I hate this...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 8, 2008
So I was fine all summer. I was stressed and working really hard, my job often had me going in 7 days a week (I worked in a lab), but I really enjoyed it and the Crohn's was under control. Then, I finally get to go on vacation, I'm in Puerto Rico for my brother's wedding and BAM! Flare. My boyfriend and mother had to practically carry me to my seat for the ceremony because I was in too much pain to walk, and I had to leave the dinner (and miss all the food!) and go back up to my hotel room where the pain was so intense I was sobbing. We called the concierge doctor who gave me a shot of Bentyl and one of something else, I think it was called Clemitidine? Anyway, the pain became bearable enough that I could sleep, but immediately after eating breakfast I had to run to the bathroom and had D, some of it a little bloody. I emailed my GI doc so I hope he gets back to me. It's just so frustrating that I was fine under stress but now that I'm RELAXED and enjoying myself at the beach (which is my favorite kind of vacation spot, it is beautiful and wonderful here), now I'm having a flare.

Anyway, just felt like venting. I hope it gets better enough that I can still have some fun. I'm staring out at the ocean right now, the waves look like so much fun. As soon as my stomach feels settled enough I am going down there!!!
Oh no! I flared last summer too. It sucks.

Just try not to eat too much - stick to bottled water. I hope you get out in the sun. Food outside mainland US can be tricky because of hte water they use to prepare food. Hang in there!
Awww, what terrible timing. I hope it has subsided a bit so you can enjoy the rest of your time there.
Awww, what a bummer! It just stinks that you just never know when it's going to flare up.

I hope you feel better soon!!!!
The horrible, excruciating pain has subsided, now I'm just having D several times a day. That's real fun when all you can get to is a public bathroom. And I'm catching a cold now too. I hate Imuran. Thanks for your good wishes though guys! I'm muddling through all right.
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