I would dearly love some support

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Jul 26, 2012
Hi everyone

I'm feeling so incredibly down at the moment and just felt I needed to reach out to this wonderful community to help me see if there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

5 weeks ago I had a right hemicolectomy for a fibrotic obstruction in my terminal ileum. Whilst the surgery itself went well, I had terrible fevers for days afterwards. Turns out I had an infection in one of the wound sites. Ok- I dealt with that after being loaded with antibiotics. I finally get out of hospital 8 days post op, and a week later I started to get bad upper epigastric pain. I see my surgeon about it, he puts me back in hospital and yet the X-rays show nothing. I'm released the next day and for a week I get the pain intermittently.

It gets to a point though where I suffered pain for 24 hours straight and I am at my wits end. So off to emergency I go and I'm admitted back into hospital for another few days. I got X-rays, ultrasounds, bloods, urines done but nothing is showing up. My surgeon then suggests I have an endoscopy done with my gastroenterologist. Initially, she refuses- says she sees no need to do one. 2 days later, I'm in so much pain my partner rings my Gastro and begs for her to do the scope. She is reluctant and is very gruff with my partner- finally she said "bring her in tomorrow".

So there I am, back in hospital waiting to be scoped. I'm exhausted from not eating for 5 weeks, I'm emotional as I was sick and tired of feeling so ill and my Gastro comes in, gives me a very condescending look and says "I don't want to do this but I will and I expect to find nothing". At this point, I just cry. She tries to tell me that I'm clearly anxious and depressed and that's what's causing the pain- she will prescribe me anti-depressants and that will be that. I feel totally ashamed and started questioning mental state. Am I just making this all up in my head? She made me feel so small and stupid.

So after the scope she says "see, I told you I wouldn't find anything. Here are some names of some counsellors". I went away from that feeling the lowest I had ever felt. That was last week and yet the pain continued.

This week, on Tuesday, the pain is so bad I ring my GP and just say to her I am in so much pain and the meds I'm on aren't doing anything for it. My Gastro thinks its all in my head but this pain is real. My GP says to me "I'm glad you called, you're not going crazy. I just got the biopsy results back from your scope and you have chronic gastritis and acute duedonitis. You need to start steroids ASAP."

Of course, I burst into tears upon hearing this: tears of relief that it wasn't in my head bit tears of anger at my Gastro for making me feel so stupid.

And so now I'm back on prednisone again (I have only had 4 prednisone feee weeks this year) and I feel like I'm now in a full blown flare as the big D started yesterday.

I feel so fed up. I hear about people's success after surgery and get so disappointed that my recovery has been so difficult. I feel like the best years of my life are behind me and my future will be fraught with constant battles. And I fear that I'm well and truly prednisone dependant now and it reduces me to tears.

I truly am sorry to be such a downer. I guess 5 weeks of constant pain, not eating and limited activity has driven me crazy. I'm worried, I'm disappointed, I'm fed up- I'm every emotion you can think of. I would dearly love any support anyone is willing to give. Can someone tell me this will all get better?! Is there light at the end of the tunnel??
I am so sorry to hear what you are going through, I can understand how you feel, I am going through a similar situation just not with Crohn's.
The good thing is, you know what the pain is from and now you can work on correcting it. Has your GI ever let you down like that before? Would it be unreasonable to switch? I would atleast demand an apology from her, what she did was unacceptable, even if she was right and there was nothing wrong that she could find doing the scope, she should of never told you it was in your head, especially with the amount of pain you were claiming to be in.
You are never a "downer" on this website, thats what we are all here for, to offer support to those who need it. We have all had our moments on here where we felt like our world was ending and we just needed support or to know that someone with an unbiased opinion was listening.
Now, you said that she gave you a list of counselors, it wouldn't hurt to give one of them a try. You have a lot on your plate, its ok to need help. Therapy is a great way to get stuff out. Yes, you can use this site to vent and talk about what you are going through, but we are nothing but a computer screen (a very helpful one at that :p) talking to a live person might really benefit you and help you find peace for what you are going through
I hope this helps :)
So sorry you've had to deal with that. :(

Like afidz said, you're not being a downer at all. That's what the forum is here for - reaching out and getting support. :hug:

I think you should find another GI. The way she treated you is 100% unprofessional and unacceptable. You deserve much better care than that. Imagine, if your partner hadn't pushed your GI into doing the scope, you wouldn't have answers - or a light at the end of the tunnel. You deserve a GI who wants to help you feel better, and who doesn't treat you like you know nothing about your own body.

