I have managed to wrack up a stack of unpaid medical bills, that are literally in the

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May 31, 2011
I have managed to wrack up a stack of unpaid medical bills, that are literally in the hundreds of thousands of dollars range.. this has been over 2 years that the bills are stacking up and getting bigger and bigger stack of them since i am having all this trouble with having to go to the er so much they told me at the er where they have been treating me bad that i have been to that er in 1 month i have been there 4 times for the same thing and they told me to never come back there ever i dont know what to do because i am trying to pay what i can on some the bills but they told me if i dont pay the full payment on some them they are turning them over to collections which i think they have already

i told them i can only pay like $5 or $10 on them if that i dont work my husband does and he is doing what he can to give me so much of what he makes so i can pay $5 or $10 on some the bills i am not able to work because i am disabled with chronic pain and also have some have learning disabilities that cause me not to be able to do some jobs like count money you know what i mean my husband trys to help me with them things my husband has added up what i owe in er bills hospital bills and he says its in the hundreds of thousands of dollars range i have been trying to find a job but still no luck

to be honest i dont think i would be able to work anywhere right now i was on SSI because i am disabled but they took it from me because they say my husband makes to much for me to be on it when what he makes we are barly making it with all the bills and the rent we have to pay where we live and we are barly even able to go to the store and get the food and stuff we need and the stress with everything is getting to me and my husband and its seems like its makeing me feel worse the more stress i am under :(
Hi - first, I hope you find a doctor that can get you on the right reatment path.

Second - about the medical bills - as long as you are making SOME ATTEMPT at paying them, they cannot send you over to collections - and if you DO have bills in collection, the collection companies are NOT allowed by law to call and harass you.

I have a medical bill that I pay $10-/month, and have been doing so for the past 10 YEARS or so.....another that is in collection (almost paid off yay!) - that I pay $10-/month also.....

Also, as long as you are attempting to pay, they CANNOT charge you interest either!

This is all in NY - I'm sure you state should/does have similar laws.
I don't really know the law concerning the bills in our state either but I don't think er's can refuse treatment for any reason!! You should be able to get free counsel regarding the bills. Look for patient advocates in Lexington. Help is out there, they just make you work for it!! Right or wrong, it is what it is! Good luck!
Ya there should be someone you can talk to to try and get this sorted out (start out by asking people in the billing department because this happens ALL THE TIME and they should be able to point you in the right direction). Did you file an appeal when SSI tried to boot you? I hope so. Having a lawyer would have helped as well and if you receive SSI for being disabled then you should be on an insurance that's basically free health care like Medicaid/Medi-Cal. No ER is allowed to send you away for any reason. They can't even ask for insurance information by law until you've seen a doctor. If your bills do go into collections then its a possibility that in time your husband's wages will be garnished (basically the collections can sue him for the money) meaning you'll have even less money for food and rent. Better to get this sorted out before this happens. My dad's wages have been garnished for both my mom's and my medical bills in the past. You need some form of insurance for now and in the future so either appeal social security's decision or reapply for SSI and get a lawyer in the process. You don't have to pay anything to the lawyer until they win your case and my lawyer allowed me to do a payment plan so yours may too. If there's no possible way you can pay off any of those bills then filing for bankruptcy is a possibility. I'd look into it at the very least so you know ALL of your options.
Anyway you can reduce your bills such as getting rid of certain things you don't need for instance if you have 2 cell phones get rid of one, get rid of cable TV if you have it, get the slowest internet connection, use energy saving light bulbs, use coupons while shopping, line dry your clothes etc. Anywhere you can cut corners really. Its true that even if you pay a little for each bill then you should be fine but I know it adds up to give even 5 bucks to each one when there's like 20 different ones. Look into other assistance programs through your local social security office and social services office cause they may be of more help. Look up your area and see if there are any local food lines for fresh fruits and veggies (they don't check your income). Also try and see if you can get food stamps or not. http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/ Being able to reduce the cost of food should help you to put some money towards your bills and medical insurance if there's no other way.
Mayhavecrohns Was your SSDI determined by your own work credits or was it determined based on "financial need". I ask because my wife is on SSDI and it was based on her work credits. The amount that I earn from my job, and the amount we get from doing foster care, does not effect her disability benefits at all. I am really confused as to why your husband's earnings affected your SSI.

