IBD & The liver? Any connections?

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Aug 7, 2014
Is there any connections to IBD & lesions on the liver? I have gallstones and on a routine mri the noticed a lesion on my live it could be a a tumour or a cyst. Im still waiting on the results but I was wondering if there were any connections? Or if anyone has ever heard of this? X
Yes there are connections.

The health and function of the liver is connected to almost everything - even if seemingly it has no connection.

Liver disease can also be a complication of inflammatory bowel diseases

If you taking a lot of medications then your liver can become over burdened and won’t work as efficiently. Which can lead onto other health problems down the track.

But of course other factors to take into consideration here too like absorbing pollution and drinking too much alcohol and poor diet, these will contribute along with medication to poor liver health.

If you are worried just get a liver function test done.
Im a raw vegan so i have a pretty healthy diet and i dont drink but i have had a lot of medications over the past couple years. So that could explain it all. Thanks everyone for the input! Xx
I also had "lesions" on my liver that were picked up by CT scan. I then had an MRI to confirm what they were. It turned out that mine are "focal nodular hyperplasias" - it was explained to me that they're basically benign tumors (so not cancer). They're slowly growing but won't spread and of course won't kill me. At some point they may cause me symptoms (they currently don't cause any symptoms that I've noticed) and at some point they may grow too large and need to be surgically removed. But for the time being, they're not causing any trouble and I barely know they're there. I'm not sure if my liver hyperplasias are related to my IBD or not. But at any rate, hopefully yours is also something benign and not bothersome.

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