Our local Health Authority has supported a plan brought about through our local NACC support group for an IBD Buddy project. This is giving new patients the chance to meet / be supported by an IBD patient to help them through their first few months of first being diagnosed with just initial emotional help/ but not to give out medical advice for up to the first three months of being diagnosed.
I have myself put myself forward to do this - as yet not met with a patient as I have to undergo some training groundrules before I do this .
When I was diagnosed at 23 I certainly could have done with this support outside my family unit. I did not have a specialist nurse to talk to.
Is anyone else doing this kind of volunteer work ? It is really being trialled for the first time with our group and it is still in its infancy.
Our local Health Authority has supported a plan brought about through our local NACC support group for an IBD Buddy project. This is giving new patients the chance to meet / be supported by an IBD patient to help them through their first few months of first being diagnosed with just initial emotional help/ but not to give out medical advice for up to the first three months of being diagnosed.
I have myself put myself forward to do this - as yet not met with a patient as I have to undergo some training groundrules before I do this .
When I was diagnosed at 23 I certainly could have done with this support outside my family unit. I did not have a specialist nurse to talk to.
Is anyone else doing this kind of volunteer work ? It is really being trialled for the first time with our group and it is still in its infancy.