I need to know someone cares

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 18, 2009
I'm not feeling well. I jsut need to know someone cares. I am quite certain I know wht it is... my GP doesn't trust that I know what I am talkign about and is treating me for somethign else. I am switching to a new clinic and pray they will lsiten to me. Thanks for listneing.
Hey fromthegut,
I hope that you have success at the new clinic. It sure has been hard for me to access good health care. i find that it is especially hard when I am not feeling very well. Good for you for making the change in the hopes of helping yourself. Let us know how your appointment goes because we do care.
Awww hon. :(
People care. This forum has been amazing for me in the last few weeks. They care. Even if we're millions of miles apart
I am newer to this forum as well, but not new to the ole health care battle and struggles.
There are so many people out there that care and are here to support you. Finding a good doc that will advocate for you is key...if your current one doesn't, move on.
Hang in there!
Hi there, sorry you are going through the Canadian nightmare system of finding the right doctor for you. Trust me, not all are created equal and you need to find someone that has compassion and understands fully what you are going through. There is lack of information and awareness of this disease and through time to time we all are in need of support. Who is your support system? What location in Canada are you in. Hopefully someone in your area is on the forum and can direct you a second opinion doctor and get the help you need. I know there is a long waiting period for doctors and Gi's here but the squeaky wheel gets the oi. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
Hello, we are listening. You are not alone in this. I have felt those times of no one gets it. Mostly family and friends tho, not the doctors, believe it or not. I have found that I am my own best supporter when it comes to my health. You might get the referral you need from the weirdest place, try walk-ins, er, other clinics, friends doctors. I had just moved when I got really sick and my daughter told her dr that she was afraid I would die on her couch so he took me in. And even weirder...the GI Specialist just happened to be in the hospital when I had a CT scan and took me on the spot. Yes, chrome plated horse shoes up the yingyang. (Trust in the process of life, all you need is always taken care of. You are safe.-Louise Hay)
Hi romthegut. Frustrating,isn't it? You know exactly how you feel, you can tell them the name of the condition and even prescribe treatment for it, but they just won't listen. I sacked one of my GPs for doing that. Take care of yourself.
I don't know where you are in Canada, but it seems such a common theme here to have a difficult time being heard by health practioners. If I had known in 2000 what I know now...

I am in Ottawa and have a good GI. He's got his own "style" and not everyone likes him, but he and I have good dialogue and he hears me. If you are anywhere close, I would happily give you his name.

I lurked for a long time here and took comfort in knowing that I was not alone. I also sent many prayers and good thoughts to those here struggling, and know that the same is true for you. Many people lifting you up and sending you warm love and best wishes - some may not ever post but I can tell you that we're out here, rooting you on towards better health and a treatment that works for you.

I hope you are feeling better. Some one is always around here. There are lots of someone's that care here for you.
I've been there. It's nice to know that there are so many friends here at the forum to offer moral support. I am hoping that you feel better soon.

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