I don't think it's a bestseller . . . .

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 25, 2011
Here is my story.

I'm Gail (monkey to my Mum), I'm 25 now, first symptoms when I was 15/16ish.

I am apparently very complicated, my GI still says this to every new doc/reg he has!

In the beginning I was diagnosed with UC, put on Pentasa, it seemed to work. I was ok then for a few years so stopped the pentasa and managed without.
Next significant flare, I was 20, I got a referral to a GI who was, quite frankly, hopeless. He sent me for a white cell scan which showed nothing because I'd waited so long I was fine by the time the appointment came. He did start me on a 5ASA med but it wasn't a slow release so did naff all.
Needless to say, I changed GI. The newest one has been quite good, diagnosed me with Crohns, apparently my biopsies shoed the right cell type to be Crohns but in the place you'd expect UC. However, I've not really needed much. My GP has been ok about giving me Pred when I've needed it, I have some pred enemas for when I've been ill. All has been well.

Until 3 months ago. Heres where it gets a little sad. . . .
I saw my GP after my usual trials of the predfoam and diet changes. Got my pred. No change. Begged the GI secretary for an appointment, this was the week after New Year, I was told I could have an appointment in 6 weeks. So I phoned the IBD nurse, (she keeps banging on about how I've got IBS not IBD because I don't get diarrhoea, I can't have crohns etc etc and just doesn't listen to a word I say) she's not my favourite person, but I got an appointment with the consultant the next day-she clearly thought it necessary. The consultant sent me for an x-ray and booked me to go to the hospital for IV steroids. The x-ray showed constipation. Now the GI questions wether I have crohns or not :( In my opinion, it's my bodies way of saying, no way am I pushing this crap past that hurty bit of bowel, cos, well, it's going to hurt :p
So I went to the hospital and was put on 400mg IV hydrocortisone. 3 days later, bleeding has stopped, pooing has started :) I was put back onto oral preds and sent home a couple days after that.
I managed a week at home totally symptom free. Then I started bleeding again, like, cupfulls of it. With pain, this is new. . . . I then started vomiting. It got to the stage where I couldnt even keep fluids down. So mum contacted the nurse, who wanted me admitted to the hospital again, but there were no beds, so we had to go via A&E. After being asked over 10 times if I was pregnant, having 3 seperate lots of bloods taken, doing 4 pregnancy tests and an abdominal x-ray, I found myself on the ward again. (if anyone is curious, a 25 year old female vomiting does ALWAYS indicates pregnancy, how I love the flow charts we get put through ;) )
72 hours in the hospital vomiting everything I put in, before they decided a fluid drip might be a good option. However, they did blast me with IV steroids again. Had an ultrasound and bloods everyday. All normal. I spent 11 days inside this time. Pain being the main problem as the steroid stopped the bleeding. I'm waiting for the results of an MRI enterocyclowhatsimajig, hassling the secretary again for an appointment. Still not really eating much, tho I can keep small amounts of food down now. 17kg lighter than I was 4 weeks ago, not ideal.
So, I'm hoping to get this last episode fixed pretty soon. And maybe a diagnosis from the doc, am I crohns or UC it seems to change on a weekly basis!! An admission from them that this is more than IBS would be a good start, but we'll take whatever we can get.

I've learned to take mum with me to every appointment-they take me much more seriously with her there, I think thats wrong, but it seems to be the way!

For now, I'm just waiting!! Ahhhh, I do love the NHS!

Hi Gail :welcome: So sorry you are going through this merry-go-round.. Been there too, when I was 32 and going through repeated hospital visits one moron thought I could have a tubal pregnancy because he was a gyno. I think what ever doctor you get specialises in , your gonna get that , well it could be...after a year of tests and scopes, finally a Gi found crohns. Not that I wanted it, it was just a bit of a relief to know. The secretary or IBD nurse is NOT a GI doctor and has no right to prejudge your condition! Many people here do not have diahreah or bleed. I dont bleed but I do get diahreah from time to time. Some people constipate. There is no set rules for this disease , everyone is different and can be unique in their symptoms. Don't let them stone wall you, even if you still have symptoms after the results, you can't give up until you get a full diagnosis. Is there no place to get a second opinion? :hang: hope you feel better soon.
Hi Gail, and welcome aboard!
Yes, this IBD diagnostic journey is not an easy ride, and enough to drive the most patient of patients nuts! There are plenty around here whom are struggling to get an official diagnosis- just hang in there! Easier said than done I know, but you know you're body best, and keep fighting, get a 2nd opinion if needed.
I hear you on IBD nurses- mine seems to be running our Gastro dept, and today has put antidepressants on my hospital script (I'm not depressed, just cheesed off with being in hospital for the 9th time in 10 months!).
Hope you get some answers and a definite diagnosis soon.
Aww, thanks for the welcomes guys! I love it how I can come on here and feel, ahem, normal :)
Andrea, hospital really sucks. It's like they put you there when they don't know what else to do!! I've been in twice this year and, well, they just kept sending me students who needed practice or vaious people with questionnaires, because I was 'sensible', no actual doctors, cos they didn't know what to do . . . .
I've an appointment with the consultant tomorrow, just 6 days after my scan. He has looked at my results and asked me to go in. Thats either very good, or very bad. We'll see.
Gail the EXACT same thing happened to me in hospital last year with the med students! Everyone else on the gastro ward probably should've been buried about 6 months before they arrived in hospital lol, so when a coherent 23 year old showed up the med students looked like all their Christmasses had come at once... I had to answer the same round of questions and have my stomach proded countless times...

