I no longer drive because of crohn's

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Apr 8, 2010
Let me elaborate. At the end of April I was driving during a bad flare up, and I got a blinding pain in my upper large intestine that caused me to lose track of the road. The road I was on had some construction and when the pain hit I swerved off the road onto a mound of gravel that caused a crack in the engine block. Luckily there was no one else on the road, so the damage was only to my own car. Well now the car is totaled since it would have cost more to fix than it was worth. To make things even worst I was put in the hospital a week and a half later.

Has anyone else had to give up driving because of CD?
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Not CD but I did have to give up driving because of what my doctor tried calling a panic attack (not sure it was though). Got really dizzy/almost passed out and had to swerve off the road. Luckily no one was there or a parked car and the car and I were fine. The car wasn't totaled but I guess my nerves were cause I was too scared to drive after that for many months. I still have problems driving (this was 2 years ago). I'll be seeing doctors soon to try and get a better diagnosis than panic attacks. It may be my blood sugar or thyroid etc.

I'm sorry you lost your car and had to go to the hospital because of sudden pain. This disease is so unpredictable (something to keep in mind when you're applying for SSI as I see you are in your sig).
Yea Ethan, it was one of my few pleasures, especially since public transportation sucks where I live. And here I am hoping to one day own a DeLorean.
In my husband's hometown (a little bitty tiny town), there is one pizza place, and the guy who owns the pizza place used to have a DeLorean. He'd sometimes use it to deliver pizzas in - so cool! He sold it a few years ago. We looked at it, but it was way out of our price range (he was asking $17k for it). Still, it was a really cool car. Looked just like Doc Brown's.

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