I have a new diagnosis!!!

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Jan 21, 2010
Hi Everybody

guess wot?
I am a bruxer!! Yes, I am
For a few weeks now I have had the most horrendous headaches, earache and jaw aches. I've seen two doctors, I have no ear infections or throat problems. My pain is in my neck and the base of my skull. It feels like I've been scalped! I've even been thinking about fibromyalgia! Been told it's entocort withdrawal etc
I've woke up this morning in agony! My neck was killing me, but it was my jaw, I couldn't move it! And my gums are inflamed too. I've been to see the dentist this morning.
My diagnosis? Bruxism!
I'm grinding my teeth in my sleep!
Everything makes so much sense now! It is classed as a sleep disorder, is that why I'm so tired? Erm, Yes!
The dentist was great! He told me certain medications can cause it, and having a digestive illness defo does!
Prognosis? have to have a gum shield made!
here's some info on Bruxism


Oh, and I'm seeing an osteopath today for some manipulation!
That's all folks!
have a nice day!
love ya all
Hah, just don't choke on the damn thing in your sleep Joanie:). Hope it helps. Talk to you soon:)
Good lord, what do I say to that! Congratulations or commiserations? :shifty-t:

Nah seriously, It's great to hear that you have finally have an answer and relatively easy to treat too! A veritable piece of cake compared to everything you've been through.

Wow, what a relief!

All the best my friend,
Get the gum shield sorted and you'll soon feel fine... will help to stop you wearing your teeth away to nothing as well. I have it a little... managed to bite off my dental brace one night... that was a shock, woke me up with an enormous crack!
What a relief for you to know what is causing the headaches etc and that there is a simple solution :hug:

Hope it gets sorted quickly for you and you feel the benefits :)
Huh! I never knew there was a name for it! My front teeth are all but missing due to grinding my teeth...I started at a young age...would wake my parents up at night with the grinding....and they were at the opposite end of the house!!

I tred a few "mouth guards"...most of them I just ended up chewing through.... one tip a dentist gave me (if you finde you go through a lot and are not covered for them...or maybe only covered for one or something...) : find a sporting good store and go to the hockey or boxing section...they usually carry mouth guards there.

Stress is a definite trigger...I find when I do my relaxation exercises before bed I grind my teeth less...and hardly do it at all now.

Hope it all works out for you!!

(((((((((((((( Joan )))))))))))))
Wow, that's crazy! I wouldn't have expected that. I now wonder if I may have a similar problem as I have a lot of pain in my neck and sometimes jaw just as you describe although right now it hasn't gotten as bad as yours. i may ask my dentist next time I see him.
Joan, Sorry to hear you're a bruxer. If there is a forum like this one for bruxers, well all I can say is, this their lucky day! Just don't forget to check back in on us chronies here now and then, we'd miss you terribly if you just left us for the bruxers, there would be gnashing of teeth and everything...and maybe that would be ok, cause we'd come see you at the bruxers forum? ok enough of my silliness... I hope you get to feeling better, you deserve it. :goodluck:
Joan, Sorry to hear you're a bruxer. If there is a forum like this one for bruxers, well all I can say is, this their lucky day! Just don't forget to check back in on us chronies here now and then, we'd miss you terribly if you just left us for the bruxers, there would be gnashing of teeth and everything...and maybe that would be ok, cause we'd come see you at the bruxers forum? ok enough of my silliness... I hope you get to feeling better, you deserve it. :goodluck:

PMS- Silliness is mandatory! If you go Joan, I'm joining as a friend of a bruxer xxxx
You are a strong woman and I know you can pull through this! Besides I need you to listen my whines lol. So get better dammit!:lol2:
Joan, i am seriously thinking of doing a family tree to see if we are related! lol. we have so much in common, and this is just one more thing!

a few years ago, i kept finding little bits of enamel coming off my front teeth, and getting pain at the jaw joint area... went to the dentist who said exactly the same as you've been told - i'm clenching and grinding my teeth in my sleep, AND he got a tooth shield made... i wore it for a couple of weeks, going to bed looking like a boxer about to enter the ring, then kinda forgot about it, and i eventually stopped the grinding thing naturally.

it was a period of stress for me at that time, and i think that was just one of the ways it was showing... when i get stressed now, i know i'm doing it, and have to stop myself.
@Joan - I glad you discovered the source of your "new" pain and that there is a solution to aliviate it.
I think insomnia is a common part of IBD as many of us suffer from it. I was on Ambien for 8 years, trying to kick the habbit for the past 3 weeks.
Good luck and big hugs to you
Scott! you're so funny man! I'm not gonna leave ya for the bruxers!

Pen & Dallies! love ya you mad pair!

Jeff, see your dentist love xxx

Sue, we are defo twins!
I've got this funny neuralgia thingy me bob too! I didn't realise I was stressed. I didn't know I was a bruxer! now I'm gonna be a boxer too! such a sexy look - NOT! I'm not wearing when I'm with Marky, altho...... mmmm let me think! oh the things I could do!
love ya xxxx
Thanks everyone else!
just another thang to contend with! sometimes I think I killed a priest or a nun in a past life!
Wot? I'm a good girl I am!

I don't know wot that osteo man did to me today, but by the bloody hell, I haven't had any painkillers since 5pm!

stay well, you lot!
Thanks Dan

let's see wot tomorow brings, fingers crossed hey? looking forward to me pit!
Ah Joan...my best girlfriend has the same thing...
wore her teeth right down and had to have implants and crowns...
she has the thingy to wear to bed at night...
you don't even notice it as it is almost transparent..
BUT...it does the trick!!

Sending you big hugs.
Dear God - Please give our friend Joan a break already! We love her so much and she really is such a nice lady (and we'll vouch that she didn't kill a nun in this life or any prior).

Thanks, God, we appreciate it!

Love, The Crohnies
I'm so glad the problem has been identified. That's have the battle of knowing somethings wrong, but no one can figure it out. Hopefully you'll get some well deserved relief now. Take care of yourself and it's nice to see you back.
Thank you so much Nancy, Amy, Marisa and Bev

both sides of my head hurt so much
the right side from gnashing!
the left side from neuralgia!
feel like I've got a tight helmet on!
really need to chillax!
I'm glad that one thing is sorted for you! One less to worry about as you get back on your feet! :hug:

Also it was my learned thing today since I wondered why i'd had achy teeth and jaw then it stopped when I started doing yoga again...XD so thank you for the info!!! :)
I had one made when I was 15. The stuff they make you bite in to might make you gag (like poly filler). It will make a cast of your teeth and they send it away and then you get it back. If its the same as I have, it will have little metal clips on either side to hold on to your gums... doesnt hurt but it is hard to get used to. Hope you dont mind drooling in your sleep :D I use to wake up and had thrown it across the room (I hated it). I ended up cracking it with my grinding. They are very expensive... at least here anyway.. I think it was about $400.00. It did help if I could keep it in :D

I am glad you figured it out. No wonder you werent feeling well.
Cant wait to hear about your experiences with it... hehe

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