alot Silvermist. I'm gonna get that SSI ball rolling ASAP. I looked up the antibiotics they gave me. Zithromax and Doxycycline. Both are known to cause problems in people with IBD. I shoulda looked them up before takin them. I blame myself. Actually,Doxycycline has been said to be linked to some crohn's cases as a possible cause. I don't know if that was ever proven though. Thanx again, SSI would make all this SOOOOOOO much easier.
Please don't blame yourself. You didn't know and neither did I. They will put you on something else, but let your doc know and the hospital know too. Your autoimmune system is broken down so's we can't take any of the clines. None at all. I'm put on potassums and magnesums. Plus morfin for the pain. At least I quit pucking and get some sleep. Ha Ha.
Yeah..I really don't have anything to help me with sleep yet. The pain usually keeps me awake till my body hits a brick wall and I'm out for maybe 3 to 4 hrs. Not much sleep but, I'll take what I can get. I feel so weak these days too. just whipped out. It may be the lack of sleep or maybe I'm not gettin what I need out of my food. I've been eating soups for the last 2 weeks because,there so much more gentle on me right now. And supplimenting with Geritol or nutrition drinks. Drinking them is a shot in the dark. Sometimes I feel a little energy after a doughs and sometimes Nothin. What do you do for fatigue?
Lots of rest, sleeping, not doing much of anything. Vitamin B 12 I take alot. The ones that dissolve in your mouth. Try Ensure. Sorta a milkshake in a can. Reading a good book with a cup of hot tea. Try sleepy time tea. A long soak in a tub of warm water. Or have someone rub your feet. Just your feet. The nerve endings are in your feet, a nice rub makes you wind down.
Just your feet......LOL..I like that. I haven't tried the B12 yet. I'll give that a go. Thanx for all the info Silver....and for just hearin me out. I appreciate it very much.
We all need help sometimes.And I'm glad to help. If you need more info, keep in touch. Keep healthy. Keep well. Silver.

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