I need some answers please

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Nov 19, 2012
Hello to all, I am new here and I have Crohn disease since I was 13 and now I am 41 , it is been 28 years that I was not feeling nothing and now suddenly it start again or at least this what I feel.
I just need some answers for my little research about this disease.
1-your blood type
2-the age you discover it
3-if at the age you discover it you was in a trip or outside your native environement.( from a month to 1 year )
4-if there is any kind of food or sport excercise that you feel was a reason to start up this didease or to re have it.

Thanks in advance.

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1 Not sure, O or A + maybe.
2 Very early 20s
3 8 weeks into college out of town, first semester
4 I had bought cheap steak, a week before real problems started, which was from the UK--shipped all the way to the MidWest. I did swim for years when I was young, from age 3-9. I always thought chlorine could have been a factor.

Personally, I believe it's a combination of environmental/emotional/genetic factors. The predominant ones I encounter are: infections requiring multiple antibiotics when young, crappy sugary/trans fatty/GMO and refined carb diet etc., periodic smoking as a teen, stress from taking on an overload of school/work, questionable meat/milk...
2. Always had symptoms since a little kid
3. Diagnosed at 18 just after moving into the dorms at college
4. Don't think so, but worst things for me always have been; hamburger, steak, or anything fatty.

Digestive Disorders seem to run in my family. I was first diagnosed with UC and have been told that one of my cousins also has UC even though I now have been diagnosed with crohn's.
1-Will get back to you on this one.
3-No trip but see #4.
4-Yes, I started training for a triathlon. This involved swimming in a small lake, infested with God knows what, sometimes twice a week over the summer. That is the only thing I changed in my life that year. I started working out and getting back into shape.

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