For those readers who are outside the US - if a person does not qualify for Social Security they do not qualify for Medicare.

I can't wait for the new Health Insurance law to take effect in 2013.
For those with universal health care, which is just about everyone outside the US isn't it?, then everyone has access to free healthcare in a public hospital. In Australia it also means subsidised medication if it is listed on the PBS (Pharmaceuticals Benefit Scheme). You pay to go to the doctor if they don't bulk bill but then you are refunded a certain amount.

For example, Matt has had 3 hospital stays in the last 6 months with numerous tests, scans and procedures whilst there and finally a Right Hemicolectomy. We have paid nothing and we are not on social security. Of course we do pay for it through our taxes but that is something I gladly have my taxes pay for.

Dusty. xxx
Mayhave, I use to do medical billing at a local hospital here where I worked for 4 yrs. I will do my best to help you.

First a few questions: When you were first treated in the ER and you got your first bill ever, did you call the billing office to tell them off the bat that you could only afford to pay a certain amt. at the time? If so, they should've offered to mail you what is called an uncompensated care form. ALL hospitals have this throughout the USA. What it is: it is a universal pool of funds set aside for folks who have no insurance and the hospitals have to write off their bills based upon their yearly income. The billing office sends the patient the form and the patient has to honestly fill out the form and provide proof of address, a W2 form to show their current income, along with any other information as that will vary in each state. Then based upon a sliding fee scale, the patient is either responsible for 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, the entire bill, or none of it for an entire year. Then they must reapply if they still have no insurance. THEY CAN NOT REFUSE TO TREAT YOU IF YOU ARE SEEN IN THE ER. FOR THEM TO TELL YOU THEY WILL REFUSE YOU, IS ILLEGAL.

Are you keeping track of all of your bills and marking down what is paid and what isn't? Make copies of what is paid in full and then make an appt. with the billing office manager and go in PERSON to discuss your situation. Tell them that you've tried to discuss it over the phone but the customer service rep is giving you a hard time so you want to straighten this out before going to the hospital administration. Then explain what you just told us. You honestly can only afford a certain amount and have been paying faithfully yet the bills are being turned over to collections by customer service. As long as you are paying something on the acct. it can NOT be sent there.


For ER accounts, you may get separate bills from the hospital and the ER doctors. Don't be surprised as the hospital will charge for their supplies, use of room, equipment, and the doctors will charge separately for their services. They do that in NY state at least so don't freak if you get 2 separate bills for the same DOS. Doctors offices have uncompensated care forms as well so call their billing offices and get something set up so you don't fall behind on their bills.

As for social security, have you tried to apply for disability. I'm not talking about SSI, I'm talking about SSD. huge difference. If you've worked 10 years, you are eligible to apply. If your doctors support your application and are willing to support you, definitely start filling out the paper work, make copies, and start the process. It may take a year or two after they deny you the first time (mine was denied, then I got an attorney well versed in social security disability) but it is well worth it because the state will backpay you from the first date you were declared officially disabled. That is where the lawyer's fee is taken from.

hope this helps. Definitely talk to the business office manager at the hospital as soon as you can to get the UCC form filled out. Take ALL of your W2 tax information for the dates of service you can't pay in full and that way it will be easier to determine if you will be responsible or not for your past bills.

good luck. ~Gutless Wonderwoman
Hey GW, would you please make a Wiki article with your billing knowledge:) Please!!!!
Ok this is what I had to do. Whenever you go to the ER they CAN NOT refuse treatment, though you may want to go to a different hospital since they don't seem to know how to treat you at that one. When you go and they ask for your insurance if you don't have insuranceand are low income you can ask if you can get help paying the bill through some sort of fund. If they determin you are low enough income they'll pay some up to all of the bill.

For the bills you already have, I had to file bankruptcy more because my ex ran up credit card bills under my name but it also wiped out my medical bills. After that I got insurance and now things are ok but there for awhile I was unsure what to do
DexKy, first, you made me blush :redface: with your very nice compliment. thank you. And to answer your question, yes I will post my billing information as requested but please give me some time.

I'm still dealing with an open wound on my belly and renovations here at home. Such a HUGE undertaking on top of the daily chores. Coming here is my only relaxation. :)

Have an awesome and pain free 4th!!! ~Gutless Wonder Woman

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