Hi everyone. I've posted so much in the past few days that I guess I should properly introduce myself even though I doubt my story is really that interesting.
I am a 40 year old woman in Oregon who has Crohn's disease. It took three different doctors telling me that before I believed it for good. I'm slow that way. Or stubborn. You decide. I have also been diagnosed with Celiac.
All my life I've had stomach aches but it didn't come to a head until I was 24 and about to get married. Apparently getting married, taking 12 graduate credits, looking for a new job, moving, and spending a week in Texas for training all in one summer is stressful. Who knew? Anyway, I developed Erethyma Nodosum (aka painful, swollen bumps) on my legs that summer. It was freaky because the same thing happened to my mom right before she got married.
For the next two years I had all the usual suspects--pain, diarrhea, gas (gotta love when a girl can clear a room faster than her husband), etc. but no blood. Told me I had IBS and it should fade. It didn't.
In 1998 I was diagnosed for the first time after a hospitalization and colonoscopy.
In 2001 sent to a GI for first time and told not to get pregnant. Too late. Had daughter in 2001 and son in 2003. (Once we figured out how to get pregnant, we got really good at it. )
By 2005 I was a wreck and put on Remicade because nothing else was working.
By 2007 I was pissed because I wasn't any better. So I went to a naturopath who checked for food intolerances. Gave up gluten, egg, dairy, and was diagnosed with Celiac by my General Doc. Stopped taking my meds because Remicade SUCKS. Felt better than I had in years. Believed my Crohn's had been misdiagnosed. In actuality, it was probably in remission and I didn't know. Maybe.
2009 second colonoscopy. Told again I probably have Crohn's still but refuse to believe it. Try Asacol and it doesn't help. Stop taking it.
2010 End up in the hospital with my first abscess. (And a month later my 2nd and 3rd). Third doctor tells me I have Crohn's. We argue. He wins. (I hate when that happens but I really love this doc.)
Currently on Humira (with my very own sharps container and specialty pharmacy), Pentasa (which is making me CRAZY), and various vitamins, blah blah blah.
So there it is. If you made it through all of this, good for you. You have a larger attention span than I do. Clearly I try to keep a sense of humor in all of this. The reality is I have a lot of days where I'm in pain. No real serious damage (Thank God), but lots of pain. It sucks to not be able to always be there for my kids in the way I would like but they are learning other important lessons when I'm sick. My Crohn's is in my small intestine near the illeum (hence never seeing blood). I've shown you mine. Wanna show me yours?
All jokes aside, this place is the most positive forum I have seen so far. I'm happy to have found you all.
I am a 40 year old woman in Oregon who has Crohn's disease. It took three different doctors telling me that before I believed it for good. I'm slow that way. Or stubborn. You decide. I have also been diagnosed with Celiac.
All my life I've had stomach aches but it didn't come to a head until I was 24 and about to get married. Apparently getting married, taking 12 graduate credits, looking for a new job, moving, and spending a week in Texas for training all in one summer is stressful. Who knew? Anyway, I developed Erethyma Nodosum (aka painful, swollen bumps) on my legs that summer. It was freaky because the same thing happened to my mom right before she got married.
For the next two years I had all the usual suspects--pain, diarrhea, gas (gotta love when a girl can clear a room faster than her husband), etc. but no blood. Told me I had IBS and it should fade. It didn't.
In 1998 I was diagnosed for the first time after a hospitalization and colonoscopy.
In 2001 sent to a GI for first time and told not to get pregnant. Too late. Had daughter in 2001 and son in 2003. (Once we figured out how to get pregnant, we got really good at it. )
By 2005 I was a wreck and put on Remicade because nothing else was working.
By 2007 I was pissed because I wasn't any better. So I went to a naturopath who checked for food intolerances. Gave up gluten, egg, dairy, and was diagnosed with Celiac by my General Doc. Stopped taking my meds because Remicade SUCKS. Felt better than I had in years. Believed my Crohn's had been misdiagnosed. In actuality, it was probably in remission and I didn't know. Maybe.
2009 second colonoscopy. Told again I probably have Crohn's still but refuse to believe it. Try Asacol and it doesn't help. Stop taking it.
2010 End up in the hospital with my first abscess. (And a month later my 2nd and 3rd). Third doctor tells me I have Crohn's. We argue. He wins. (I hate when that happens but I really love this doc.)
Currently on Humira (with my very own sharps container and specialty pharmacy), Pentasa (which is making me CRAZY), and various vitamins, blah blah blah.
So there it is. If you made it through all of this, good for you. You have a larger attention span than I do. Clearly I try to keep a sense of humor in all of this. The reality is I have a lot of days where I'm in pain. No real serious damage (Thank God), but lots of pain. It sucks to not be able to always be there for my kids in the way I would like but they are learning other important lessons when I'm sick. My Crohn's is in my small intestine near the illeum (hence never seeing blood). I've shown you mine. Wanna show me yours?
All jokes aside, this place is the most positive forum I have seen so far. I'm happy to have found you all.