I hate going to the ER!!

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May 24, 2011
I absolutely hate taking myself to the ER. I understand sometimes that there is no other option, I just always feel like I'm being judged when I walk in there.

I can just imagine all the other people sitting in the waiting area looking at me and thinking, "What's wrong with her? She walked right on in here like she's fine." I feel the need to walk in doubled over and moaning.

I have been having severe pain in my midsection to lower right quadrant. The area is always sore and tender, excruciatingly so if pressed on. I have pains that come & go in waves like contractions. The contraction like pains are very severe; they take my breath away and I can't talk through them. I have a lot of gas, I'm not obstructed (at least not completely) b/c I am passing gas and stool. When I feel the gas move through the sore area, it hurts bad enough to set me screaming & I probably would if I could.

This all started roughly Tuesday morning, and by Wednesday evening I was pretty sure I was going to die. I called my GI and he called back yesterday afternoon. I got the same old, "Your body is different since your surgery, it'll take time everything to start working properly again." No shit. My GI is 5 hours away, he told me to call my PCP to be evaluated and if I'm still having problems on Monday to call his office and they would try to work me in for Tuesday.

I haven't slept properly in 2 days, I can't get comfortable. The pain is constantly at a 5 or 6, when the pains "peak" I'm easily at a 9 or 10. I'm going to call my PCP today, but the office is only open a half day on Friday. I absolutely will go to the ER if I can't find some relief, but I have the feeling they are going to give me some fluids and send me home with no answers.

I am so frustrated!!
The A&E, as it's known in Ireland, is bloody head wrecking, a few months ago was sitting there for about 7 hours, a load of doctors were out sick so I could understand they were overloaded and doing their best, but people that came in hours after me were been seen to, I just said "eff this shit" and walked out.

It's a shitty environment.
Hospital ER's

Hi SarahAnne, Just wanted to say how much I hate those damn ER rooms. When I get that sick that I will actually set foot in there, and it's always the same. If they would just acknowledge and show some empathy, try to make you comfortable. This is truly the worst service in the hospital, I tell them 'my dog gets better care at the vet' People with chronic conditions should have an in, as we may not always look that sick, they have to put some faith in us to know our own disease and please not let us suffer anymore. I have dreams of the welcoming, comforting ER, were your not left in a corner stretcher for hours and hours with not a word spoken to you, no offer of water, a blanket, they all just seem to avoid eye contact it truley hurts my spirit! I have angrily walked out after painful, uncomfortable hours angrier than I should be, and they just smile as it's another patient off their list! Please know I really feel for you as I have gone through it for 31 years and in 4 different Canadian provinces, none better than the other it does not five me much hope, I really think these conditions are inhumane and must be changed. I hope for all our sakes these will change, but let me say how sorry I am to see you treated in this way, you don't deserve it! Sincerely Diggety
Awww this is so annoying when it happens....
From symptoms you say describe it almost sound like it is some sort of abscess, could it be? I don't think the pain from adjusting bowel would be that intense and does it worth taking the risk to let it wait? One thing is sure, if you have the slightest change in your temperature I would definitively go. I suppose the xifaxin should prevent aggravation/complication of abscess/fistula, but since we never know...
I hope it gets better and you wont have to deal with ER considering easter holidays...
Good luck with that, I hope all this gets sorted out quickly.
I couldn't get in with my PCP today, everyone in town is sick with that respiratory crap that's going around. My husband wants me to go to the urgent care center here on the beach, rather than going to the ER at the hospital in town. I'm putting myself on a liquid diet and I'm going to wait it out.

I went to the bathroom this morning and started to feel better. I'm already less distended and no more gas. I'm beginning to wonder if I had a partial blockage that resolved itself. I had the same issue back in February, GI was sure that nothing was wrong b/c my inflammatory markers were down. I seem to recall the pain being so bad I stopped eating for a few days and it just went away.

IF it was a partial blockage that resolved itself, there's no reason to cart myself off to the hospital is there?

I know it's never a good thing to have a blockage, but how not good is it to have it in the same area twice within 2 1/2 months?

Going to call my GI back on Monday to see what he wants to do. I am scheduled to see him next month, and scheduled for a colonoscopy in October but that all may change.

*If it was indeed a partial blockage, that is some seriously excruciating pain. Good lord, we deserve medals for what we have to put up with.
IF it was a partial blockage that resolved itself, there's no reason to cart myself off to the hospital is there?
That's true, if it did resolve itself, then you should be feeling better quickly with a liquid diet and I think it would be wise to stick with that for a few days considering it is probably inflamed still.