Has your GP mentioned any treatment beyond the steroids? I really hope the Pred helps and you can get feeling better soon.

I agree with afidz about the counselor, too. It might not hurt to give it a try - just not for the reasons your GI suggested. You're going through a lot, and talking to someone might help you feel better about it.

Wishing you the best! :hug:
MelB, I am so sorry you are going through all this. I agree with the other posters that you might want to consider going to a different GI doctor. Not only has she been insensitive to your pain, a different GI doctor might be able to give you different Crohn's medications than prednisone. Have you ever tried a biologic medication, like Remicade or Humira?
I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. I know very much how you feel and am only now pulling myself out from feeling horribly low. Reading your post, i felt like i could have written it only a few weeks ago. After going back and forth with mis-diagnosises, tests being read wrong and very condescending Drs for three long months eventually leading to me being in hospital. i know how tough it is. When your Dr makes you feel like your making a fuss or bing dramatic it can really effect your confidence in your body and what you think you know.
I found being so mal nourished for such a long time, being tired, in constant pain and feeling like you are battling to get any one to take you seriously, on top of being so un well it is no real surprise that i got so low. Your body and mind has been through hell, i think its easy to dismiss or under play what going through something like this is like and i dont know about you but i found the whole thing quite traumatic really.

But things will get better.
I am now 3 weeks on steroids and out of hospital and my mood is starting o lift as I'm slowly getting my old life back. When you start being able to do normal things, and live your life again you really o feel better. I also decided to see an anxiety therapist/counsellor to help deal with how low and anxious I felt, and with help with dealing with having crohns and especially this quite traumatic flare up has effected me. IV found it incredibly helpful just being able to talk out my anger at the Drs and frustrations with the illness as well as learning new ways to just be able to relax and deal with the pain.
I wish you all the best. Please do private message me if you ever want a chat or some support as I truly know how awful you are feeling and would love to help if I can.

Keep smiling :) x
I just wanted to add my support to everyone else's. One of the things this forum does so well is connect those of us who can really relate to these kinds of issues. Please don't feel like a burden. This is what we are here for.

Whether or not you find a new doctor, if you can summon up the courage to call her on her comments you wil feel better. If you don't, you will harbor negative feelings towards her that will affect the remainer of your relationship. You deserve the chance to tell her how hurtful her comments were. And frankly, even if all of your pain was psychosomatic, being treated that way you were doesn't help resolve the issue.

Take good acre of yourself. I hope you are able to get relief soon.
Hi MelB - I am so sorry that happened to you! You definately need to find another GI doc! Not only is she totally unprofessional, she is incompetent too!! You should ask her what would the outcome have been for you, if you did not insist on having the scope done!

What other meds are you on?

I want you to know that this will end. I know its been a long, hard road for you, but the sun will shine again. Please know that you emotions are nothing but totally normal. Because you respect that doctor, you doubted yourself. She does not deserve your respect at all - not a bit. Find another doctor without a doubt. I know its a pain, but it will be worth it in the long run.
Argh!!! I just wrote this lengthy reply to all of you kind enough to lend me support and I just lost it all!!! Waaaaahhh!!!

Ok I'll try again!!
Mel, I am so sorry to hear about your experience. It is hard enough to be physically ill without the emotional abuse of your medical practitioner. I agree with all of those who say you should change your gastroenterologist, who is clearly unprofessional. I am sending you a big hug and many well wishes.
Sorry about your experience with your doctor. She sounds very ignorant. I agree with the others, you need to find another Gastro doc.

I had a gastro once tell me all my problems were because I was a woman and that all women make a mountain out of a mole hill! Needless to say, he got the boot!

Sorry again that you went through that. My motto is, NEVER trust any doctor no matter what. You always have to be in control and always research things before agreeing to anything. Be your own advocate. We go to doctors for thier suggestions and advice, in the end, you are in charge. You are paying them for their service, not the other way around. You will find another gastro that you will click with dont worry.
That's just awful I am sorry you are going through this. I would get a new doctor, try to find one affiliated with a good hospital.

As for meds I took prednisone for way too long as a teenager to no avail. I have had success with 6MP, Entocort (much milder steroid with less side effects), Cipro and Flagyll for flares. There are many more good ones out there.

Never let a doctor deter you or belittle you. You are in charge they work for you.

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