I think my Imuran has stopped working. Has this happened to anyone else?

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Aug 27, 2012

I am 27 years old and I was diagnosed with Crohn’s when I was 19. I was in the hospital for several months after first being diagnosed. I have been on Steroids (which I hate), Methotrexate, Asacol, and of course Imuran. I have been on the Imuran for over two years and I had a pretty bad flare in the beginning of this year. I am on 100mg daily and am no longer on the steroids. I noticed that as I started weaning myself off the steroids that some of my symptoms started coming back, but I thought nothing of it, until I started seeing blood again. I went to my GI and he thinks that Imuran is a great drug and that maybe my dose isn't strong enough. So, while I wait for blood tests to come back I am just getting sicker. I am thinking that the Imuran is no longer working. Has anyone experienced that? I am really getting worried and I am not sure what to do. Should I go back on the steroids? Should I demand that he puts me on something else?

Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
Might be that the Imuran dose needs to be increased or the steroids need to be continued or both. I have not experienced this with the Imuran but have had the issue wih symptoms cropping back up when I was tapering (when I was first diagnosed 22 years ago).
I had a similar issue with some of the symptoms coming back but it was minor things and mostly dietry related, but was then fine for three years till I had a massive flare up that required surgery. It may be you require a larger dose, your GI will know best! :-D try not to worry, I find my pain levels increase if I worry or get upset.
Yeah. I was diagnosed with Crohns when i was 13. I was put on Azathioprine together with Pentasa and it worked for me well. I was taken off the pentasa about 18 months ago and still suffered no symptoms. This year, in March, i had my first ever flare up. I was immediately put on a 9 week course of Pred but as i got down to 10mg-5mg a day i started flaring up again. So after about 2 weeks of them investigating whether i had infections or whatever ( i told them i hadn't), and some of these doctors think you just sit at home doing nothing, well reality is i had to continue to Nurse during my crohns flare up. Well finally, the results came back and hardly a surprise, i had no infection but had flared up again. Put back on another 6 week course of Pred which was later lowered to 4 weeks. I was also put back on Pentasa, two sachets a day. They couldn't up the Azathioprine because it was the therapeutic amount for my body. 150mg i'm on. So fearful i was going to flare as the Pred stopped again but i didn't. I've been off the Steroids now for almost 2 months and am okay at the moment. Started to have this weird thing that when i'm eating i feel full straight away but no diahrea or anything so its alright at the moment.

They think my flare up was caused by a Viral infection i had. Around the same time as my flare i was at university and felt awful. Couldn't breath well, dizzy, felt sick, temperature and i had to leave Uni for the day and spend it in bed. That's where my flare up started. Hopefully this remission lasts for a while again now but it can happen where Aza feels like its stopped working and then starts again.

All the best.
I have been on Aza for almost 2 years now. My GI explained to me that Aza can take MONTHS to start working, which is why many docs put you on a prednisone (or other steroid) taper in the beginning weeks of being on it. Aza has been linked with certain cancers (mainly leukemia) which is why you get routine blood counts. I am on 150mg daily, but that is a pretty conservative dose. Many people can tolerate higher doses, although it's usually 100-150mg that is prescribed to start. You should talk to your doctor about supplementing with prednisone during your flares. I am going through the same thing right now with Aza. I think it stopped working, but I might just need to increase the dose.

Good luck!
I was on imuran (1 1/2 tab a day 75mg) and colazal (3x3 a day) since I was diagnosed at 13. I was fine for a good 10+ years, just turned 26 and the last 2 years have been rough. I haven't had any flares that have put me in the hospital but I've had a lot of issues. Recently my doctor doubled my dosage for imuran, has me on canasa which I hate with a passion (been on for a year) and has me take metamucil. I still haven't improved to where I was before. I always feel like I'm around 75%.

He mentioned when talking about my imuran that since I am older now and heavier than when I was 13, the dosage should be increased. Ask your doctor, mine had said I could be taking 200mg a day but he wanted to just go with 150mg. I am usually around 185 but have lost 13 lbs recently since I've been having a lot of joint, and muscle pain/soreness on top of fatigue which hasn't allowed me to exercise.

Hope things work out better for you.