I know it's never a good thing to have a blockage, but how not good is it to have it in the same area twice within 2 1/2 months?
I don't know much... it can be volvulus issue (that is what my surgeon warned me about few weeks ago for the ongoing surgery... said that my resection might involve that the "natural" flow of my intestine to be compromise and kinda loop itself up from not being in its natural position). Could this apply to you case? Otherwise... could it be a stricture where they did the resection? I hope not cause that would be quite annoying considering the surgery is quite recent. I guess your GI will know better and I hope it was only a bad luck and won't become a habit.

*If it was indeed a partial blockage, that is some seriously excruciating pain. Good lord, we deserve medals for what we have to put up with.
Totally, I've had that 2 or 3 time in my life perhaps... all of which were my fault and only mecanically triggered by food. But how did I suffered... and how were they scarring me up when I would go to the ER. They would set me up on morphine and tell me they would call the surgery team in the morning cause... there is nothing else they could do lol... It's true what they were telling me... but it was so scary. It would usually last 12 hours of pure agony and then I would feel fine. So I really hope that was it for you aswell, it would mean next days will be brighter!

And yep, we deserve medals and way more and only ourselves can understand what it is all about. Healthy people have it easy. You're strong!
I TOTALLY hear you! I am actually quite annoyed with the hospital atm. I was in there a week or so ago with immense pain, they had me on morphine.. I had to keep asking for it! the nurse through the night shifts kept saying panadol and heat pack and I'll be fine.. had to DEMAND my prescribed morphine. stupid. did a laparoscopy, found nothing so sent me home in the same amount of pain (went between 5-8) as when they admitted me 4 days earlier! Yet my friend goes in with pancreatitis.. they hook her up to a PCS and give her a lot of sympathy and can't give her enough attention and are keeping her in until she is pain free.. all because my blood tests were fine :-s

But yes, I understand how you feel.. I totally get the feeling the need to groan and moan and act as sick as you feel!
This has been the most difficult part for me.
Because in not rolling on the ground crying apparently I'm not sick...
Work think I'm depressed...
Girlfriend sometimes thinks in crazy..
Room mate thinks I'm bunging it on....
Doctors think I experience a lot of anxiety...
I'm always in pain... Either my stomach
Or my bones, or mass fatigue...
Only diagnosis so far I have is - osteopenia, spondylolthesis, esophagitis
But apparently it's my anxiety making it worse.... Wtf...
Because I look ok people don't give a shit.
Even though my stomach feels like it's eating itself..

After I felt like I was going insane from everyone basically implying I man up..
I decided a nice simple stratigy - F$&k them. :)
I don't want to convince or try make others understand...
They won't even after I tell them every symptom...
So I continue doing tests and harassing doctors bulk bill till they sort it :)
I will like to see Medicare looking at my bulked bill...
Teach te government to employ non- tard doctors
Hi SarahAnne

I have had a similar if slightly less painful 24 hours to you I think. I have a stricture at the site of my last (June 12) resection and have had a few painful partial obstructions since - even though I had a balloon dilation in December. (A colonoscopy revealed where the problem was so hope yours proves useful too).

Last night I sat thro the pain hoping it wasn't going to get bad enough to go to the hospital as I don't much fancy Easter on a ward waiting for the drs to come back in on Tues! Anyway, the gas and BMs kept going and today although I feel pretty crampy and like I have been kicked by a mule in the lower right quadrant I am better than I was.

I hope you continue to feel better, get some answers from your GI soon and stick to a low risk diet until you are feeling better.

Heinz tomato soup for me!

Good luck

Have been on a liquid diet all day, the pains are less frequent but the intensity is about the same. I'm worried now that it's pancreatitis, I've had it before and the pain is terrible. My husband is taking off work early to take me to the ER, I hope they don't admit me :yfrown:
:rosette2: I just hope they get it sorted for you. You've been through enough sweetheart.
I hope that you are being well taken care of at the hospital and that you get some relief from the pain and your symptoms soon.:hug:
Well, I went to ER. I had x-rays and a CT done, the GI who saw me here thinks that I might have a partial obstruction. He admitted me to the hospital.

I am scheduled for an endoscopy and colonoscopy tomorrow. I was just thinking the other day that Easter is coming and there would be no better way to spend it than having a tube shoved up my butt.

I'm also so loopy, they are giving me flagyl which makes me throw up. I've had to have phenergan or zofran and I'm stil throwing up off and on.

I am having my husband bring me laxatives from home, they brought in a gallon jug of GoLytely.I'm not even going to try, I haven't eaten in 2 days. I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow, but I'm ready to stop hurting.
Oh hun!!! I spent xmas in hospital and its no fun to be there during these times!

Flagyl is nasty, does a number on me. But, dont let the stuff hubby brings you from home mess with what they are giving you! You are going to have an Easter to remember, but hey, you can tell jokes afterwards. Make jokes about chocolate perhaps?