One night I knew a bunch of them were coming and I was watching that live ep of Eastenders with the big murder story - I text my sister saying 'if they come before it's finished they can bloody well f**k off!' haha. Luckily it finished before they arrived ;)
I saw the consultant yesterday, with, wait for it . . . . another medical student!! I also took my mum, mums are just the best aren't they?? My mum certainly is!
Anyway, the MRI result- I have nothing wrong, no bad scarring, no stricture, no abcess or fistula etc . . . nothing. Thats good, cos I'm kinda attached to my internal organs, but also bad cos we don't have an answer or a timescale or anything useful.
So the question remains, why the constant pain (about a 4 even with painkillers, but up to a 7/8 at night after I've eaten).
The consultant does seem to want to solve this mystery, which is good.
I've got some new painkillers-which will serve to mask the pain, until I stop taking them, hmm, not sure thats a useful step and some Buscopan to relax my smooth muscles. He says he thinks it's the worst kind of IBS. I was a little annoyed at this cos if people say they have IBS they get the same response from people as if they had said 'I've broken a nail' . . . it can be a bit more severe than most people think.
Questions- if it's IBS, how can my bowel be irritated by nothing? I haven't been eating much, at all some days, so how can nothing be causing such trouble??
-is IBS related to foods, if so, is some kind of allergy testing advisable?
-the consultant suggested hypnotherapy, really, I'm kinda skeptical!!
Grr, so now I have Crohns, plus some random undiagnosed thing causing pain and problems that can't be measured or tested. Excellent.
Forgive the sarcasm, I'm a little miffed/confused/upset/angry/lost
Hiya Gail

I don't get it, is it Crohns, why the runaround?
I would go back to your GP and ask for a referral to another hospital, as a UK citizen, this is your right to choose where you go for treatment, the GP has to comply, this is a new initiative, so you can insist and demand if you have to, I wouldn't put up with this crap, and I wouldn't let my daughter be subjected to it neither, so show your Mum the link too, here's the link


here's another link, you DO NOT bleed with IBS, print this off (from CCFA) and shove it up the IBD nurse's arse!


Keep swimming
Hi Gail and Welcome!

Sounds like you've been thru the wringer already. Hope you can find some answers soon and start to get some relief. We're glad to have you here on the forum - lots of helpful folks here with tons of experience and good advice!

Take care -Amy
Welcome Gail! I like your nickname. I call my son a monkey. LOL! I agree with all that has been said about being diagnosed. My diagnoses didn't come easy. We are glad you decided to join us here. We believe and can feel your pain.
@astra- Thankyou for the link, that article really does kinda screw their theories. Yes I have crohns, 5 weeks ago they did a flexisig which they couldn't get in due to inflammation. They called it mild inflammation. I was totally constipated at that point too. So if it's mild inflammation when nothing can get past one way or another . . . . anyway. I was given IV steroids which solved that. Then I was ok for a couple of weeks. The bleeding/mucus then started again. Along with lots of pain, nausea, vomiting.
So they admitted me and gave me IV steroids for a day. This cleared up the bleeding. But I didn't eat at all for about 4 days, so maybe that helped. I stayed in hospital for another 10 days, whilst they did precisely nothing!
In the past they have done a white cell scan and taken biopsies which conformed the crohns diagnosis. However, the consultant thinks this current state is not specifically crohns but is infact IBS. . . . possibly in relation to recent flare. He thinks this because my MRI was fine and my CRP is always fine. I mean, when I was admitted for IV steroids, my CRP was in the 20's, so it never gets high! But my mum has arthritis and normal CRPs, I blame her :)
His thinking is, if theres no active inflammations, he can't treat me with any crohns medications.
The only problem with being referred elsewhere is, I already chose the best consultant from the 3 local trusts-I work in the NHS so have access to this kind of information!! :)
Um, okay? That would kind of scare me I think, not being treated with any C meds when you seem to be in an active flare. Keep pushing.

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