IBD helped by standing up/lying down - Calprotectin count high

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Mar 28, 2016
Morning All,

Hope you may be able to help :)

36 year old male. I've had loose stools once a day since around September 2015, always in the morning. December 2015 pain started in my lower left abdomen area, about 1-2 inches to the left of my belly button. Only when sitting down for extended periods of time, such as work. Its a digging in sensation, like something pushing on my abs, some days it has a slight burning sensation to it. Belly does look slightly swollen on the left.

GP said it was a muscle strain as nothing else is in that area. Pain persisted. Seen a different GP who referred me for an ultrasound for hernia, came back clear.

Blood test came back low folate with a level of 5.4 ug/l

Stool sample came back with "Increased levels of Calprotectin 72 mg" (average adult male 25 GP said, anything over 50 mg indicates inflammation)

GP said as Calprotectin high this rules out IBS, and its IBD, either Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis, so i'm now waiting on referral to Gastroenterology.

This i'm quite worried about :(

The pain goes away as soon as I stand up and start walking about, if I lie down it goes, I can go to the gym and mountain bike without pain. Would Crohns and Ulerative Colitis as the GP suggests, go away by simply walking about and engaging the core, or once the pain starts is it there for the day/as long as the flare up lasts?

Sorry for the long first post!
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Good morning and welcome to the forum. First let me start by saying there currently is no cure for Crohns'.

What you are experiencing with pain coming and going is quite common for many people with Crohns' or Colitis. Moving around may help with symptoms as it can help move the contents in your intestines around. The length of time anyone has pin is an individual thing, some have no pain, for others it can come and go and some have almost constant pain.

It does sound like you have something going on with the lab results you posted. Hope you can get the referral to see a GI doctor soon.

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