I learned something new today.

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Crohn's 35

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Oct 3, 2009
I know I haven't been around much but have been busy and will get busier with meetings and such. I learned that it is NOT true that surgery is regarded as a last resort and it is true not to use Imodium. Death is extremely rare and we are not responsible in our diets and stress. Here is the link...


Will get more info after next week. It is a good read for newbies and family members! :)
Nice read! I've never had a problem with eating anything, but I do find that stress makes things much worse (but I think that's true of anyone, whether they have Crohn's or not). And I totally agree about the positive attitude thing! It definitely helps not only myself, but those around me :)
Jettalady said:
... and it is true not to use Imodium...

Jettalady, thank you for posting this article. I didn't know not to use anti-D during a flare and will change my habits until I talk to my doctor about other options.
Stress is the main cause of intestinal lining damage. The intestine is the organ that more blood need when is resting to replace the cellular lining. The cells of the lining replace every 16 to 20 hours. When you have chronic stress or stored stress, the blood flow that the intestines need is directed away from the digestive organs to prepere the body to fight or flee the "stress". Over time, this process can become not just an ocasional reflex but "chronic" the body is always , to some extent, in overdrive. So, with this longterm situation, the intestines are not supplied with the flow of nutrients needed to replace cells properly. This is what cause irritation, IBD, leaky gut, lack off friendly flora, etc. This is something real and very well documented in the medical literature. This demostrates clearly why in a period of severe stress the disease flare up. The good thing about this is stored stress can be eliminated using skilled relaxation technics in around 6 months. You need to release layer after layer of habitual bracing and begin to remember our state of homeostasis.
I hope this help,
Hey Penny!

Thanks, some good stuff there, I've never used Imodium, always thought it was a bit dodgy!
I love the Serenity Prayer, I have it hung up in our bathroom, it's also one of the affirmations at AA meetings!

Thanks Pen that was a really good read and very interesting as most of what was said is how I have tackled this disease and come into remission. Glad to see what Im doing is on the right path! :)
Thank you all for replying. I rarely do links to studies. The CCFC is the foundation and a non profit organization that is fighting for us.

Stress is a culprit, and we all know by now what foods are our own triggers whether we choose to believe that or not.

I rarely use Imodium and even after 2 surgeries I dont have alot of d. But sometimes I do but a rarely. I used salt binders and now nothing.

With some sites you have to follow the money trail and who their sponsers are, and there is always one. This is a good site and the CCFA for information. :)
Wow, thanks Jettalady! My doc actually has me taken 4-6 lomotil a day so that is pretty interesting to find out! Seems to not ever do any good though. Also, as far as a positive attitude it certainly helps me. If for some reason I am down in the dumps my diahrrea is a lot worse!!!

I hear ya, funny part is the Crohns logo is on the packaging of Imodium. Obviously a sponser. We need what we can get, but not all otc medicines are good. Always tell your doctor, what you are on natural or not. Ask your doctor about Cholestyramine (salt binders) it is a safer choice.
Thanks for the article. I try to live by this line myself:

YOU are not your disease. IBD is a part of your life, but YOU are not your diagnosis. You are so much more than that.

For anyone that is not already a member of CCFA, I recommend joining. I already went to one education day they held in Philly and learn a lot.

- Amy
Thanks for this Jettalady. Some good advice there. I know that stress plays a big part in my flares.
Good read. And I agree, surgery should not be considered a 'last resort' as I was lead to believe for years. If I had had surgery 2+ years ago, not only would I had felt 10x better, but I may have avoided getting cancer of the small bowel which started in a part of my bowel that suffered many many years of chronic inflammation and scarring.

When I had surgery 1.5 years ago for that tumor, they removed extra bad bowel from Crohn's and I felt 10x better than I had in years, ate like a pig and gained weight...like 2-3lbs a week!

My advice...if you have had Crohn's for many years, suffer from strictures, which results in a hard time keeping those calories up, have at least yearly flareups, suffer from cramps and pain, you should sit down with your doctor and seriously talk surgery.
I agree Brad. Lets say you have about 6 inches of intestine affected and you wait and wait and then you have take out more because more got infected , which if you had surgery you might have avoid more Ileum removal which absorbs nutrients. My Gi says "it is the last resort" too but I thought about it last year and now on Metho and so far it aint working. Nothing left so we shall see on my next Gi visit coming up.

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