I need to lose weight...

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Jan 18, 2010
Hey there
So I know this isn't a common topic on here and that most often people are trying to gain there weight back but I seem to have the opposite problem.

I'm not "overweight" per se but I have gained about 30 pounds over my "good weight" of 125 and it is bugging me. Even my GI made a face last week and said "Ummm what is up with your weight?" ...thanks Doc.

So I was just wondering, what do my fellow people with CD do to take OFF some pounds?? Of course my girlfriends without the disease are just like "swap out a meal for a salad"... easier said than done ladies!

I am a fairly active person with a minimum of a 1 hour walk each day (to and from work) and I eat pretty healthy as well but the weight seems to be stuck on my like glue.

The weight gain started a few years ago when I went on Remicade... and correlation?

Never gained weight on Remicade. When I have blown up in the past from Prednisone I have just counted calories and exercised. I really find it is the only thing that has ever worked for me.
I have been gaining about 10 lbs/mo since surgery. I have not passed the generally suggested weight for my height/sex as of yet but I am working out on a home gym to try and direct that weight toward healthy tissues. I also go for walks to keep the little muscles in the feet and legs up to par. I find I am getting flabby though for the first time ever and I will eat all day long if I let myself. Maybe for the first time in a long time I am getting more nourishment out the food I eat?

But if you are out and actively being physical than maybe your personal happy weight is just a bit more than the socially perceived ideal. We all know that skinny is not as healthy as people make it out to be :)
I think my problem is partially Gingerale... I drink at least 2 a day. It soothes my tummy.
Ashley said:
I think my problem is partially Gingerale... I drink at least 2 a day. It soothes my tummy.

I have a rule recently that if I drink a glass of Dr Pepper, then I have to follow it by drinking equal amounts of water. I have no idea if it does anything, but it makes me feel better about it, LOL.
Ashley, I love gingerale too.....There are some diet brands out there...Vernos is one manufacturer....I find it at Alberstson's. I have extra pred. weight that I am trying to shed as well.....I swear the wt. gain from steroids is the hardest to lose.
Good luck, you are not alone.
I have considered drinking diet but I am really against consuming artificial sweetener and to be honest, I really can't stand the taste. I'm thinking I may just have to cut my gingerale consumption waaaayyy back.
I gave up wine about a month ago with no effect.
vshirey317 said:
I have a rule recently that if I drink a glass of Dr Pepper, then I have to follow it by drinking equal amounts of water. I have no idea if it does anything, but it makes me feel better about it, LOL.
I think that is a great rule!
I finally gave in and started drinking water like a fish. My sigO, her mom and homecare nurse all banded together to get me drinking a couple of L of plain old water every day. Now I that I see how much it has helped I keep it up. It amazes me when I look back at how much better a bag or two of IV fluids made me feel when I was at my worst. Dehydration is a real issue with this thing.
The fact that I just ate a giant peanut butter cookie probably isn't helpful either...
Ashley said:
I think my problem is partially Gingerale... I drink at least 2 a day. It soothes my tummy.

What about making a tea with ginger to soothe your tummy instead?
They make Gingerale with Green Tea now too. It is very tasty. I drink my weight in unsweetened iced green tea every day.
Adding water does help, from my understanding if you are constantly dehydrated your body will retain all th water it can, adding weight and bloating.

Although there is a lot of sugar in the gingerale, it probably isnt the only culprit. Its hard to say what to do without knowing exactly how you eat and excercise. But to make it as simpe as possible, less calories in and more calories out = weight loss.
Now there are a million different variables, so this isnt fool proof, but is the basis.
I talked to my other doctor and he seems to think it is another med that I am on and said "don't worry about it, it's not that much weight"
Thanks doc, thanks.
Hi Ashley, my diet has been up and down more than a toilet seat lol. I have learned not to keep sweets in the house. My hubby doesnt like them and my daughter is in University, so no excuses for me. I just cut everything in half, and I dont deprive my self, although lately I have been, trying to stay away from sugar.

My very first Gi told me a Crohnie must have some weight reserve, especially if you are in a flare in and out. I was going crazy cause I lost 40 lbs in two months and when I got meds I was working out and watching my diet cause I had so much energy... The Gi said go easy , keeping a minimum of 10lbs or more is essential because if you are at your ideal weight and then you go into a major flare, you will be in worse trouble. They dont like to operate or give you too much meds because your body cant handle it and never mind what it does to your heart. Try not to worry about gaining a few more pounds, light exercising or walking helps keep you toned when you are in a flare.

Your Gi is right, listen to him /her.
So puttin weight on is normal?

I kept getting told with cd I'd become a rake
but I've gone the complete other way

prob doesn't help that after goin too check the mail I gotta hav a nap cos I'm stuffed
I've got absolutly no get up an go ATM
I've put weight on too but I feel I need it at the moment after feeling so weak from being ill for so long I am not in the mood to diet. Everyone including me will just have to get used to the new slightly rounder me. :)
Putting on weight is normal, and for the most part whether you do or don't the most important thing is too get your Crohns under control and worry about your weight later.

Good attitude Miss Rose... as long as you are feeling good, who cares. I have had crohns too long and figured out how to keep the weight off, now I have to get it off but slowly. Sensible eating rules over worrying about your weight. I took off 20 lbs but did it very slowly, in about 4 months, now I want to lose about another 20ish or more... I gotta kick my husband's butt in golf...he is getting too good now lol.