I cant make this funny, I wish I could. What I want is for you to be better. And sadly, it is tubes up the butt. I'm thinking that we should charge for butt views. Really. Myself, I got a tatoo on mine. Gives em a giggle. That should be 1/2 price for a colonoscopy...right?

Get well soon beautiful lady xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
No fun spending Easter in the hospital, but I am so glad that they are trying to help you finally! May you soon be feeling better and back home with your family.
So sorry to hear you are spending the holiday in the hospital! But I am glad to hear you are getting the care you need right now. Take care and I hope you are feeling better soon!
Had my endoscopy and colonoscopy this morning. I'm not blocked, turns out I have gastritis. Has anyone had gastritis? Is it resolved with medications, diet, or gently rubbing my stomach in a counter-clockwise fashion while singing Dancing Queen by ABBA?

Seriously though, I'm not in as much pain as I was, but I did just start back on a soft diet after being on liquids for 2 1/2 days. Either way, in house doc said I could probably go home tomorrow.

A urologist also came and talked to me. I have several non-obstructing kidney stones (right kidney of course--why are all my probs on the right side??). Most of the stones are very small, but she told me that a few of them are big enough that I might benefit from having lithotripsy (sp?). No rush on that, I'm to schedule with my urologist when I get out.

Thanks for all of the well wishes. I don't know much about gastritis, but I am very thankful it wasn't an obstruction.

Misty ~ You poor thing! I'm not into holidays in a religious way, it's more about spending quality time with my family. I feel like such a whiner, being in the hospital over xmas had to be much worse!
I am SO glad it wasnt pancreatitis!!! I am also SO glad you get to go home tomorrow!!! Whoooppeee!!!!!

I'm not religious either, being in hospital at xmas didnt bother me too much, just meant I didnt need to see my partners relatives that I dont like.

Always look on the bright side say I!!!
So sorry you've had that awful pain...hope it has passed into memory. (Get some pain meds to take home.)
Did they check for H.Pylori, which can be a cause of gastritis? They usually try to identify a cause if possible (sometimes it's the meds that can cause it, or even vomiting) in order to treat it. A bland diet for a while, maybe nutritional drinks....yawn.

All the best. Rest up.
So glad to hear that you had your tests and that they have sorted out what's going on. Do give yourself lots of time to recover as you have already been through a great deal this last year. And keep on the docs for close follow-up; none of this see you in three/six months business!
handle ~ I haven't been checked for H. Pylori, I read that it can be a cause of gastritis. I'm getting a small bowel series tomorrow morning so the docs can get a look at my small intestines, my colon was fine-no active Crohn's!

I'm hoping the tests tomorrow can tell them something, I really don't want to go through this again! Calling my regular GI tomorrow to let him know what's been going on, I have a feeling that he will want to see me before my May appointment.

I'm getting flagyl, which is terrible. I'm also getting dilaudid, which is wonderful except that I'm pretty sure I'm going to scratch the top layer of my skin off.

Really hoping that I get to go home tomorrow!
I hope you can go home tomorrow.

I am 100% in agreement with you about hating the ER. When my GI sends me there I cringe. I have found that if I have to go to the ER, it is better to go during the day on a weekday. The worst time is a weekend evening.
Hooray! I have been released...........

Actually came home yesterday afternoon, thank goodness, I always think that I am the partner without patience but not so. I think my hubby was getting ready to drive out to the country and drop the kids off like a wild animal or something. It's pretty funny to me how wonderful he thinks our children are until he has to deal with them himself!!

So I need to call my GI about this gastritis thing, and I've already had an appointment made to see my urologist about the kidney stones. But on the plus side, after having a colonoscopy, endoscopy, upper GI w/small bowel follow through, X-rays and a CT scan..............

I have NO active Crohn's! My Crohn's is finally in REMISSION!

My eczema flared up right before I went into the hospital. If I can just get all of the little issues cleared up I will be sitting pretty.

I certainly don't feel 100%, but this is the closest I have come in years and I'll take it.
Jim, start a thread so you can update us please. Yes, I am certainly going to pray for you. Sounds like you've been through so much already.

I'd go to the subforum you want, like the General Forum. There is a button on the upper left named New Thread. This way, you can write on your own thread and we can keep updated on what is going on with you.
Thanks Terrienut, am I on the thread right now, I'm new hear and don't do much on my laptop since I retired. Thank you for starting it for me.

Well I just finished my CT and they said it will be about 45 min to 1 hour till they know. I think it is a fishula from my abdomin to my colon, well see. As soon aas I find out I'll post it. Terrienut, can you reply on MY new thread so I know I'm posting in the right place. Thanks.