I Smell ALL of the flowers now......

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Aug 9, 2012
So, there I was.......16 years in the Navy with thousand of miles clocked in the air, on the land, and on the open ocean. The places I've been, the things I've seen, and the things I missed at home. All for the love of it! And then........the excruciating pain hit me. Eating a cracker made me vomit. I drove myself to the ER (stupid, bratty, too independent to ask for help mistake #1 of a million), and stayed a week on enough steroids to feed an entire Olympic team and enough immunosuppressants to make my body a walking sickness catcher. Then the doctor comes for a visit--he says, "We have to do a colonoscopy to be sure, but it walks like a duck, smells like a duck, and quacks like a duck. Crohn's". Queue the scratching record sound now.......YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! This sucks! And I know in my belly (no pun intended) that the looming diagnosis is only one stupid bowel prep from being set in stone because my mother has it as well.

So, the Navy doesn't take kindly to Crohn's and it's chronicness. I am fighting for the right to stay in the Navy now despite the disease. I am rolling along fine after a course of prednisone and metrodinazole, then onto the Entocort and the Azathioprine. Lifting weights daily, Navy PT twice a week, and roller derby practice twice a week as well. Poof......another bellyache. I remember the doctor has told me that I need to come in early and head it off at the pass. Ugh.....apparently I STILL didn't go early enough. 2 weeks ago I went in, immediately admitted, and 3 days later saying sayonara to 8" of my small intestine and my appendix. I am slightly disturbed by the surgeon's note regarding "abnormal stomach, duodenum, and small bowel" as well as "fat wrapping". Surgeon did what I needed him to do, but he certainly was a man of very few words as far as what it all meant.

I am still home on convalescent leave (I only asked for 2 weeks because I knew I would be crawling the walls) and will visit my Navy GI doctor tomorrow who ultimately sets the tone for my future in the service with this disease. I am not sure what he will say or what he will prescribe (I am not on anything while the surgery heals). The surgery was great and the surgeon did me a favor by suturing inside and gluing the outside, taking in to account that I live in Florida and bikini season is 9 months long! Haha......

My current symptoms are lightheaded after eating, no appetite, sleepiness, and small, painful sores on my lower arms. Any of this familiar to any of you? Advice? What meds did you get put on? I believe the civilian GI doc would like me to start Humira. Should I also ask for B12? How about the arm sores?

Advice, humor, references, or shared stories are all more than welcome. I am overall very positive and, in a sick way, thankful that I was forced to slow down and reflect. But that's another completely different story!
Hello and welcome,
I wish I had some answers for you, but I never had surgery for my crohn's. I went on SCD diet and probiotic multienzyme formula with every meal. It has helped me out so much. I hope and pray others will read your story soon and be able to help you out.I've gotten sores on my belly and weird skin pimples and eventually they did go away, I believe it was from crohn's. It can cause alot of weird problems. Hope you have all positive results now!!! Teresa PS.
I take B12 everyday and omega 3's (FISH OIL) is no.1 most importanat and also Vit D3 a must for all crohn's sufferers. Any Dr. will tell you that. Also alot of people take folic acid. Hope this helps and God bless you for serving!
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I'm really sorry about the course of your disease!but love your positive attitude and definitely a sense of humor helps!ive had sever resections and have done many things for my crohns including alternative therapies and diet changes.i was diagnosed while in the peace corps in Africa and had lived in India right before that so I also get that love of travel!
What would I suggest?first of all, that you are so active is fantastic!i have found in the past few years that I have muscle wasting because of being sick and weak from not being able to eat or absorb what I do eat well.
So here's some ideas for you: yes!get your b12 levels checked and if low get an injection on schedule as prescribed.related to b12,have your ferritin level checked to seevwhatvyour iron is.i am chronically andmic and have iron infusions every 3-4 months which are great!i find a high protein diet helps me heal post op and especially during flares or feeling badly. I'm now learning that when I'm laid up and feeling poorly, doing simple things that makeme happy very day lifts my mood.
And yes..I have constantly had to remind myself of my 'new' normal. I was athletic, traveling all over the place, and working more than 40 hours a week prior to being slammed. I tried to work for two years but found eventually I had to stop. That was ten years ago.. But I am looking to finally return to work and wanting to go to graduate school soon.
The course of my illness has set me back..but I have gained so much in the process. What I did for a living used to be who I was. I learned that I am more than a nurse. This may sound weird but the illness has given me much..I just had to laugh at myself because the first thing I thought was.. Yeah, like a sore butt and an obsession of looking at all my weird poop!LOL!
Sounds like you are strong and I hope you have good support!you do here! I love this forum..it's been a life saver and my friends are probably thankful that I'm not tying to discuss all my crohns related stuff😜they love me but they don't understand.
Take care and smell them flowers!
Hi KMC and welcome :)

Man, I hope they let you stay in so you can at least get your 20! That must be so frustrating. :(

As others mentioned, you'll want to get your vitamin B12 levels tested as well as vitamin D and folate. With your surgery I'd request magnesium as well.

When you say sores on your arms, where exactly and can you provide more detail about them? What did your doctor think about the sores?

Again, welcome to the community!

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